You walked through the side walk as he checked for the houses before ending in Jamie's house, only knowing by all the snow around, you quickly hid not wanting to interrupt their funAs you looked from afar you could see Jack Frost flying around in the wind as he threw snow balls at a Jamie, as Jamie tried to catch up and throw snow balls back at the frosty man with a another friend, it was a little girl with different colored hair from the boy, she was blond, while Jamie had brown hair, and even then they both looked almost
"I wonder if Jamie or the little one could see me" I thought as i looked around before stopping to look at the house next to me, I walked towards it before creating some sort of stairs with the Marry gold petals and climbing on the roof as I watched them, they seemed to have a lot of fun which made me envy them a bit, there were little times where I saw snow since the day of the dead has been getting more and more popular by the centuries, I never knew there were even games for it until Klaus told me in one of his letters to check on me, but apart from that seeing them play and laugh now made me happy but curious if I could play like that one day of my endless life.
I sighed before noticing Jack covered his eyes and the other two scattered, curious I kept watching seeing as Jamie and his little sister hid, Jamie had entered the house while his sister went to the back of the house"That's not safe.." I thought as I kept an eye on the little sister, I looked towards Jack to see if he started looking before noticing he was staring at me shocked, i snickered as I wasn't expecting him to notice me just yet but I pointed to the back of the house and he nodded as he quickly looked away and checked the back of the house before hearing a squeal from the girl and laughing, and before a minute could pass she finally gave in and they both continued searching for Jamie, but as Jack didn't find him he looked up at me again, I laughed a bit as I covered my mouth, once I calmed down I smile and point at the house in which he nods and flies up to what I guess is Jamie's room
I looked down at Jamie's sister seeing as she seated on the snow, behaving as she stayed still and calm, I smiled and jumped down out of the roof top, landing on both of my feet safely before walking towards her, not wanting to leave her there alone, once I walked towards her, she seemed of heard me as she looked up at me which caught me off guard "she believes in me?" I thought as I froze for a second before seeing as she started giggling

~The meeting of the dead and the snow~ Jack x Male reader
FanfictionWhen a friend of north and the cousin of Halloween comes to visit, some feelings and problems may come to the guardian of winter, will he be able to work on the new feeling in his heart or will he deny it? Found out once you read it