You awed at the sight of the small child's creativity and wholesomeness, playing with her in the snow before you heard someone's aproaching, it was her mother"look! Look mommy! His face is all painted!" she said, the mom looked around, curious on who she meant but she couldn't find anyone, you were still there, with a smile, soon placing a finger on your lips and and shushed the girl quietly
"It's our secret" he whispered, the girl seemed a bit confused on why her mom couldn't see him but she agreed with you, as if she was hiding some dark secret, you stood up with a chuckle while the mom walked away with a sigh
"Come on Sophie theirs no one here, I finished dinner" she said and Sophie only nodded with a disappointed face soon after they entered the house, leaving you alone outside, you looked around and wondered once again where Jack was, he was playing hide and sick with Jamie, and it's been a good while since you saw him last.
You sigh before walking into a bench that was placed near the side walked and seated there calmly, knowing so frost had to show up or just get told that he had left early which you hoped that didn't happen, you closed your eyes before he felt as someone was near as the atmosphere turned cold, with a grin you opened your eyes to see frost in a position to scare you, a bit shocked to be caught in the act
"Don't let me stop you, I'll act scared" you said with a cheeky grin before closing your eyes, Jack hugged as he glared at you playfully before he walked around the bench and sat besides him as he crossed his arms
"Soo?...what's up? Thought you were here for a meeting, not to hang around" he said "not that there's a problem, just- didn't expect a visit " he then smirk, it was very obvious he was trying to be modest as he looked down at his crossed arms
!writing change¡
The spirit of the dead looked down at the floor before smiling
"Well ive been told that a few of your friends made you angry" Y/n Said "and apperently my name is on the topic" he leaned back on the chair and took off his hat before placing it next to himself, watching as the clouds passed by calmly before he said anything, closing his eyes with a sigh
"So you've heard...sorry I didn't mean to come off as rude I just-" Jack tried to muster an excuse as he moved his hands around as if trying to look for something in his brain that noticeably he was having trouble finding before his arms slumped besides him and his body slid down ever so slightly on the bench, the other spirit chuckled as he shook his head at his child like actions
"It's alright, you don't have to explain your actions, you were uncomfortable, and they weren't paying too much attention to notice" the other spirit said with a smile as he laid his back on the bench and looked up at the clouds again after a brief glance at Jack
"It didn't feel uncomfortable more like- I'm not ready for that talk, I mean after Centennial's! And yet I don't really like that topic, I don't get why it's so important! One of Jamie's friends were trying to get him to talk about it, it's a bit of a coincidence that my friends wanted me to talk about it, it might be the universe giving me heads up about what's about to happen and yet I can't really see any of it until I go "oh! Yea that happened and this happened now!" It's so frustrating!..." he complained as he sat up straight, his face showing clear frustration as his brows furrowed and his hands waved around dramatically trying to recreate scenarios or just expressing himself through the wave of his hands, the spirit next to him laughed, Jack glared at him embarrassed that he was laughing at him but the spirit quickly waved his hand
"Im sorry your pout was adorable, but being serious, yea, you come from a very old time, not a lot of people who come from old times like change, I didn't at the start and your pretty wise to even know about this stuff, not even Norte knows much about this, and here your proving your point in the topic" he said with a smile before turning to look at Jack who stared back, as death smiled at him, Jack felt better talking about it, even if it meant with the person his mates teased him about being together, he was glad that death understood, which was strange to think about, I mean, the spirit of Easter and the tooth fairy were very open about it as they were the ones that were calling him out on a few behaviors and telling him how he was acting as if he liked him and yet, death was the one comforting him and reassuring him about his problem, Jack smiled back, a small grin but it was something
"Thank you, I feel better, though I still don't know about all the sexuality thing" he sighed as he rested his back on the bench and didn't look away from the other spirit
"It's ok, you don't have to know now, you have the rest of time to figure it out" death grabbed his hat before putting it on and fixing it
"Do you know your sexuality?" Jack asked as he leaned forward, resting his elbows on his legs, death chuckled before he said with a smile
"I like any being in general, I don't have a preference, though I have to know them well" he said as the candles in his hat light up one by one "though I do believe in love at first sight, it hasn't happen to me" he added as he waved his hand over his face as it turned into a skull "But I don't think is bad liking Men" he then stood up and turned to look over at Jack

~The meeting of the dead and the snow~ Jack x Male reader
FanfictionWhen a friend of north and the cousin of Halloween comes to visit, some feelings and problems may come to the guardian of winter, will he be able to work on the new feeling in his heart or will he deny it? Found out once you read it