24 | Nepenthe

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My head snapped up at the sound of my name, an embarrassing chocked noise leaving my mouth.

It was him. It was Theo.

Of all fucking people!

I tried to not let my gaze drop from his slightly worried face and down to his exposed torso that was dripping wet. His forest eyes devoured me, scanning over me for any physical signs of wounds or scrapes. But there were none. Only on the inside.

His lean muscles tensed under my stare, but I physically couldn't tare my eyes away from him. His top half was exposed, giving me a whole overview of how muscular he was — telling me exactly how much he worked out. That six-pack didn't come without some sort of cost. His lower half, where the v-line imbedded in his body disappeared down under his black wetsuit, the top half of it resting around his waist. His hair was dripping wet, like the rest of his body, and almost casted a shadow over his eyes that made them ten times more illuminating. I took the opportunity to admire the specs of sand dusted around his face, mixing into the many specs freckles he had. He was full of surprises.

How long had he seen me for?

With the question in my head, my eyes dropped down to the surfboard wedged under his right arm. I wondered if he had just come out of the sea. Maybe he was in it all day and this happened to be a coincidence that we were both just, here. Again.

I looked up to meet his gaze, suddenly sinking under it. There was some sort of look in his eyes. Worry? Discomfort? I had no clue, I couldn't seem to decipher it, like many other times. He was a closed book, locked shut and hidden.

"Can I sit?" He spoke, after some time, breaking the awkward silence I had created.

I gave him a meek nod and he wedged his board into the sand. I watched in slight awe as the sun shone down onto him, making his tanned skin glow in the honey-colored sun. Before I could process what was happening, he was taking a seat on the same rock as me, his body so, so, so close. I could feel his warmth from here.

"Is it because of him?" His voice sounded thick with no remorse — like he predicted it to be about Sam. I shuffled on the rock, also noticing how tense he looked. "Is it because of Sam?" The way Sam's name rolled off his tongue, I bit back a laugh. He said it with so much hatred.

My eyes widened when he held my gaze, but still somehow managed to shake my head, and I looked away. Keep staring forward and ignore the big svelte guy on your right, Willow.

It was hard.

He was staring at me, and I could feel it too. From the corner of my eye I could see his eyes dropping and dancing around my face. Then he sucked in his lips, as if he was thinking, and clearly he was thinking too hard because he looked away, the gaze wiped away within a matter of seconds. It seemed to me that he was holding himself back from something.

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