Chapter Twenty

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Aizawa POV

I ran onto the rooftop to get my baby. She was in the dormitory with bakugou so he could keep her safe. I was planning on walking in, but I heard unknown voices.

I looked through the rooftop window, seeing a lot of blood bakugou was passed out on the ground with blood in his mouth.
Akari was in a fighting stance in front of Shigaraki.

"Awww, does the kitty really plan on fighting me?" She tightened her fist 'Akari don't do it,' I thought in my head.

I wanted to be forsake she wasn't gonna do it, but those 'fighting classes' she took with 1A is making me have my doubts.

She's gonna do it.

I need to find a way to get in their without them knowing so no one gets hurt. Or.....any more hurt.

I slowly open the window, making sure not even Akari can hear me. He threw a punch at her, and she measly doged it. If it wasn't for the cat reflexes, then she would be a goner.

They were hashing it out more.
She ended up landing more hits than him.

He was farther away from her, and they started circling each other.

"You wanna know something.....Y/N...." he was trying to get her to let her gaurd down.

"Do you want to know what happened to your parents?" She kept her eye on him, "they're fighting off the villains that you brought here."

He smacked his lips

"Your biological ones? I'm sure you already know, but let me refresh your memory."

Her eyes watered, and her hands dropped. As she was reminded of, what just happened. If you were here, you could tell that it busted a nerve.

"Bingo." he put his hand up and blew her back with his quirk. I sprung down and then tied him up before he even noticed what happened. "Akari!" I picked her and Akari up before calling the heroes to come get the last villain.

It looked like she was bleeding from her head. "Eraserhead!?" What sounded like Endeavor yelled out,"GET bakugou and call recovery girl instantly." I yelled at him. I just held her in my hands. I tore some cloth off of my shirt, wrapped it around her head, and ran to recovery, girl.

God....please let her be okay...

Akari POV

I felt a feather. Ot didn't smell like there was anymore danger. It didn't feel like there was any more danger. My head is pounding. My bed doesn't feel comfortable anymore either.

I needed to open my eyes

I blinked open my eyes. Many doctors rushed to me, making shoot up. The left side of my head hurts. "Ahhhhh!" I screamed in pain. This hurts too much "baby lay back down," the doctor in the white

"Lay back down 110649" the mean doctor said as he took out the syringe and flicked it. "Just relax,"

I backed up against the bed and stuck my claws out at them, "Stay back," I said calmly. The pain was getting in my head "hey hey nobody is gonna hurt you." I sat down but didn't let anyone touch

"Hurt," I mumbled. I didn't want to talk anymore. I didn't want to be here anymore. I'm hungry. I'm thirsty. I want Daddy.

"I know, baby, but you need to let us help you,"

"Ohh enough. Move. Stop and move away from the girl. I've got it from here. yall, go work on a different patient... if you want a challenge, go work on that blond, angry boy. "

An old lay said I kind of remember her she got up on her chair and smiled, "Hello baby. Oh, how much you've grown." She got out a needle and kept talking."I trust aizawa is taking good care of you?" I nodded."Um..yes ma'am," she smiled and nodded. "That's good...can is see your arm?" I shook my head no.

I don't know what's in that syringe.

She pulled out some candy. "Here you go." I smiled. I LOVE CANDY

When I wasn't looking, she had the needle "mmm"  growled at her, I didn't hurt like how they used to do it, but it still stung "Oh shush, you're fine." She put a bandaid on it, and smiled again.

It went silent for a little bit as there was nothing to say.
"What you did was very brave...." That caught my attention. "How so?" I asked her I don't feel like it was brave...I feel like it wasnt.

"Akari your nine years old and fighting oneof Japan's most wanted villains how many people do you know can say that?" I just sat there......

"Hmmm, are they okay?"

She nodded and laughed "honey they're were in the worst condision there is going to be some scaring on the left side of your face though" I nodded I didt even realize that my head has stopped hurting.

"what happend?" i asked as i laid back down onto the bed. "well you faught a villain and your quirk went out just as he touched you and your face was almost shatterd into a million peices. i saved you just before you died.

"luck for you its only gonna scar an leave no brain damage" i nodded....thats great.

"akari?...." i head turned to the man in the door "daddy?" i didnt have my glasses on so i coudnt see very well.

we hugged it out for a moment....then he said words i with i never heard....

"akari.....what was that"


(i got a new tablet so im doing these storys off of that so i hope you enjoyed and if you didnt the door is not far away)

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