Dark Cupid

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It is currently the day of love, Valentine's Day. The holiday where people across the globe declare their love to each other. And this day is the most prominent in the city of Love known as Paris. And all Parisians are feeling the energy. Except one. Y/n L/n who is laying on his bed with a sad expression in his face. Aquaa is on his desk eating  heart shaped chocolates that were left by his parents who were out for work as was the usual. She noticed her holder on the bed, looking upset for an unknown reason.
Aquaa:What wrong? It's the day of love and you are laying in bed.
Y/n:I just, don't like this holiday.
Aquaa:How come?
Y/n:It's just-
He stopped himself as the memory of that brought a tear to his eye.
Y/n:Never mind, we gotta get to school.
Aquaa complied as she flew back into Y/n's school bag as he bolted out of the door. He runs down the street and as he sees all the Valentines Day decorations he has a horrified expression the whole run school. He heads straight to the classroom, not even looking at his classmates in the hall or even talk to Alya. She doesn't know why but this hurt her quite a bit. As Y/n enters the class he throws the bag on the floor, with Aquaa not being close to being hit by the impact as he clutches his head. It feels as if the world is spinning around him and he feels like he will throw up. Distorted images of people speaking his name appear in his mind as a cruel smile disguised as one of sincerity comes in front of him and he starts hyperventilating. He hears his name being called louder and louder until s voice he knows calls out to him.
Bustier:Y/n are you ok?
Y/n finally calls down, noticing that everyone in the class is staring at him. Most of which, like Alya, in worry while Chloe is staring in amusement.
Y/n:I'm fine Miss Bustier.
Bustier:Why don't you go to home for today, I'll call home and tell them you aren't fell well. Take this homework with you as well.
Y/n:Thank you.
He picks up his bag and leaves the class. Chloe does not miss her chance to make a snarky comment about Y/n.
Chloe:What a weirdo am I right? Right Sabrina?!
She gives Sabrina a look that causes the girl who force out a laugh but Y/n doesn't even acknowledge them. Alya however is furious as it is clear that Y/n is in pain and she almost got out of her seat to punch Chloe if it wasn't for Marinette holding her hand and shaking her head.

Back with Y/n he quickly made his way back home, trying his best not to look at the decorations. Finally he arrived and went straight to his room. Aquaa flew out of his bag as he tossed his bag aside and laid on his bed.
Aquaa:Please tell me Y/n, what's wrong?
Y/n looked at Aquaa for a second. He thought for a moment and then realized that he could trust her with this.
Y/n:Alright, I will tell you everything.

We now go back to the students who have just left class. Max and Kim are currently outside of school and seem to be planning something.
Max: Operation Valentine's Day is commencing. According to my extensive research and cross-referencing of online shopping sites, this particular jewel, was ranked highest in popularity.
He hands Kim a heart box as the athele seems ecstatic.
Kim:That's perfect, Max! I better hit a home run with this one. Love is like baseball, right? You gotta have a strategy or you'll strike out.But if you aim right, you'll hit it out of the ball park. Score!
Back with Alya and Marinette, the two girls seem a bit down. Marinette because she wants to ask out Adrien, like she wants to everyday and Alya because she is worried about Y/n. Marinette notices this.
Marinette:Are you ok?
Alya:It's Y/n. I don't  know what happened. He just started freaking out and I just hope he is fine.
Marinette:Maybe he is just sick.
Alya:It's just that I have never known him to freak out like that.
She has no idea why she feels this way about Y/n. Most likely for anyone else in class she would just put it to a matter of sickness and pushed it aside but for Y/n she feels different. She them notices a nice distraction in the form of Kim. She pulls Marinette along with her as they approach their fellow parisian.
Max:Oh yes Kim, lovely metaphor.
Alya grabs Kim's hand in order to look at  the jewel
Alya:Ooh! Sparkly! Is that for moi?
Max:Negative Alya. The recipient of this gem has already been determined, it's--
Kim:Shh! Keep it on the down-low!
Alya:Scoop! Kim's got a major crush Who's the lucky lady?
Marinette:It's gorgeous Kim. She's gonna be ecstatic!
Kim:Technically, she's still gotta accept it.What if she says "no"!?
Marinette:Don't hold back, Kim. Go for it, no regrets!
Kim: Operation Valentine's Day is underway!
Max:Her route is highlighted here in yellow, yours in red. If you run at ten miles per hour you're going to gain a four and a half minute advance on her. Halt and wait here facing northwest -- the third most romantic spot in Paris. Go go go.
Kim: Thanks, you guys.
They leave as Alya nudges Marinette's arm.
Alya:I know someone who's good at dishing out advice who can't take some herself.
Marinette:Are you talking about yourself?
Alya:What are you talking about?
Marinette:I saw the way you look at Y/n especially after his panic attack.
Alya grew a blush as she tried to deny it. We now turn back to Y/n who had puffy red eyes after recalling the tale of why Valentine's Day brings him such pain. Aquaa flies to him and hugs him tightly.
Aquaa:I am sorry Y/n, I can't change the past but I promise the pain will soon pass.
Y/n:What do you mean? After that day, I don't think I can ever have feelings like that for anyone.
Aquaa:I don't know about that. I see how you look at Alya. I know how you feel her about her.
Y/n looked unsure which made him kwami chuckle before grabbing the box of chocolate and leaving it in front of him as they both being to eat the chocolate as well as Y/n starting the homework Miss Bustier gave him on his way out. Once again we move from Y/n back to Kim who is waiting on the side of a fence until he recognizes Chloe's voice and rushes forward.
Chloe: And that's right, in a 24 karat gold frame. Deliver it to Le Grand Paris Hotel and bill it to Daddykins, uh, I mean, Mr. Bourgeois.
She then notices Kim.
Chloe:What are you doing here?
Kim: (nervously) I-I...
Chloe: (mockingly) You-You...
Kim:Will you be my Valentine?
He presents a brooch to Chlo only for a passing bike to splashe water in his face, and a chip bag blowing in the wind sticks to him.
Chloe: Don't move!
Chloe takes a humiliating photo of Kim then hits the send button.
Chloé Wait till everyone gets a load of this! Hahahaha! No offense, Kim, but my heart's saved for someone more awesome than you.
Chloe begins to walk off before turning back.
Chloe: Don't you just hate how harsh love can be?
Kim drops the brooch and pulls the chip bag off his face and begins to sob. Over in his unknown location the evil mastermind known as Hawkmoth is seen with his herd of butterflies that scatter off in the room.
Hawk Moth: Ah, Valentine's Day, the day of love and the day of fools. So many delusions, so much disappointment. My evil akumas, you are going to have such a field day.
One of the white butterflies land on his palm as his other one covers it and begins to empower it with dark energy.
Hawkmoth:Fly away my little akuma, and evilize him!
The akuma flies off, soon finding a sobbing Kim and entering his brooch for Chloe. A butterfly mask covers his eyes that have a red outline of anger and sadness.
Hawk Moth: Dark Cupid, I am Hawk Moth. I can give you the power to shoot your arrows, pierce love and impale friendships. But there is something you must do for me in return.
Kim: No love affair or friendship will escape my fury. No one will ever love again!
A black sludge like glow envelopes Kim as he becomes a taller figure who wears a black and red suit, along with large black wings attached to his back, each feather-like end tipped with two red stripes. On the sides of his neck, there are black lightning bolts. He wears a black head cover, the areas covering the top of his hair and around his eyes being red. The top of his suit is red, with a large white broken heart on his chest. From the waist down to the knee, the suit is black. From the elbow down to the hand is black, and from the knee down, it is red with a few strands of cloth sticking out above the back of each ankle. On his back is a black, red, and white striped quiver, which carries red arrows. On the quiver strap across his chest, the brooch, which is now red and black, is attached to it. His archery bow is based off of a breaking heart. The handle is white with red heart halves at the ends, and on each side of the bow, there are two large gray and white spikes.

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