Prt: 4 A bit of a talk

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I sighed and looked at them

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have talked to you guys like that, but anyways I'm gonna go and check on Jack to see if his ok" I apologized and walked away towards the balcony, as I got closer a bridge of merry gold petals started forming but it was just the beginning the rest didn't appear

"Woah- wait aren't people gonna see you??" Toothiana said with a worried expression as she started flying towards me

"Huh- OH! Hahaha no no don't worry don't worry, why don't you come with me?" I offered them in which they toothiana accepted but Aester preferred his tunnels, I think his afraid of the highs or the consequences that may happen

Toothiana POV

"Ok toothiana don't get scared ok?" (Y/n) told me, in which kinda scared me because it looked just like a bridge but he acted like if I was gonna die if I miss a step, I nodded and flew towards him, I landed on the bridge, and it was so cool the petals looked like they were fading from under the bridge and when you stepped on it, it felt like it was solid ground not a actual petals

He started walking in which I followed, I looked behind me and as we kept walking in noticed that the bridge kept disappearing slowly

"Hey why would anyone be scared of this?" I asked since I remembered what he told me
"I mean, it looks amazingly stable! It is kinda scary how it fades away but I don't get the warning" I said walking next to him, he looked at me for a second before he started laughing

"Hahaha well.. North doesn't like traveling in my bridge, or Thats what I remember" he explained in which shocked me, I've seen him walking on bridges, flying in his sleights, and
(Y/n)'s bridge is the one this that scares him? No way

"Why would you say that? I mean his pretty brave and I've seen it myself" I said not being able to imagen North scared of something

"The first and last time he was on the path for the death bridge-" he said in which caught my attention, he has a name for the bridge?
"He was scared that because of his weight the bridge would break and he would fall meters away from the ground, you needed to see him when the bridge got us to our destination, he ran towards the safe ground and told me "I am not doing that again" He said trying to mock north Russian accent, it was kinda funny imagining north scared in which I never though it would be possible

"Anyways have you seen papa bear lately??" He Asked in which confused me, papa bear? Is there another new spirit?

"Papa bear? I have never even heard of the name" I answered in which he seemed kinda surprised

"Wait you know about Katherine right? Mama goose?" He asked as he stopped in his tracks looking at me like if I'm crazy

"Well yea I know Katherine- wait is he like her husband or bf?" I asked in which resulted of him laughing for about 10 minutes
"Why are you laughing" i asked walking towards him and bending myself to his level since he fell down a few seconds before I asked him that

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry-" he apologized as he got up with my help and as he was gonna tell me something he we were already a few meters away from our location
"Bueno- I'll tell you later mija were already here, I'll go talk to him if you want you can join me but it'll get him frustrated if theirs a lot of people around him" he said stopping his way and looking towards me with worried eyes

"Yes I'll just stay around don't worry" I told him, I flew right on top of a roof top and he kept walking towards Jamie's house through the side walk

AN: Im sorry for this chapter, it looked like it wasn't going no where when it got to the bridge part, It's been a bit stressful lately so Im having a bit of authorsblock so please forgive me

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