Confusion part 1

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It is now night time in Paris. Adrien is currently in bed, still in shock at the letter he has received. He is used to fans sending him letters, confessing their love for him but he never thought he would receive one from one of his classmates. At best he believed Chloe would send him one but never in his dreams would he think that his friend Marinette would. He has no idea of how he feels about this. The black cat next to him, trying to munch on a rancid piece of cheese  notices his friend's state of confusion.
Plagg:Adrien, what's wrong?
Adrien:What do you think Plagg? I just got what is essentially a confession from one of my friends. One of the first friends I made ever since my father let me go to school.
Plagg:How do you feel about her?
Adrien:I-i don't know. Do you have any advice?
Plagg:Sorry Adrien but kwamis don't fall in love.
Adrien:That sounds like a lonely life Plagg.
Plagg:Yeah, 13.7 billion years and I don't know what it is like to love. Although I kind of have an idea when it comes to sugar cube.
Adrien:Sugar cube?
Plagg:Tikki, Ladybug's kwami. I feel differently around her and I can't exactly explain it.
Adrien:I guess we are more alike then I thought. I feel like I love Ladybug but now that Marinette had told me how she feels, my heart is all kinds of confused.
Plagg:I may not be of much help but maybe your father could help you.
Adrien thought about it for a little bit before deciding to act on it tomorrow.

Meanwhile in a room above the best bakery in Paris, Marinette is on the phone with her best friend Alya.
Marinette:So what happened Alya?
Alya:After you left, Y/n went on a hate filled frenzy. There was one point where he yelled at me and said "I can't believe I am in love with you.  "
Alya:Yes girl! And then I saw Ladybug attempt to kiss Cat Noir when he was under Dark Cupid's spell.
Marinette sweat dropped at that but didn't say anything out loud.
Alya:I then kissed him and broke the spell.
Marinette quickly covers her mouth, hoping she didn't wake up her parents. Thankfully she didn't and Alya continued.
Alya:After that whole event, we went to his house and talked for a bit.
Alya hesitated for a little, as to whether or not she should actually reveal what they talked about. She then decided that she wouldn't reveal that part of Y/n's life unless he wanted to.
Alya:And then I eventually asked him if he actually meant it when he said that he loved me and he got down on his knees and said that he did.
Marinette:So romantic. So what you're boyfriend and girlfriend now?
Alya:Yeah we are.
Marinette:Congrats. How do you feel?
Alya:Happy, excited but also scared.
Marinette:Why are you scared?
Alya:I am scared that I won't be good enough for him.
Marinette:Alya, you are amazing. I am sure he feels lucky to be with you.
Alya appreciates her friend's words and they continue to talk until they both get tired and fall asleep, with Alya being delighted at entering a new relationship and Marinette slightly envious at her best friend being able to get into a relationship that quickly but overall happy for her.

We now move to Y/n who is up on the roof of his house, staring at the night sky with Aquaa floating by his side.
Aquaa:So how do you feel now that Alta is your girlfriend? Are you happy?
Y/n:Of course I am. I can just tell that she will be different then Lila.
Aquaa:I'm glad your happy, you truly deserve it.
Y/n:Thank you.
They sit on the roof for a few more minutes when they hear a the recognizable sounds of police sirens. It is then followed by a deafening boom that rocks Paris slightly.
Aquaa:What was that?
Y/n:Don't know, let's find out. Aquaa let's dive!
Aquaa is absorbed into the dolphin necklace as Y/n becomes Tidus. The ocean hero dashes across the street to see a sight that shocks him. The Louvre, the place he and Alya were just at not so long ago, up in flames as people are running out. He jumps to the side of Officer Roger Raincomprix.
Tidus:What's the status?
Roger:Tidus. A maniac activated a bomb in the Louvre. We have reports of people inside.
Fire trucks come in as Tidus prepares to jump in.
Roger:Aren't you going to wait for Ladybug and Cat Noir?
Tidus:If I do that then the people inside will be burnt alive. Firefighters come with me and put out the fires. I will focus on evacuation!
Firefighters:Yes Sir!
Tidus smirked at being called sir before rushing into the fiery beast as do the firefighters armed with the hoses that release a delude of water on the fire. Meanwhile Tidus is dashing in and out of the burning building, not only saving the innocent lives of trapped victims but also the precious artifacts. Mostly the paintings, statues, books and ancient texts. Some of them he couldn't get as the flames consumed them and Tidus could have sworn he heard somebody cackling from within the inferno. When the fire subsided all that remained was a collapsing building that was filled with ash. The civilians  gathered around in despair at the sight. Nadia Shamack was covering the story.
Nadia:The Louvre has just mysteriously gone up in flames but luckily one of our  heroes, Tidus was here to save the people trapped inside.
Tidus is swarmed by the crowd, trying to avoid an interview with the press when that same cackling is heard.
???:Hahahaha! So the hero thinks he is big stuff taking out my fire.
Everyone looks up to see a man in a black cloak who holds fire in his hands.

The man then has a moth like mask cover his face as Tidus gains a shocked expression

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The man then has a moth like mask cover his face as Tidus gains a shocked expression.
Tidus:Everyone run he is akumatized!
The crowd run in opposite directions away from the pyromaniac. Hawkmoth now speaks directly to his follower.
Hawkmoth:Wildfire you have shown Paris your firepower. Now show the heroes. Take Tidus' miraculous. Then do the same when Ladybug and Cat noir get here.
Wildfire:You got it
He thrusts his arm forward, allowing a surge of fire to got towards Tidus. In response the defender of Paris leaps above the flames with his blades flying by his side. Tidus' blades slash the man's arms as his fist collides with the villain's face. Wildfire stumbles back and falls down the ruins that were once the museum.
Wildfire:You are messing with the wrong person.
Suddenly Wildfire explodes into fire causing Tidus to jump back to avoid getting burned. The fire burst then rises into the air before landing on the top of a house and turning back into the villain. Finally Ladybug and Cat Noir arrive.
Wildfire:A full audience. I am honored but unfortunately I have to cut this show short. After all you heroes must prioritize the lives of others.
He summons a large group of fire balls that he scatters across Paris. As they land they burst into large infernos. Wildfire takes this opportunity to turn into fire and fly towards the Eiffel Tower.
Cat Noir:What do we do?
Tidus:You guys take care of the fires. I will fight Wildfire.
Ladybug:There is no way you will be able to take him on yourself.
Tidus:I am more of a fighter then you think.
In that instant Tidus blitzed across the city, startling Cat Noir and Ladybug. The other heroes split up and dash towards fire, using their fireproof weapons for help them save people. Meanwhile Tidus arrived on the top of the Eiffel.
Wildfire:And the Dolphin rises from the ocean to fight the big boss.
Tidus:I am here to kick your ass.
Wildfire:Then let's dance.
The pair dash at each other and punch the other in the face. Wildfire is the one to be sent flying due to the super strength granted by the power of the miraculous.
His eyes flash blue which startles the villain as unseen to hin a blue radar like grid comes out of him. He searches around the tower for the akuma when a blue dot shows up and it gives him the mental image of the butterfly. He zooms out a bit to see the location of the akuma and finds that it is trapped in the purple necklace wrapped around his neck. The villain growls and throws fire balls at him. At this point Ladybug and Cat noir appear. Ladybug has used her power to summon a rope.
Ladybug:A rope?
She looks around and has a plan to defeat him.
She throws the rope to him and the ocean fighter has an idea like her. He dashes at speeds that make him look like a blur. Wildfire tried to react but it was too late. The rope binds his hands together. Tidus uses a dagger to strike the pendant and the purple butterfly flies out before being captured by Ladybug and released as a white one instead. Wildfire reverted back into his true self. A scruffy middle aged man with lots of fire burns on his arms, legs and bits on his face. His left eye carried a large slashing scar and his emerald eyes held darkness.
Heroes:Lucas Florence?!
Tidus:You're wanted for arson!
Lucas:Yeah, so what?
Minutes later Tidus threw him into an armed police truck. While Ladybug used her power to fix Paris, removing any aspects of the fires, Cat Noir walked up to Tidus.
Cat Noir:Hey Tidus?
Tidus:Hm? What's up?
Cat Noir:Do you have a girlfriend?
On one hand he didn't want to reveal any part of his identity but on the other hand, he didn't have to say who his girlfriend was.
Tidus:Yes, I do.
Cat Noir:There is this girl that-
Tidus:Is it ladybug?
Cat Noir:No it isn't.
Cat Noir:Anyway, she basically confessed her feelings for me and now I am all kinds of confused. How did you tell your girlfriend how you felt?
Tidus:Ok, here is my advice.

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