Confusion part 2

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Tidus and Cat Noir have left the scene of the fight and are in a more secretive area of Paris.
Tidus:So you want advice on confessing your feelings?
Cat Noir:Yes please. I want to express these feelings but I don't even know what I am feeling. This girl is incredible. In the short time I have known her, I feel like she completes me.
Tidus:And why is that?
Cat Noir:For the longest time, I have felt like I have been trapped all my life but when I met this person she made me feel free. She was one of the first people I became friends with after being freed.
Tidus:Then tell her that.
Cat Noir:Huh?
Tidus:You see when I told my girlfriend how I felt, I didn't allow my feelings of hesitation to get in the way. Tell the girl you like in a straightforward way. That way you won't be toying with her feelings through suggestions or implications.
Cat Noir:But I am also unsure about how exactly I feel.
Tidus:I think it is clear that you do. You love her. I can tell. You have the same look in your eyes that I see in the mirror when I think about my girlfriend.
A faint blush is under Tidus' mask as he thinks about Alya.
Tidus:Also your look is different compared to the one you give Ladybug. While you want to know about her, it comes off as playful banter between you two but with this girl you are referring to I feel like a more definite connection is being formed.
Cat Noir:Can you elaborate on that?
Tidus was about to but a bleeping sound from his miraculous alerted him.
Tidus:Sorry I have to go. If you would like, I would be happy to continue this conversation later.
Cat Noir:Yeah, I would like that.
The heroes split and go back to their respective homes. Cat Noir goes through the open window and lays on his bed.
Cat Noir:Plagg, claws in.
A green flash covers Cat Noir and out comes Adrien.
Plagg:So what are you going to do?
Adrien:I think I will just go to school and ask more people. I would ask my father but I don't think he would allow this.
Plagg:You don't think your father wants this for you?
Adrien:I don't know. Lately he has been distant and I don't know why.
Plagg looks at his holder with sadness that he is unable to help. The feeling of love is unknown to kwamis so for the longest time he felt like his heart was always destined to be empty. And he has no way of filling it. Now he feels like he doesn't want the same for Adrien.

With Y/n
Y/n has made it home and be detransformed.
Y/n:That was weird. I didn't know Cat Noir had that problem.
Aquaa:I mean you are all children. You would think it would just be natural for your feelings to cause confusion.
Y/n:I guess. But something about this villain was scary.
Aquaa:What is it?
Y/n:Usually Hawkmoth goes after average civilians like teenagers have emotional problems or adults who have wrongfully treated. But this was different. He went after someone who is a murderer. His need for the miraculous has reached to turn point where he went to a killer for assistance. If this pattern continues, we could actually die and there would be nobody to save Paris.
Aquaa looks at her holder and sees the fear in his eyes and though he doesn't say she knows he is thinking about Allah his friends and his family.
Aquaa:After school transform and use your power to find the remaining miraculous. If I am correct, the guardian should be in Paris or in a neighboring country as their duty prevents them from being far from the miraculous.
Y/n:So, you want me to meet the guardian?
Aquaa:Yes, unfortunately, I don't know who the new one is so we have to do it either in the morning or in the case of an akama, after out duty.
Y/n:Alright. So we find the guardian and then what?
Aquaa:Hopefully, come up with a plan on defeating Hawkmoth.

Meanwhile in his base Hawkmoth is in rageml. Punching the wall as a look that would fit a dragon is on his face.
Hawkmoth:Nooroo, Dark wings fall.
Gabriel is seen with his fist now bleeding as Nooroo floats by his side.
Nooroo:Pardon Master?
Gabriel:Why can't I beat them?!
His anger turns to the kwami who cowers with fear.
Gabriel:I went out of my way to find one of the most evil people in all of Paris and yet he couldn't win! These are children!
Nooroo:The powers of the miraculous far surpass the abilities of humans master.
Gabriel:Then tell me. How do I achieve more power?!
Nooroo:I-i don't know.
Gabriel:Don't lie!
He grabs his kwami who struggles to breathe.
Gabriel:How do I gain power?!
Nooroo:I honestly do-dont know master!
Nooroo is gasping for air as Gabriel finally let's go of him.
Gabriel:Useless as always. Next time I will win.

Back to Alya she is struggling to fall asleep. Like she normally would, she was watching the fight that just occurred and of course managed to acquire some shots of the heroes. She decides to upload them on the Lady blog but when she lands in Tidus something about the ocean hero confuses her.
Alya:That's odd.
It may be due to her and Y/n recently getting together which causes her to notice the striking details of her boyfriend but she sees that the hero and her love are very similar. Their eyes are the same ocean blue and their hair is the same silver. Even in their movements, they move in a way that makes it seem like they are one in the same.
Alya:I have to get to the bottom of this.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2023 ⏰

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