Six [6]

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"Thank you.." I muttered to the cashier the moment I got my order

I immediately turned my back and reached for the door. I even heard the cashier shout at me to stop and wait because I didn't got my change.

Well, not that I care right?

She was obviously flirting with me earlier and it pisses the hell out of me. Good thing my order arrived well soon.

I stole a quick glance towards Blaze's direction and immediately, my eyebrows became furrowed. There was a black hair dude with three white stripes in the hair who was trying to talk to her.

Yes, I'm a jealous freak. So what?

I fastened my pace and I was getting closer and closer each step but as it happens, the boy with weird hair.. He was very familiar and it seems like I saw him somewhere at DMWA.

Tsss! Whoever he is, I don't give a fuck but he crossed the line. He talked and approach Blaze, I saw it my two own eyes and it's unforgivable.


We were laughing like there's no tomorrow because of Kid's situation. Well, real friends laugh at your problems right?

Suddenly.. The other guy who is also a transferee and is Blaze's best friend  arrived. He was holding two cones of icecream and I guessed the other one was for Blaze. It was obvious that he wasn't pleased to see a guy talking to her beloved girl. But WTF? Blaze is not his to begin with! We were not doing anything bad and so was Kid!

I smiled a faked one. "Oh, I know you! You're Steel right? The hot yet handsome boy transferee?"

He smiled and I don't know if it was just an act or what but it seems believable. He can pass as an actor. "Yes, that is me and thank you for your kind compliments, it flatters me."

"Oh, no biggies!" I giggled. Uggh, I really hate being all too goody old shoes when in truth, I wanted to give him a Maka-chop

"It's getting late already and my best friend here is really hungry. We need to go home right away before the sun sets. Mind if we go home now? We would really like to hangout more with you guys but sadly we can't. How about tomorrow afternoon then?" He offered with a kind smile and again I wasn't sure if he really was sincere about it or what

We nodded enthusiastically.

"Sure, sure! Tomorrow afternoon then.. That would be cool." Soul said and shrugged

"Okay bye.." then they walked away leaving us all behind

Kid was very quiet and he seemed pissed off also. I slightly kicked his shoes which I earned a glare from him.

"Maka! What have you done?! My shoes is gonna be asymmetrical! The left one is clean while the other one is not!" He overacted

"Shut up, Kid! Let's just go home okay? I have a weird feeling about that Steele dude. There is still a tomorrow and grab that chance to make an impression with Blaze got it?!" I said full of fighting spirit

He seemed teary eyed and all with his nose red.. And was about to give off a slimy mucous! Eww. "GO TO HELL DUDE! YOU'RE SO DISGUSTING!!"

And just like that.. All of us laughed.

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