Chapter 42.

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Let's just say I am happy and happy is an emotion I haven't felt in a long time.  We've been home for like a day now and Louis is still hurt and he was put to bed rest and he's been complaining about it. The good thing though is that I get to cuddle with Louis and stay in bed with him. When we told the boys they surprisingly reacted well to it, they said they all knew it coming. And to be honest that kind of scared me because it showed how visible my love for Louis actually was. Well besides that today is Sunday so it's the first day of my week with Louis. 

I told him we could stay home and watch movies and cuddle and things like that but he said he wanted to go out on a real first "date" and that he was tired of being in bed all day like a vegetable so as always I agreed and now i'm decided were to take him. 

The movies? Naah to cliche. The Amusment Park? The kids got a broken leg and broken ribs so that's a big no.  Um..a nice little picnic? Maybe sound a little to girlish but it'll do for now. 

So I started making sandwich's and all that picnic food and then I guess dirty Harry just showed up because I started packing strawberries and chocolate you obviously know what that's for.

I went upstairs to tell Louis to get ready for the date.

"Were are we going Harry?"

"It's a surprise LouBear." I replied smirking. 

"But Harry..please tell me were you're taking me!"

"No Louis, now go get ready and meet me downstairs."

I got ready as well I put on my Ramon's t-shirt and some black pants with my converse. I'm walking down the stairs and I see Louis..Oh god the way his bum looked in his tight jeans made me just want to.. wait Harry shutup!

I walked up to him and kissed him and he pulled away smiling..

"I won't kiss you until you tell me were we're going!"

"Well I guess we won't kiss then." I replied knowing he would give in. 

"Ugh I hate you Harry, you know I can't stop kissing you, you prick!"

I just chuckled and started walking to the car and he closed the door. I opened the car door for him and he blushed a little, he is so cute. We started driving and that's when he grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers together and I rubbed little circles with my thumb on his hand. After like 30 minutes of driving we finally got there. We got down and I put a blindfolded him.

"Seriously Harry?" he chuckled. 

"Yeah boo , I told you it was a surprise."

I guided him to the place and when he finally got there I took the blindfold off. His eyes started getting watery. Oh great I messed up, way to go Harry!

"Louis look i'm sorry I didn't mean to make you upset i'm sorry if you don't like it, I-I could just take you home and we can do something else!"

"Omg you idiot I love it, thank you so much Harry no one has every taken me to such a beautiful place before and i'm crying because I love it not because I hate it! Thank you so much Harry!"

He hugged me by the waist since he was shorter than me, he hugged me so tight and I of-course hugged him back just as tight! He pulled away and got on his tippy toes and pecked my lips and took me by the hand ans said.."Well let's have a picnic!"

Let me just clarify something, I never knew picnics could be this fun. But I guess with Louis everything is fun. We had just finished eating everything execpt the strawberries and chocolate. I got them out and he just gave me a smirk.

"I never knew you were kinky Harry?"

"I guess I am!"

"Well then let's get to it shall we?" he suddenly asked. I just nodded. 

I took out the bowl of strawberries and the bowl of chocolate and dipped on strawberry in and I was about to feed it to him when he burst into a fit of laughter. 

"What's so funny?" I asked clueless.

"I'm sorry I just can't take you seriously!"

I just groaned and started eating the strawberry myself when Louis suddenly stopped laughing. I looked at him by the corner of my eye and I could see he was getting slightly turned on by the way I eating my strawberry so I started eating it slower. 

I suddenly heard him groaned and I looked at him and smirked. "What's the matter Lou?"

"Just feed me the fucking strawberry you prick!"

I just chuckled and started feeding him the strawberry and that's how it kept going. He fed me one and I fed him one until we got full. He randomly got some chocolate on his finger and looked at me and wiped it on my nose. 

"Louuuisss!" I whined.

He just laughed.."Louis we don't have anymore napkins now you have to find a way to wipe it off!" 

He came closer to me.. until we were inches apart, "I already have a way babe." He suddenly kissed my nose and blushed. When he pulled away he had chocolate on his mouth now and before he could wipe off I did it myself. 

I kissed him and suddenly sucked his bottom lip and bit it a little bit, he groaned and that's when I pulled away. 

"I wanted to make sure the chocolate was gone." I said smirking. 

"You're such an asshole!" He chuckled and pecked my lips. 

We cleaned everything and headed home. On the way home I looked to where Louis was to see him fast asleep with a smile on his face. Oh god he was so beautiful. His bone structure and that feminine vibe he had yet a same time so manly. Those ocean blue eyes that could stare into your soul and make you fall in love with them he was  perfect. 

We arrived home and I didn't want to wake him up so I carried him bridal style to the house and the boys were there and they all came running towards us when I shushed them. They just aww'ed and I blushed. I carried Louis up to our room and took of his shoes. I started unbuckling his pants and I pulled them down. I took of my shoes and my pants as well. I laid down next to Louis and wrapped my arms around him almost immediately he cuddle into my chest. 

Day 1  of my week with Louis. So far so good. 

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