Chapter 1: Helping Out

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Translations will be in the comments. All languages other than English are used through Google translate so it won't be perfect or maybe even accurate.
Y/N stood against the wall in the principals office for the fourth time. Luz had, somehow, managed to get live snakes onto school grounds and several of them had attacked students and teachers. Y/N wasn't surprised, really. No, he was more amazed that Luz hadn't even gotten a detention for it.

Suddenly, Y/N heard a voice speak in his head.
"Y/N." The disembodied voice said. Y/N mentally cursed and the voice picked up on it.
"Y/N, is that anyway to speak to your father."

Y/N whispering said "What do you want now? I've just got back home."

The voice, now known as his father, sighed and said, "Apollo lost his Valdezinator again and needs you to help him find it."

Y/N start cursing under his breath. "Why me? Couldn't he get Nico or Will to help him out?"
He said, growing more irritated at the situation. He was hardly paying any attention to the scolding Luz was currently receiving from her principal.

"He thinks it's in the Lotus Hotel." The voice spoke almost in hesitation. "And he specifically asked for your help." Y/N was growing visibly angry at this point and was starting to garner attention from his mother. He uttered some very unkind words to the Sun god in ancient greek.

Y/N pushed himself off the wall and walked over to Luz who was currently in the middle of talking with her principal.

"Luz," He said, " I'm going to begone for a little while so our plans are going to have to wait, OK?" Y/N placed his hands In her shoulders and knelt down infront of her, being careful to avoid looking her in the eyes.

"Debería volver en una semana, no dejes que nadie te deprima hasta que regrese." Y/N said. Luz just nodded and her head sunk, she had been looking forward to today. He was going to take her out and they were going to spend the day together.

With that he stood up and walked out the door after saying bye to his mom. He walked a little down the corridor and turned into an unused classroom and walked into the shadows. After making sure that no one was looking he disappeared into the shadows.

Y/N suddenly sculked out of the shade behind the hotel. He was already cursing Apollo. He absolutely hated this place. It was a tall building in the middle of a stretch of desert. His shoes where already starting to fill with sand. And as he approached the entrance to the Hotel he saw a man standing infront of the place. He was tall, looked about 17-19 in age, and was blonde with teeth so white it could blind someone for looking.

"Apollo." He said, his voice clearly annoyed by the god. "Ah, Y/N. Finally. Let's get this show on the road shall we?" The god was clearly trying to get this over with, and Y/N wasn't complaining. "Where were you when you lost it?" Y/N said to the god, trying to speed this up as much as possible. "I was at the bar, then the stage, I lost track of it after that." Y/N was already mentally cursing his luck. "Then we start there. Please, no messing around. I've got a promise to keep."

They walked into the hotel and were swarmed almost immediately by the staff. Apollo being a god and Y/N having been through this countless times were able to get through them easily.

"You check the bar. I'll go and check the stage. If it's not there start checking the arcade." Y/N told the god before he started walking toward the nearest shadow. "Meet back here as soon as you've found it. I'll catch up eventually."

Y/N then disappeared. The god started toward the bar checking every stool and table before moving behind the counter. No one dared interfere.

Y/N on the other hand was having issues getting around the staff to check the stage and back stage areas. After trying to avoid them he just took the card to get them off him. The casino cards have virtually infinite money but are cursed to make you want to stay. Y/N through it away the first chance he got.

He started searching and found Apollo's device mixed in with the drums and other percussion instruments. He went to find Apollo and found him "Searching" the arcade. It had been almost 2 hours by this point and
Y/N was ready to go.

"Apollo! Let's go. I've got your stupid thing." He near shouted at the sun god. Apollo followed him out of the hotel deciding to just come back later. After exiting the hotel the first thing Y/N did was rush to find a newspaper or something similar. It had been almost 6 day's since they entered the hotel.

"Okay, still time left." He sighed to himself. He turned to Apollo and handed him his Valdezinator. "You really should charm that thing or something. Like Riptide or my ring." Apollo nodded He hadn't thought of that. "You know there was a reason I asked for you specifically." Y/N raised an eyebrow. This whole time not looking the god in the eyes but very tempted to.

"I heard of your little problem from Will the other day. I had these special made by Hephaestus they just finished today." Apollo reached into his pocket and pulled out a small case. Y/N was staring at it intently. Apollo open the case to reveal a pair of glasses. "These are special made lenses. They should remove your 'ability' while you wear them. I put a little something special in myself. But that's for you to figure out." He handed Y/N the case and turn to walk towards his car, which currently took the form of a red hot convertible. "Hey! Are.... Are these real?" Apollo turned his head back. Y/N stood still, staring at the glasses inside the case, tears threatening to fall.

"Why don't you find out?" Y/N with a shaky hand put on the glasses and for the first time since he was twelve look someone in the eye. And nothing happened. He was expecting screaming. Maybe a few tears. But nothing. "It's real. This is really happening."

He watch the sun god continue to walk towards his car. "Thank you." Was all he could bring himself to say.

"Your welcome kid. I'll see you around." Y/N realizing what was about to happen closed his eyes. Then a burning light peirced his eyelids as he brought his arms up to block it. When the light died down he open his eyes and saw the sand burning black in some areas around where Apollo's car was. Smiling Y/N walked towards the back of the hotel and sank into the shadows. Decide to give the sun god an extra big offering at dinner.

I'm back and updating again! I'll have hunger games on Monday and then Narnia on next Thursday.

How do you like this one so far? Don't be afraid to be mean. This one is more of a long term project. So most of the questions will be answered later in the story. And I think It'll probably be two or three chapters before we get into the actual show. But I hope you can stick with this. Don't for get to vote if you enjoyed it.

1287 Words.

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