Chapter Eight

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(Guess who's back!? Back again, Jazmines is back! Tell a friend!)

Akari POV

He pushes a bowl of soup in front of me. "Here, eat it will get you full," he told me. I nodded and got the rounded metal thing in my hand.

I looked at it and then at him. I hit the spoon at the bottom of the bowl hard, trying to get it. "No!" He shouted, taking the bowl full of soup. I jumped back, at the booming sound of his voice in fear, and covered my head in terror when the chair I was sitting in fell backward. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" I said, still having hope that he wouldn't hurt me.

He just got up from his seat and walked around the table. My ears flattened against my head, and my tail stopped moving. I looked down, ready for a hand to be laid on my face harshly.

But it never came......

I felt a finger lift my chin up gently. "Are you okay, baby? Are you hurt?" He asked me, wiping the tears I didn't know was there. I shook my head in shock.  "no your not okay or no, you're not hurt" sat down next to me, waiting for an answer. "Both," I murmured at him. He nodded and touched his chin "your not okay, but you're not hurt?" I nodded at his question.

"I like one out of two of those answers," my doey sadness filled eyes looked at him,
He's talking about hurt part he wishes I had gotten hurt. I looked down, and my tail swished sadly.

"Akari?" I continued to look down it comes.... "I'm sorry for yelling at you...I wasn't yelling at you and anger. I had gotten shocked when you stabbed the bowl with the spoon, and my body reacted on its own," he admitted, looking me in the eye.

Eventually, I forgave him, and he picked me up, putting me on my char hand, handing me the spoon again, giving me another shot at it.

I must have scooped the soup a little too fast and hard (that's what she said) because when I went to bring the spoon up, it spashed all over my face.

That was my last straw. A tear went down my face as aizawa got up and got a napkin and wiped my face where the juices had landed. "Aww baby, what's wrong," he chuckled as more tears went down my face, "i-i-im trying to e-eat soup, but soup won't l-lan-land in my mouth" I sobbed angerly huffing.

He gently grabbed the bowl full of soup and sat the spoon in it for a second before taking It out again. "Open wide," he told me, bringing the spoon to my lips as I opened my mouth.

He out the spoon in my mouth, and the flavors hit my mouth, dancing on my tongue. He gave me another small spoonful that I gladly took.

After about ten spoonfuls, my stomach gave out. I wanted to eat it, but my stomach had other plans. My mouth wants more, but my tummy doesn't. "Wow, you're did so good that's more than I thought you would eat," my ears drooped, and my eyes started opening and closing slowly.

"Aww baby, let's get you in bed." he picked me up and laid me on his chest. For a moment, I did object, but I soon fell into his warmness. He kissed my forehead and walked me upstairs he opened my door and laid me on the bed, handing me my bun bun.

I soon fell asleep in slowly but surely going into the dark works of sleep.

Aizawa POV

I walked downstairs and was met with hitoshi Watching TV and hizashi rocking eri to sleep. "Just put the kitty to bed," I told them, grabbing their attention." Hitoshi nodded when hizashi spoke "were gonna have to get her clothes." I nodded.

"We could do that tomorrow. I mean, I'll take off work,"  hizashi said with a smile creeping up on his face "ill take off too." I told him we both nodded at each other.

"Well, I suppose I could take off work as well," hitoshi spoke. i chuckled, seeming on how he's only a first year in UA "boy." I sat next to him. "Do we have any idea on her clothes size?" Hitoshi asked.

"Well, that onesie I have her in is an Xs so we could start there we could also get numuri to help out too" we all agreed that we would take her shopping for all her needs. Hair, ears, clothes, shoes, hair accessories, more toys, and just stuff that she may need.

"I don't know about yall, but I'm beat, so I'm gonna buy her to bed. Take a shower and hit the hay." Hizashi got up and went upstairs with eri in his arms. "You staying down here, kiddo, or going to bed?" I asked hitoshi, making him look at me from the TV

"I'm staying down here for a little while longer." I nodded, getting up ready for bed with hizashi. Before I went to bed, I went to check on my now two little girls. I went to eris first since hers is the closest to me and hizashi's room, and just as I thought, eri was already spread out like a starfish.

Her stuffies were on the floor, and her leg and arm were half off her mouth was open, and her hair was already everywhere. "What a hot mess," I chuckled, walking to her, giving her a kiss on the forehead.

I then walked out, walking towards Akari's room.

I slowly opened her door she was the polar opposite of eri her blankets were still on her she was curled up in a little ball with bun bun to her chest, lightly snoring. her whole body was on a what seemed like a giant body pillow compared to her.

I kissed her temple, not wanting to wake her up. I exited her room, going to mine when I heard light snores. I walked down to the living room, seeing  hitoshi dead ass asleep on the couch.

I would carry him up to his room, but I'm getting too old for that, and I might actually break my back.

....haha....This family is such a mess...

Hey, yall, I would have posted sooner, but I've been really sick lately. have a sinus infection, and my face really hurts, and my head feels 1000 pounds, so...

But I hope you enjoy the story and hope to see you in the next chapter!

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