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Salina stood in the kitchen, opening the oven with a pen between her teeth as she marked important information in the file for Dominik later. He was in a meeting with Lev at the moment, the two of them sat in with 'shitbag' men according to Dominik. So, that meant she wasn't allowed to sit in on it. She didn't necessarily want to sit through that anyway.

Flipping the page as she set the apple pie down, she circled a new paragraph. Music played softly in the background as she moved around, eventually putting the papers down. She stirred the pot on top of the stove when Dominik and Lev finally walked into the kitchen. Salina had heard them but was taken aback as she turned and found Dominik already on top of her.

A kiss was smacked right on her before she could get a hello out. "Mm!" She gripped his button up to hang onto him as her knees weakened. He grinned, holding her up with an arm around her waist. She shouldn't be surprised- Dominik has been clingy. Like more clingy then she ever thought he coud be. Kisses left and right and the groping, god, his hands never freaking settled in one place. When she pulled away for air, he was smirking as he openly checked her out.

Turning to Lev who was leaning against the doorway, looking anywhere but at them, Dominik cupped Salina's face.

"Посмотри на мою красивую жену. Как мне повезло?" The older man didn't want to admit it, but the borderline obsessive glint in Dominik's eyes when he laid them on Salina was mildly concerning.

look at my pretty wife. how lucky am i?

Lev uncrossed his arms and came further into the kitchen once they were done swapping spit. "Очень повезло, уверяю вас."

very lucky, i assure you

Dominik scowled, but was distracted when his wife shoved him away. "You're up my ass, Ivanov." Her tone was playful as she glanced at him over her shoulder.

"Not very ladylike to curse, Salina," Lev grinned playfully. She'd grown to like him as he hung around more since his first introduction. She presumes Dominik hounded everyone away those first weeks of their marriage. He seemed like a big help to Dominik and his work.

"Fuck off," she quipped back right away without even looking at the older man who laughed heartily. Dominik grunted, stepping between the two and pressing his hips into Salina's back.

"You've been cooking," he observed. "And baking."

She hummed in confirmation, "I used to do this a lot when I was younger. It's nice doing it again." Everything had changed as she got older, the past few weeks she's felt at ease- despite the new environment- enough to go back to her roots. Dominik nodded as he rest his head on her shoulder to watch her strain the noodles.

"Lev you can leave," Dominik waved over his shoulder dismissively.

"You're so rude," Salina frowned. "You can stay for lunch, Lev. I made extra." But the man in question shook his head as she glanced over her shoulder at him. "No thank you, hun. The asshole is right I've got some people to see soon. I'll be back around the same time Wednesday. I'll stay then and maybe help you with that recipe I told you about?"

Salina found herself smiling and nodding quicker than she'd like to admit. He bid the two goodbye that Dominik didn't acknowledge his departure as he kissed her collar. Little bruises littered her skin and he dragged his mouth over them proudly.

"I didn't know you could cook like this," he rubbed his hands over her stomach soothingly. He'd been irritated during the meeting dealing with the logistics of making another mafia man look insane and ruining any and all credibility but it would pay off.

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