Chapter Eighteen

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??? POV

it's been a month since 110649 got taken away from us she's the key to our plan. No cat. There is no plan, so we need to get her back. "Do yall have the girl?" I asked the two men they Neal before me. "No, sir." He said. "Shigaraki, we need more time...."

Shigaraki POV

I took my glove off and placed my hand against my head. "I gave y'all four weeks..." I told them, sticking up the number four. They cower in fear as they try to run away. I simply placed my hand on their faces they disintegrated into dust partials and blood.

"Fine... you want the job done. You have to do it yourself." I walked out of the room walking to the bar.
"Kerogiri, give me information on the cat girl." He opened a drawer and handed me a Manila file with he picture on it.

I walked away going into my room, putting the file back on my desk it had her picture in it. I picked up her picture, examining it. The picture was of her before she got her cat ears.

"It's so ugly you could almost feel sorry for it," (Do y'all know what line that is from?)
"Ohhh, poor things gonna wish she was dead when I get my hands on her....serves her right for running away,"


Aizawa POV

I bounced the girl on my shoulder as she slept today us her first day of suspension, and she wasn't ready to wake up yet. Today wasn't the best morning for her her ears and tail were hurting badly for her.

And she hasn't let go of me since she woke up. Witch would normally be fine...if I wasn't teaching twenty students.
I wrapped her in her blanket and gave her her bun bun.

She didn't let me exchange her old bandages with new ones today, so instead of fighting her, I just skipped it. we can do that when. She gets out of the bath tonight.

It wasn't until about 9:30 when she finally woke up and understood what was happening. "Daddy..." she groaned, rubbing her eyes with her fists. "Yes, baby?" I asked, putting her glasses on her face.

"Hungry," she said as she yawned. I went to my drawer on my desk and pulled out some snacks she could snack on until lunch. She happily took one off the table and ate it.

"Are y'all done with the paper I gave y'all?" Most of them said yes while others said no.

"If you need help, go to someone smart. And if you're a smart kid and need help, ....skip the question completely,"

Akaris Day did mostly consist of her coloring and messing with the students, but they didn't mind they love her.

After a few hours, a ray of sun came in through the whole classroom. I did look over to find the neko sleeping to the warmness of the sun.

I put the blanket over her that momo made to give her some extra warmth. "Mr.Aizawa, can we close the curtains?" Midorya asked."No."

Akari POV

I felt warm and safe and warm. I wanted you to get up, but I guess the cat side of me had other plans.
I groaned a few times before giving up and letting sleep take me.

I felt I was getting picked up, but I couldn't wake up, but I was fine with that. I'm warm and safe, and it's gonna be okay. Seconds after I got picked up, I the aromatic sent of buring wood and vinilla. It smelled good, so I snuggled forward into the user of the smell.


I watched as the sleeping neko snuggled further into my chest she must be tired to be sleeping so much I wrapped her in her blanket before kissing the top of her head I did get a little bit commotion I just stopped and looked at them thank God that twas enough to get them to shut up.

"ALERT! ALERT! VILLAINS ON THE PREMISES! DO NOT INGAGE IN BATTLE!" The UA alarm system went off, but that only goes off when - "Mr. aizawa! What about akari!?" I yelled over the UA system. "Take her and head to dorms it's built like a fortress!" I nodded and ran out of the room

I need to guard this child with my life. That great because I knew I was going to when I saw the video that aizawa sent to the group chat...

"Akari, you okay!?" I looked down at the neko in my chest.

She nodded with tears going down her face, poor girl she didn't know what was going on. "Mr.baugo, it's too loud," she said, covering her ears. "I know, baby. I know, just cover your ears until we get their." She put more pressure on her ears and grabbed her neko ears.

"We get there. I closed the doors behind us and sat her on the couch. "Don't move, baby," she nodded and started crying. I stopped and picked her up. "we don't have much, but we do have apples! Here," I gave her the cut-up apple.

She ate it, but she still had tears going down her face. I grabbed a paper towel and wiped her tears.
"Okay Akari..listen there I'd this thing called villains in UA if you see someone and the look bad then I need you to scream my name you know my name what is it?" She looked up at me

"Baugo," i nodded. "Good. Now, I may get in a fight, and there may be blood. I know it's a lot to ask, but you need to take a chill pill, and everything is going to be okay, okay?" She nodded."Don't go out of my sight."

What's gonna happen?

I feel yall already know what's gonna happen.

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