Chapter 1: The Secret Gets Out (1/2)

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(One day at the Loud House in the future in 2032, Lincoln Loud as 27 years old found out that a TV show named "The Loud House" made him famous, but then suddenly... male people (except female girls) started to tease him after they watched The Loud House)
Clyde McBride: "Ugh! That's it Lincoln! We are no longer friends forever because of your fault! Your TV show about us has ruined my life!"
Lincoln Loud: "But Clyde, we're supposed to be Clincoln McLoud forever."
Clyde McBride: "Friendship is over! You made us as pooper-scoopers in the Ace Savvy movie! I'm moving from Royal Woods! And this time! I'm not moving to Great Lakes City!"
(Clyde McBride went back to his home)
Liam: "Clyde's right. Your show has shown everything about our embarrassing lives."
Rusty: "Sorry Lincoln."
Zach: "We're no longer friends forever too."
Stella: "We're breaking up too, Lincoln."
(Lincoln Loud's other friends went back to their homes)
(Then his best friend Clyde McBride breaks up with him. Lincoln Loud's other friends break up with him too)
(Paige appeared)
Paige: "You monster! How could you have cheated on me!? You dated another girl than me? And all I see online is Ronnie Anne and you as a true love couple! I'm dating back to my ex-boyfriend!"
(Then Paige breaks up with Lincoln Loud for cheating on her by dating Ronnie Anne and went away)
Lincoln Loud: "Here goes my life. No friends, but stuck with my younger sisters again."
(Then the mayor, school district, and superintendent took away his graduation stuff. His family got banned from Royal Woods due to the TV show: The Loud House)
(Flashback about the news about the Loud Family)
Katherine: "This just in, the mayor of Royal Woods and her services has planned that the Loud Family... BANNED! Because of lazy, evil, and bad parents with 11 kids. The only son with 10 sisters along with their parents has committed severe crimes. Blackouts, chaos, uneducated personality, unbalanced gender lifespan, and several crimes. Luna Loud is sued for not having a music license. Lisa Loud is sued for illegal chemicals. Lynn Loud Jr. is sued for attacking, roughhousing, anger, and bullying. Lana Loud is sued for filth and bringing animals to several communities and makes carrots inside a pool. Lola Loud is sued for anger and bad behavior. Leni Loud is sued due to her uneducated personality. Luan is sued due to her pranks. And Lucy is sued due to her black witch magic and several rituals. However, Lynn Sr. and Rita are sued due to themselves grounding the kids for just one priceless vase, being evil parents, having an unfair, neglectful, evil, and careless aunt Ruth, committing a crime spread, and treating their kids like violence. The Louds will be temporarily banned and willing to be forced to move to another city. The older Loud Kids will have their graduation stuff being removed and will be forced to enroll to a new college in a different town. However, Lincoln Loud is banned from Royal Woods ...for eternity. Lincoln Loud will be banned from doing Ace Savvy and will be banned from the Ace Savvy Convention Center forever. The President of United States of America has no choice but to take Lincoln away from his family to reset a new life after a couple of complaints about a top secret. And the government will have to imprison the Loud Family for years. That was also a request from Mr. Bolhofner."
Mr. Bolhofner: "If I seen that Lincoln Loud and his uneducated family, I will arrest him and sent him away ...forever! If I seen the Louds again, I will boot them out forever! If they came back after their ban expired. I would remind them to work harder."
Katherine: "Oh boy, This is Katherine signing out."
(The flashback ended)
(Cut to Lincoln Loud went back to the Loud House, until the Mayor, principals, and the superintendent talking with Lynn Sr. and Rita)
Superintendent: "I'm sorry Mr. and Mrs. Loud. We have to take away Lincoln Loud's graduation stuff due to his offenses."
Mayor: "And you Loud Family are banned temporarily due to a TV show about you as a chaotic family with too many girls. But however, we have to ban Lincoln Loud from Royal Woods for eternity."
Rita: "We'll promise. We'll have to move to another town."
Lynn Sr.: "And we will send Lincoln Loud to Spag Union."
Lincoln Loud: "Mom, Dad. What is going on!?"
Lynn Sr.: Lincoln Loud! What's wrong with this picture? Why is this TV show recording our lives, you are grounded!"
Lincoln: "Dang it!"
(Many weeks later, The five older Loud Sisters makes a visit with her family)
Lynn Sr.: "Kids, why are you grounded for?"
Loud Siblings: "Yes dad?"
Lynn Sr.: "Because that TV show has ruined our lives, because we've got banned from Royal Woods. Because everyone hated the TV show, and they started to hate all of us! Here's the percentage of a chance of having trouble: 20% for Lori because she spreaded the whole family with her flu as some kind of chain reaction, then her handbag scratched Vanzilla with its gems, and she parked in a no parking zone and also made an indoor golf course. 20% for Leni, cause she caused a blackout after using too much electricity, then she sold my recipe book and she is not smart enough. Then she missed her first day of school after she visited the daycare. 20% for Luna, because she caused a blackout after turning too much volume with her speakers. 20% for Luan, because she pranked us too much every April Fools Day. 20% for Lynn Jr. because she and her friends were wrecking the whole house, every Packing Day, Lynn Jr. kept being genocidal, she also committed every act of violence and bullying. 20% for Lucy, she cast her siblings with her ancient spell book. She also casted a spell to manipulate us to forget her birthday and nearly accidentally erase her birthday and herself from existence. She also brought a cursed cheese that gave all of us nightmares in eternal sleep. Then she put her pony book in the toilet and Lincoln flushed it. And she ruined her mom's wedding dress. 20% for Lana, she was responsible for releasing the frogs back to the wild, and including the ducks too, she also bring too many animals, she also brought a skunk in the house, and she also switch places with Lola. 20% for Lola, because she was against her siblings and ruined their stuff, she also used Lana's skunk as tastes and caused a stinkhole in the school, then Lola has a sugar addiction and eaten our desserts, then she switched places with Lana. 20% for Lisa, she forgot to return the books from the library, her library books were overdue. Then she installed lie-detecting cameras with force fields in our house. Then she unearthed a cavewoman, then the cavewoman messed with the museum and everything in Royal Woods. And she was using her siblings as lab rats and also responsible for time traveling to ruin our wedding and caused an opposite universe of us. 20% for Lily, she kept losing her diaper, and she said a bad word, then shrank her class with Lisa's shrink ray and she's also responsible for the April Fools Day pranks since we sealed up Luan Loud from pranking us. But, 50% for Lincoln due to his plans as the man with a dumb plan, because he clogged the toilet mostly, then he caused a kiddie ride going haywire after giving with too many quarters, he made the Royal Woods lose in a football stadium tournament, then he fell in love with a substitute teacher, then he caused his 10 sisters to fight, then his idea to get some kind of sweet spot in Vanzilla, then he freed the frogs back in the wild, including the ducks too, then he locked Lori in and let his other siblings causing mayhem. Then he planned to sacrifice food. Then he released a cat in the Ace Savvy Convection. And he was responsible for selling furniture in the living room. And he was ditching, then he accidentally broke my disco trophy. Then he ditched and sneaked to Lisa's bunker and watched scary movies. And he stalled the Parent and Teacher conference. And he broke my spatula. And he and Clyde also spy on the new neighbors if they are suspicious. And he recorded all of his sisters' embarrassing moments and secrets. And he harassed us by telling us that we have critics and other hecklers. Then he and Clyde McBride used Lucy's cursed cheese wheel as dessert to give all of us nightmares. He ruined Rita's travel work article such as changing our plans, then stole a mummy's ring in the Bizzartorium and brought us a curse of bad luck by making us miss the barrel race in Niagara Falls, and Lucy solved our problem. Then he convinced himself as the Master of Convincing and the King of Yes. But, *gulp*... A TV show broke our top secret about his birth story."
Lori: "Wait! What kind of top secret?"
Lynn Sr.: "Lincoln was born in a president's limo."
Loud Sisters: "*GASP*"
Lynn Sr.: "He was delivered by the President along with the First Lady, the President was heading to a top secret lab in Royal Woods, nobody knows it."
Lola: "Lucky."
Lori: "Nice going son of President."
Lynn Sr.: " Now, the children will get 5% cause, They snuck into the President's top secrets without permission by destroying everything in the White House to Mr. Bulldog's dismay. They sold our furniture in the living room, not doing their best behavior in the Hotel, then the started to ruin Vanzilla, then they were wrecking the whole house by finding money, then they were fighting, then they threw away my ingredients after sorting the fridge by color, then they were ditching and goofing off instead doing their work, and distracting us by making us giving them money, then they destroyed my special chair. Then they brought their friends over and made us violate the rules about noises. And they accidentally injured Flip and accidentally caused minimal damage. And they destroyed our past life, interfered and ruined our first wedding and alternated our past, and then they ruined our priceless wedding vase. Also, they have ruined Rita's travel article and column. At least that turns out that the girls are not normal, their personality doesn't comply and match our normal personality."
Lynn Loud Jr.: "Well sorry! Your wedding is the reason why we're grounded for months!"
Lola Loud: "Yeah! This is why we hate your dumb useless wedding vase!"
Luna Loud: "You're the evilest and rude parents we've had!"
Lori Loud: "Sorry Mom and Dad, your wedding may have ruined our lives!"
Lana Loud: "Yeah!"
Luan Loud: "Even you parents are unfunny!"
Lucy Loud: "And you parents are weak and mostly terrifying as Aunt Ruth! Your wedding sucks!"
Leni Loud: "You two are more dumber than me!"
Lisa Loud: "We have no choice to prevent you from having your pathetic wedding vase! And you're the most horrible, evil and neglectful parents we've have!"
Lily Loud: "You parents are idiots!"
Lynn Loud Sr.: "*sniff* (cringes in fear)"
Lola Loud: "And Rita Ruth! You have been banishing us to Aunt Ruth's because you're really evil!"
Lynn Loud Jr.: "Aunt Ruth is so evil!"
Luna Loud: "She fed us some gross food and has manipulated us! Like she's a dictator, and you Rita Ruth and Aunt Ruth are really evil!"
Lori Loud: "You're not our mom no more! You're just Rita Ruth, a messiah of Aunt Ruth's evil pyramid scheme!"
Lola Loud: "You're the worst ruthless mother we ever have!"
Rita: "*GASP!* You all hated my Aunt Ruth!?! *sniff* (cries in cringe)"
(Lily Loud threw a pan at Rita)
Rita: "OWWWWW!!!! GGGRRRRRRR!!!!!! Sorry kids, looks like we have to get rid of you!"
Mayor Davis: "This is why you Loud Family are temporarily banned from Royal Woods. But this Lincoln Loud of yours is permanently banned from Royal Woods."
Principal Huggins: "So we and the school superintendent have to take away Lincoln Loud's diploma and graduation stuff due to his grades and other offensive crimes in elementary school. We also had to take away the sisters' graduation stuff and diploma also."
Principal Ramirez: "I agreed."
Lincoln Loud's high school Principal: "Same here, but his ten sisters have important grades. But we have to temporarily expel them and re-add them back after the ban has been lifted. We also have to take away the older Loud Sisters' diplomas and graduation stuff also."
Lori: "So my first college I went to and finally graduated was banned due to the dorms that were full of traps and many quiet people. And the college district took my college graduation stuff away."
Lynn Jr.: "Now all of our embarrassing moments were on TV, even my friends and sports team kicked me out because of you."
(Flashback of Lynn Jr.'s sports team kicked her out of the team)
Sports player #1: "Sorry Lynn, you're out of the team. And you also banned your brother from your activities, leading him to lie to your family about him being bad luck leading your family to commit child abuse."
(One of Lynn Jr.'s friends showed her with their phones of embarrassing pictures of her and scenes of her blaming Lincoln)
(Flashback ended)
Lynn Jr.: "This is why I got banned from sports."
Lori: " *sniff* And that is the time my friends found out I have a pointy head and webbed feet."
(Flashback of Lori's friends breaking up with her)
Lori's Friend #1: "Sorry Lori, friendship is over, because of your pointy head and webbed feet, and you farted over a million times."
(One of Lori's friends showed her their phones of embarrassing pictures of her)
(Another Flashback ended)
Lori: "And Bobby and I were breaking up despite the fact that he and I were married, because your TV show revealed that Ronnie Anne bullied you."
(Flashback of Bobby watched The Loud House and founded that Ronnie Anne bullied Lincoln)
Bobby: "Seriously Ronnie Anne, You bullied my girlfriend's brother! You are so much trouble."
(Flashback ended)
Leni: "Now, my friends don't want me, because I'm not smart enough and I got fired from my job."
Luna: "And I got banned from concerts and music auditions."
Luan: "Then I got banned from comedy."
Lucy: "Then I got banned from the Mortician's club."
Lana: "Then I got kicked out from hanging out with boys."
Lola: "Then I got banned from beauty pageant and fashion contests."
Lisa: "Then I got banned from science."
Lynn Sr: "Because, so that's why we never have kids! I want all of them out of the house, except Lily because she didn't get in trouble and we'll send Lincoln Loud to reform school, cause he's the worst son I've ever had, even dumber than Leni. Now we all have known that he was really the selfish jerk we've ever had. Well... I remembered that Lincoln Loud was banned from the Ace Savvy convention and we should ban Lincoln Loud from doing Ace Savvy and bringing his Ace Savvy stuff to the girls. Wait a minute, I have a better idea. How about we'll get rid of one. I'll go with Lincoln Loud. We still keep the girls. So we have to give away Lincoln Loud's graduation stuff to the Mayor."
Rita: "Sorry Lincoln, but we have to get rid of you due to your reckless, reluctant, and stupid plans of making things worse. (at Loud Sisters) Girls, you're officially ungrounded and still part of our family. We can move to a new town, how about Great Lakes City."
Lynn Sr: "That will be a good idea, after we disown Lincoln Loud. Yes, I was right. Lincoln Loud is too much of a timid coward and selfish jerk and was not worthy of doing school activities."
Mayor Davis: "I agreed."
Principal Huggins: "That is a best idea instead of resigning Lincoln Loud back to the daycare because Lincoln Loud's is too timid to do everything and always screw things up and he is also a mediocre."
Principal Ramirez: "I agreed third. However, Chef Pat was arrested after insulting the Louds by giving them bad food."
(A cutscene of Chef Pat in jail)
Police: "Sorry mam. But the president has to make us arrest you for torturing the Louds due to your bad personality. You're like a horrible Aunt Ruth to the Loud Siblings."
(The police left)
(The flashback ended)
Lincoln Loud's high school Principal: "I think that Lincoln Loud is the greatest high school student, but since Mr. Bolhofner forced us to ban the Loud Family. But because of his crimes in elementary school. We have to take away his graduation stuff and ban him from school activities."
Lynn Loud Sr.: "And I shouldn't marry Rita in the first place if she over tortured the kids and me by sending us to that stupid cave troll Aunt Ruth that brainwashed us with her extra toe and manipulated us so she could poison us with moldy pudding! Aunt Ruth is the worst family member of the Loud Family. After that, Aunt Ruth's home is condemned and she's in the hospital! Hooray!"

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