Chapter Three

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My body hurts, and I feel numb, and it's bright. Am I dead? Am I finally out of my misery? Am I free?

My eyes fluttered, open being met with bright lights. "Mmm," i let out a hurting groan. My body was still recovering from what happened. I tried to sit up with what strength I had.

I looked at my arms they were covered in new bandages from my shoulder to my nuckles. I looked down even more and saw I didn't have my rags on my body. Instead, it was replaced with bandages

My whole body was white.. I couldn't even see my skin. How bad was it?

My hands reach my head, and the base of my ears

I can hear... but... it's muffled like. My hands crawl up further, and I feel the same bandages I did on my arms. While touching my ears, the door opened and shut, but there was no one I crawled to the end of the bed to see a little old lady.

"Hello, deary," She hummed as she walked to a turny stool and hopped up on it. "How are you feeling?" She asked me as I backed up so I was at the place where I woke up

I tried to get something out, but all I was doing was moving my mouth. "....hurt...." I finally managed to get out. "Yeah, that's normal. I can give you some kisses so you'll heal better!" She hummed, getting off of her spinny thing.

'Kisses? What's is a kisses? Does she wanna hurt me?'

I backed up even more.
'I have to stay alert, so the bad heroes won't get me'

She came forward and got close to me. I tried to back up, but she stopped and looked me in the eyes "hey its not gonna hurt. I promise, " she reassured me, getting closer to my face.

I closed my eyes shut in fear of getting hurt again

I felt light, soft lips on my forehead. I opened my eyes to see her smiling at me all of a sudden, my ears felt better, and I could move my tail again. I felt my forehead and wanted the feeling again.

A wave of tiredness washed over my body, and I fought to keep my eyes open
"Gen," I said, wanting it again she giggled and smiled "no sweaty I can't do it again. You should rest," she told me, pushing me down lightly."Sweet dreams, pretty kitty. "

'Why do they keep calling me that?'

Aizawa POV

Recovery girl walked out of the rescue girls' room. "Is she okay?" I asked her, making her laugh "well she just fell back asleep due to the healing. From what I can tell, she's very curious and sweet, but she's a fragile baby shota. You better treat her well. " I nodded at her words 'nice sweet fragile treat her we-'

"Why would I be treating her well? Not like I'm gonna be seeing her again?" I knew what was about to come. The same thing happened with sinsou
Damn I need to stop helping children

"Well, she has no were to go I-I  gauss she'll just go on the streets," she said, pretending to cry "FINE, but I'm only fostering her not keeping her" she rolled her eyes funny because I said the same thing for shinsou. "So how is eri doing?" I asked her.

"It's been 5 days, and there's no signs of nightmares or any more least any long-term damage that will affect her future life."

"So are y-" I signed "yes I'll foster her too damn why do you do this to me?" I asked humorously. "Can I see her?" She nodded and started walking into eri's room. "OH, by the way, she likes forehead kisses,"

The girl I saw her long dirty red hair wrapped up in the white bandages she had them on her chest and her arms. But I could see her stomach and collar bone

She looked like she hadn't seen the sun in years. I could also see her ribs. "It looks like you're gonna have to start eating little one," I said to the sleeping neko girl and smiled a bit.

"It looks like you need a bath, too. we're gonna have to do that, too." One thing I've learned about life is that cats don't like baths..

Well, she's not all a cat, so would she like them? She is some cat, so she has to have some instinct about water, right? Oh, this hurts my brain more than it should.

I sat there looking at her she was no doubt a pretty kitty, and she was gonna be an even prettier kitty when she had a bath.

"Mmm..." her eyes started twitching open, revealing her beautiful red eyes.

"Hello?" She looked around, confused, looking around my direction when her eyes met mine. "Hello, im pro her eraserhead imm be taking you home." her eyes widen in fear at my words 

She backed up as far as she could, hitting the railing of the bed she gripped her hair, sobbing and screaming. I got up to go comfort her.

I got to the bed, and both her hands went up to try and protect herself

"Heyy hey kitty, it's okay, it's okay. Everything's fine, " I told her, trying to comfort her without touching her since she's scared.

"Bad! BAD! BAD HERO, " she yelled at me, still sobbing. I got down on one knee down to her level and looked up at her "no no no I'm a good hero, all hero are good,"
I tried comforting her, but I could tell it's not working

"LIE! MASTER SAID HEROS BAD," she yelled again,

"hey...Listen kid I don't know what your master told you, but he's wrong pro heros are good, and they save people, and they put the bad guys away so that your safe" I told her she uncoverd her face

Her eyes were puffy and red. It matched her tear stained face and her messy red hair. "You're no hurt me."

"I'm not gonna hurt you pretty kitty,"

•Broken Kitty• Aizawa x CHILD! Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now