Chaper Twelve

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??? POV

"Ahhhhh well....I seems our little experiment has gotten out of our grasp," I spoke as I watched through the camera that was in the red-headed girls stuffed rabbit. "I want her back....she's the key to our master plan." I said, tapping my fingers on the wooden table.

"We launch it in exactly one month from now.....I give you untill then," the two men behind me nodded "Dismissed" I snapped my fingers, and  they left in an orderly fashion. "Her powers hold greater ability than anything I've ever seen,"


Aizawa POV

I watched as the little red head was sleeping peacefully in my arms, her head on my shoulder. I've found that she likes being held while sleeping and her forehead being kissed.

As far as talking goes, she's only selected a few that she's actually comfortable answering their questions. Unfortunately, while on the phone, class 1-A came up with a little nickname it was:   Little Red. I wasn't listening in all the way, but what I could pick up is they named her that because they call kirishima 'red' and she's but a smaller version of him.

I've been thinking about her quirk a little bit, too. Does she have more than one. From what I've seen, I'll have to look at her documents tonight. I've been putting it off for two or three days now.

The little girl stirred in my arms as her ears twitch and tail swing she opened her big blue doe eyes yawning as she rubbed them. "Mmm," she groaned, adjusting to the light of the Mall.

Me and toshi did some shopping for her, her being the size of a tadpole. It experience... but we found some clothes that best match her and her personality.

She loves the hero in training dynamight, but she kind of likes other heroes (in training and pro) she likes Uraravity, Endevor, and Best Jeanist.
So far in colors, she likes grey, pastel orange, and pink witch I kind of expected....

She picked some baggy shirts and some cute unicorn shirts she also picked skirts/ shirts in all colors when I got them for her she was a little sad and asked that I didn't get spend that much money on her but I did it anyways she said "don get that for me. you run out money."







I dont think she realizes I could buy three fucking helicopters if I wanted too....

But alas she's asleep on my shoulder and me and toshi are about done "Dad don't forget we have to take her to the eye doctor" toshi reminded me "damn it" I'm tired of human interaction.... we walk out of the Mall and I ever so gently put her in her car seat I buckled her up and sat down in the driver's seat.

Akari POV

I opened my eyes and I was on my bed...I sat up and pulled bun bun close to me getting out of bed and opening the door. I walked down the scary hallway that I never likes. Walking down the stairs in Daddy's big shirt that like a dress on me.

I hear food cooking and walk a bit faster to the kitchen. "Daddy..." I say, still tired from the nap i had. He didn't pay me any mind, even kicked me (not hard) away. Well, maybe he's busy, and I disturbed him a bit...

Next, I walked to toshi, and he was doing homework at the table. I put my arms up, and he again paid no mind to me. "Bubba?" I asked already with teary eyes.
"Go away 110649!" My eyes widen, I never thought I would get called that again....

Next, I heard a knock on the door. Momma opened it (if you haven't gathered it, that's a mic). I saw the man I never wanted to see again...or wanted to see in tarterus....

"Well, well, well, it looks like you have our little run away...."

Aizawa POV

I saw her tossing and turning around in her car seat, "Dad, I think she's having a nightmare," toshi informed me, great observation, son... I put my hand on her knee and rubbed it a little bit while still keeping my eyes on the road...

"Hey baby, wake up....wake up....toshi wake her up." I said as he pushed her away
"....Ah!...." she stopped and looked at me for a moment, then at toshi. "Hey baby Akari, you're  okay... okay?" She nodded.

She sat there for a second her head was poonted to the ground, not moving shock? A few seconds after that, I saw tears go down her face... she made a weird face for a split second..

She touched the wetness on her face, pulling her hand back to see tears on her hands. Is she not familiar with crying? Tears? She looked up at me as if asking for guidance.

"You're okay....your just crying. It's a normal human thing to do..." I told her, looking at toshi. He shrugged.

"Master said we are not to cry," she said, trying to stop the tears, but they kept coming..

"That is because your master is incapable of human emotion. You are 9.....cry if you want to." Her eyes went wide, and she nodded."Here's some tissues wipe your face up," I told her, giving her some tissues.

I continued driving, and she groaned. She's feeling unsafe right now....I put my hand in her lap, not expecting it to work. She put her small baby hands on mine, making me smile. I'm happy and she's happy.

Hey yall, I hope yall enjoyed this. I went to a hokey game last night. My phone died, and I was sad, but I got some good videos before it died.

(Hokey is so dramatic they fought like every 30 seconds it was fun)

(Hokey is so dramatic they fought like every 30 seconds it was fun)

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That's a picture I took 👆

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