Goodbye, Riley

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I woke up to the sound of whimpering emanating from downstairs, and to my dismay, noticing that Riley's head was no longer positioned on my leg. 

I walk downstairs, not emotionally or mentally prepared for what I'm about to see.

In the kitchen, Riley is convulsing on the floor in a seizure. Buboes and boils begin to shoot up from his skin, festering and exploding as Riley howls out in pain.

I feel like I need to regurgitate, but I feel as if I can't move. I need to get Ghost, but my body feels as if it's locked in place, I can't speak, I can't scream, I can't do anything, even breathing feels like a difficult task.

The kitchen begins to soak in Riley's blood and pus from the boils and buboes.

I then hear someone coming downstairs, it's Ghost, he looks at me as I watch in horror of what I'm seeing right now.

Ghost begins to weep, watching his only pet convulsing on the floor, becoming just another victim of the Lazarus Virus.

Without warning, Ghost picks me up and carries me back up the stairs. He stares at me, his face being washed in sadness. He puts me on his bed.

He tells me to "Put these pillows over your ears." 

Shit, I think I know what he's going to do.

I hear the faint sounds of gunshots as I can no longer hear Riley whimpering. All noise ceases for a bit. Then, Ghost comes back in my room. He looks at me, and runs towards me.

He wraps his arms around me, tightening me in his embrace.

Soap and König run into Ghost's room, and finds his arms wrapped tightly around me. He sobs, tears running down his face as he holds me close to his chest. König and Soap then look downstairs. I hear König throw up.

"Y/N.. please.. don't leave me." Ghost says, trying to structure his sentences to the best of his ability, him outpouring his emotions right in front of me.

"Please... I don't want to lose you." He sniffles into my shoulder, wrapping his arms around me as I hear Soap and König walk into Ghost's room. König wipes his vomit from his face, then both of them hug Ghost.

"König... Soap... Y/N, please. We need to leave, this cabin is no longer safe anymore." Ghost manages to say through a huge bout of sobbing violently.

"I love you all." Ghost looks at all three of us, he still has his arms wrapped tightly around him. He didn't want me to move, I didn't want to move either. 

The sounds of König and Soap rushing around to pack everything up, even Ghost's items. Ghost finally lessens his grip on me. I look at him, his eyes are puffy, tear tracks begin to form underneath Ghost's eyes. I kiss Ghost on the cheek. 

"We need to go now."

Surviving with Soap, Ghost and König in an apocalypse.Where stories live. Discover now