Lady Wi-Fi

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It is just another day of school, with Miss Bustier teaching the class while the students listen on with full attention. Well most of them. Alya is distracted by a picture of Ladybug where she has cut out the heroine's face. She holds the picture up to her classmates' faces to look for the perfect fit, trying to find out who Ladybug is. She stops on Chloé, who points at Miss Bustier, who is standing in front of Alya's desk. Once she realizes the entire class is watching her, she puts the picture away.
Bustier:Alya, is Marinette still in the bathroom?
Alya:I think so Miss.
Y/n begins thinking about this. He noticed that the blue haired girl is often late, sometimes to the point where she is thought to skip class at times. This causes him to think about the times that when Ladybug is in action she is never there. He believes this to be the timid girl's fear of getting hurt by villains affecting her mind. He shrugs this thought as class end. Miss Bustier gives Alya the homework to pass on to Marinette. The students leave with Y/n catching up to Alya.
Y/n:What were you doing?
Alya:I was seeing if anyone from our class was Ladybug.
The way she just said it so blandly made Y/n blink before laughing, causing Alya to pout in annoyance.
Alya:What's so funny?
Y/n:You really think anyone in our class is Ladybug?
Alya:I mean, haven't you noticed lots of the villains have been out classmates? It makes sense that Ladybug could be a student in our class.
Y/n:That's because Chloe is a brat who doesn't consider other people and their feelings.Also Ladybug was a student that means Cat noir could be a student as well.
Alya's eyes beam open as she didn't consider that. Y/n can see that her mind is buzzing with ideas about Cat Noir and Ladybug being classmates. Y/n nervously chuckles as he says goodbye to her. Once he leaves Alya calls Marinette but is forwarded straight to voicemail. Alya then notices Chloé pulling several Ladybug-themed items from her locker (including a costume and yo-yo similar to Ladybug's) and putting them in her bag. Falsely believing Chloé to be Ladybug's secret identity, Alya calls Marinette, only to be directed to voicemail again. She sees Nino, a fellow classmate, and drags him with her to explain what she found out. Nino sympathizes with Alya's inability to contact Marinette, as Adrien also disappears for hours on end when he tries to call him, although Nino blames it on Mr. Agreste's strictness. Alya checks her phone and finds a news report that Ladybug has once again saved Paris. The news report focuses mainly on Ladybug, with Cat Noir in the background behind reporter Nadja Chamack. Surprisingly Tidus is no where in sight, as if he only came when he is most needed to help locate akumas or when villains escape them and they need help locating them. Alya then recognizes the yo-yo in Ladybug's hand as the yo-yo Chloé took out of her locker and tells Nino that she's figured out Ladybug's secret identity and whispers it in Nino's ear: Chloé is Ladybug. Nino laughs at her revelation, saying Chloé is too narcissistic to be a hero.

At Y/n's house the young man and Aquaa are working on the bike, which is very close to being fully operational and safe to drive. He takes a small break to hydrate as a lingering thought about the identities of Ladybug and Cat Noir. An idea spawns in his head.
Y/n:Hey Aquaa?
His kwami stops chowing on the cookie laid out for her and faces him.
Aquaa:What's up?
Y/n:What are the limits of echo?
Aquaa:As far as I know, the power of echo can allows the holder to find akumas, lost people, certain destinations and objects.
Y/n:Does that mean it can locate other miraculouses?
Aquaa:Yes it doe-
She realized why he was asking this.
Aquaa:Are you suggesting you use your power to find out the identities of Ladybug and Cat Noir?
Y/n:Yes. If there is a case where we find ourselves in a dangerous situation and need to act immediately, at least one hero must be able to instantly contact the others.
Aquaa:But if one of you knows the identities of the others then Hawkmoth just has to akumatize one of you and then he willl take the miraculouses of the cat and Ladybug. He will capture Plagg and Tikki and make them his slave his Nooroo.
The thought of Nooroo in that instance followed by the possibility of anymore Kwamis being captured saddens Aquaa.
Y/n:Sorry for bringing that up. It was just a thought.
Suddenly, his phones rings. He picks it up and finds that Alya is video calling him. He quickly wipes off the motor grease but panics when he sees Aquaa making no attempts at hiding.
Y/n:Shouldn't you hide? You could be discovered.
Aquaa:Kwamis can't be detected on cameras.
She remembered when a man recorded her and tried to show it to the police only to be locked in a mental asylum for the rest of his life. She shudders at that memory as the face of Alya appears on screen. She seems excited, like small child who just discovered the hiding place for the candy their parents took from them.
Alya:Y/n I have such amazing news!
Y/n:What is it?
Alya:I know who Ladybug is!
Y/n is startled at this.
Y/n:Who is she?
This causes his to burst out into laughter, which leaves Alya red from embarrassment and a bit of anger.
Alya:Why are you laughing?!
Y/n:B-because you think the queen of brats could be the heroine Ladybug? They look nothing alike.
Alya:Maybe her superpowers change her appearance completely. By your logic you could be Tidus since your hair is the exact same.
A chill runs down his spine as it is now Alya's turn to burst out into laughter.
Alya:Just kidding. Anyway, I will see you tomorrow.
She hangs up the phone, leaving a shocked Y/n and Aquaa who simply continue with their work on the motorcycle.

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