A day with Alya

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Currently, Y/n is working on the the decrepit vehicle he found on his first day. Ever since then he, Ladybug and Cat noir have defeated villains such as Stormy weather, The Bubbler, Time breaker, The Pharaoh and Mr Pigeon(I won't be recalling battles with villains that Tidus doesn't influence much in)(also I am going based off the episode order of Disney Plus so I apologize of I accidentally get the order of significant events wrong).
Y/n:Aquaa could you hand me that wrench?
The kwami lifts up the tool with little strain as her owner takes it from her and begins to start fixing the inner parts of the bike, which is currently looking better then when he found it. His phone rings with Aquaa grabbing it and handing it to Y/n.
Alya:Hi, it's me! I wanted to ask you if you wanted to hang out. We haven't really had the chance to do so in quite a while.
Y/n:Sure, sounds like fun.
Alya:Great! Let's meet by the park.
Y/n hangs up the phone and heads upstairs to clean himself and attempt to remove the smell of motor oil. He then leaves his house. Wandering through the park he decides to sit by the water fountain.
Aquaa:I can hear your heart pounding, are you ok?
Y/n:Yeah I'm fine just nervous.
Y/n:I never had any friends to hang out with back in the UK.
Aquaa:Why? You are so kind and nice.
Y/n:It's, something irrelevant.
Alya:Who are you talking to?
Y/n gets up a bit startled at the sudden new voice as Aquaa quickly slips back in his pocket, turning the phone on and off in a swift movement.
Y/n:Oh, I was just speaking to my mom.
Alya shrugged, accepting the answer as she got closer to Y/n. Y/n felt a brief wave of heat for some unknown reason as Alya sniffed the air and then sniffed him which made him blush.
Y/n:What's wrong?
Alya:Why do you smell like motor oil?
Y/n:Hehehe, I thought that I got rid of that. I was working on fixing a motorcycle I found.
Alya:Really? That's cool. When did you learn to do that?
Y/n:Like Chloe said my parents own a motor company so they taught me about that kind of stuff.
Alya:I would love to see that.
Y/n:Anyway, what do you want to do?
Alya:Let's head to the Louvre, it is a really popular monument in Paris. Plus I think it would be cool to go around different places in Paris.
Y/n nods as he actually enjoys going to museums. He and Alya make their way to the Louvre. They arrive at the place and Alya is excitedly jumping in place with Y/n chuckling under his breathe.
Y/n:What has you so excited?
Alya:There are so many exhibits that have to do with Ladybug and other heroes. Like over here.
She grabs his hand and pulls him over to an ancient depiction where it shows people being shown to have a glow and then faint lines which represent them being moved from one place to another, one even shown to fall into a volcano.
Alya:People called these incidents the Lost disasters. For about 5,000 years people have been finding themselves in different locations, without any idea of how they got there or where they were. Some at places like a different town but others in the most dangerous places such as the top of volcanoes and the bottom of the ocean. There was even one person who found themselves on the moon. Lots of deaths were recorded. In fact, these only stopped about a year ago .

She then turned to Y/n with an excited look on her face.
Alya:I think it has something to do with one of the heroes, Tidus!
Y/n tried not to look surprised as he looks on the Ladyblog website.
Alya:Look at this, his power has something to do with location.
She shows him the video she took of his first fight where he was shown to be able to locate the akuma.
Alya:Obviously, it can't be the one of today but maybe a previous holder was a bad guy like Hawkmoth.
Y/n:But how would you explain the incidents carrying on to this century and the sudden stop?
Alya:Maybe he couldn't withstand the power or something like that.
Y/n chuckles as they continue to walk around the Louvre. Alya continues to ramble about the heroes of the miraculous and he doesn't mind one bit. He finds it kind of cute the way that she can get distracted by things like this. They are now looking at statues when the alarms boom through the building. Masked men armed with guns then enter.
Criminal#1:Everyone put your hands in the air!
People follow their orders as Y/n and Alya manage to find a place to hide. Alya has tears from her eyes from the fear of the men potentially killing them as she hears gunshots and people falling.
Y/n:It's alright, we will be ok. The police will be here or even the heroes.
Alya just hugs him tight as they hear footsteps approaching them.
He then pushed her into the tomb behind them.
Alya:What are you doing?!
Y/n:Making sure you don't get hurt.
He closed the door, enough that she wouldn't be locked in but that the criminals couldn't see her. He then runs away which attracts their attention as Alya could see them change direction.
Y/n then finds a corner where nobody else but the corpses of their victims are. He is saddened by the fact he couldn't save them.
Y/n:Sorry, but I will save the rest. Aquaa, let's dive!
He turns into Tidus as the criminals catch up with him only to look scared at the sight of the hero.
Tidus:Let's go.
The criminals get over their fear as they begin to fire at the dolphin hero but his daggers soar through the air deflecting bullets and protecting him. He then darted at them and disarmed them before proceed to massacre all 5 of the criminals with no signs of stopping. When he was done the criminals laid on the ground with the corpses, bloody bruises on their faces and the signs of broken bones. The police eventually arrive, thanking Tidus and leaving with the criminals and the corpses in body bags. Alya runs up to the hero with her face puffy.
Alya:Tidus where is Y/n?
Tidus:He is safe, don't worry. I gotta go.
He leapt out of a open window and detransformed at the back of the Louvre where nobody saw him. He ran back inside and up to Alya.
Y/n:Are y-
He was stopped by Alya hugging him tightly.
Alya:Don't you ever do something like that again! You scared me!
Y/n:I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I just wanted to make sure you were safe.
Alya:Thanks for caring about me. But I also want you to be safe.
Eventually they leave the museum and wander through the streets of Paris. The sky's blue is replaced by a toasty orange as the sun began to set. They could hear a song from somebody that Alya recognized.
???:My name is André! André! Glacé! The sweetheart matchmaker! ♫ (He rings a bell to let everyone knows that he's ready) ♫ With one scoop or two, I'll find up for you with magical ice-cream flavors! My name is André! André! Glacé! The sweetheart matchmaker! With one scoop or two, I'll find up for you with magical ice-cream flavors! 
Alya:It's André!
They turn around and are greeted to a rotund man were a blue striped shirt, a red scarf and a blue apron.

Alya:Let's get some ice cream!
André:Hello young ones. To what do I owe the pleasure?
Alya:Can we get some ice cream?
André:Of course. Hmm, for you two a mix of sweet and rich chocolate in tandem with the sweet and fruity bubblegum flavor and in the middle of both the perfection that is vanilla.
He hands them a cone with spoons on it as they say goodbye to André. They sit by a bench and begin to eat the ice cream with the ice cream man leaving, but not without saying one final word.
André:People who eat my ice cream are bound to be together. And from the looks of things they will be together soon.
As the sun sets, the orange hue is shining on Paris as Y/n and Alya enjoy the icream. The pair  finish the ice cream cone with smiles on their faces before they then depart. We skip to Y/n home on his bed with that giant smile on his face.
Aquaa:What has you so happy?
She says this in a sarcastic tone as Y/n just sighs happily.
Y/n:Alya is amazing and I enjoyed spending time with her today, even with the robbery. I have never seen Alya so emotional before.
Aquaa:I mean what did you expect? She thought you were so close to being killed.
Y/n:I guess you're right. But I have something to ask of you.
Aquaa:What is it?
Y/n:Did you cause the Lost disasters?
Aquaa hesitated before answering.
Aquaa:Y-yes I did.
Aquaa:I didn't do it in purpose. You see, Kwamis are able to use our powers without a holder. But when we do it always ends with terrible consequences. The dinosaurs going extinct is an example.
Y/n:A kwami killed the dinosaurs?!
Aquaa:Yes and he won't shut up about that. Anyway, when I left the miraculous box I was lost a lot so I had no choice but to use my power to find my way. I later found out that I caused people to become lost and unaware of how they got there. All those deaths made me sick to my stomach and I wish to somehow make things right.
Y/n:You will. You and me as Tidus, we will help people who are in danger and free them from any bad situation.
Aquaa:Thank you Y/n.
The day ends with the pair peacefully falling asleep.

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