Chapter 22.

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I honestly don't know how i've been able to keep this up. 

It's all ready been three days of me ignoring Louis..and I think he hates me again, he's always glaring at me and we're back to square one again.. hooray! Notice the sarcasm..

We were now all sitting in the van going to a signing again..

As soon as we got there we all raced out the car to get into our seats for the signing.. it's funny how Louis sat at the chair farthest away from me..

It went smoothly..and the time went by fast to be honest.

"Hey guys i'm hungry can we go to Nando's?" Niall asked of-course.

"Yeah Ni, we'll go right now." Zayn responded. 

So now we were driving to Nando's.. I swear Niall can't stay still!

I looked to my left and saw Louis staring at the window..wonder what he's thinking about?

Probably what a fat-ass you are..and how you're going to stuff yourself in Nando's.

There it is again that stupid voice.. 

Louis is probably thinking about how pathetic you are, and how ugly you are.. 

God shut the fuck up!

"Mate, who are you telling to shut up?" Liam asked.

Oh crap did I just say that out loud?

"Oh no Liam sorry, I was just talking to um.. to Louis!" Really Harry.. Louis out of all people you pick Louis? Nice going smart one.

"What the fuck, I wasn't even talking to you, you twat.." Louis snarled..

Ouch that hurt. 

"Hey Lou calm down mate, yeah?" Niall asked. 

"Whatever.." He rolled his eyes. 

I looked down to the floor and just thought about how much of an idiot I am. 

"Hey guys we're here!" Zayn exclaimed. 

Everyone got out execpt me..

"Come on mate, let's go." Zayn said. 

"Naah it's okay Zayn, i'm not hungry anyways and I feel tired so i'm just going to sleep ok?"

"Um..okay if that's what you want."

When he closed the door I banged my head against the window.. God Harry you're a stupid fuck. 

All of a sudden I heard a ringing..

I looked down and noticed that Louis left his phone in the van...and he got a message from Eleanor.

Should I read it? 

No Harry you shouldn't it's his personal stuff and you can't be snooping. 

But I really want to!!

Before I had a chance to decide my hands were already grabbing the phone and clicked read!

Eleanor: You're right babe, Harry is fat as heck...and he is so lucky we has friends like you because no one would want to be friends with that thing. 

You were right I whispered out loud to the voice, tears streaming down my face.

I'm always right Harry. I'm always right. 

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