The Problems

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"Welcome to Eat Jin. What can I get you?" When Jin heard the doorbell, which signifies that someone has arrived at his eateries, he asked abruptly and with a smile. But as soon as he saw the person in front of him, his smile vanished.

"I would like a glass of my money with an honest amount of interest, please." The man said with a smirk. Jin gulped his salaiva. Even if he anticipates this , he still feels fear.But he made the decision to handle it.

"H-Hyung, it's been a while. how are you?”

"That was not my order, Jinnie."
The man started to approach Jin.Jin took a small step backward.

"I-I am. …Please give me more time.I'll repay you.”

"Make it haste, Jin, there isn't much time.You know that You will lose your dearly loved eatery if you don't pay it back within the next month. Jin's heart skip a bit hearing about losing his restaurant.
"And another issue is this tiny restaurant can only pay back the money so much; what can I take as interest, Jinnie?”
He tucked Jin's hair behind his ears.Jin starts to feel uncomfortable, but all he can do is bear it.

“you're getting more beautiful. Your skin is glowing.”
He said Without breaking his gaze from Jin.

“Yoongi hyung.” Suddenly they heard someone shouting. They turned towards the owner of the sound.Its  hobi.

"WHAT?" Yoongi shouted back in annoyance. Yoongi's roar caused the two best friends to jump a little.

"J-jin will surely return your money ; it's customer time; please don't take make any scene."
Even though he was shaking with terror, Hobi managed to say everything he wanted to.

"Y-yes, hobi is correct, would you kindly leave for the time being or we will lose our customers?" Jin spoke in a flash.

Yoongi turned to look at Jin.
"I'm leaving, but you should know that if you don't pay back the debt on time, I don’t hesitant to take you with me. Don't worry, Jinnie, I'll take better care of you”. Yoongi gave him a little wink before leaving.
Jin let out the breath that he had been holding. He sat on the floor slowly.Hobi ran towards his best friend and hugged tightly.

“It's okay to cry, Don't keep it all by yourself, Jin. We'll find a way.”
Jin remained silent throughout. All he did was squeeze his friend close and cry his heart out.

At this time on Jeon corporation:


Jimin jumped out from his chair and ran to Jungkook’s office when he heard his brother’s roaring..When he saw Mrs. Jeon enter Jungkook's office earlier, he anticipated this would happen. It looks like Jungkook and his mother was engaged in a one-on-one battle for staring. Without knowing how to calm these people down, Jimin stood at the door.

"Get this woman out of my office."
Jungkook shouted at Jimin.

“Why would I want to leave? I have the right to stay here.”

“Then stay here; I'm leaving."

“Jeon jungkook, don't you dare take a step. I've had enough of your behaviour. Why are you putting your mother under so much pressure? Is it wrong that I want my son to have a family of his own?” Mrs. Jeon asked furiuosly.

“How many times do I have to say that I'm not interested in such things?" Jungkook replied by yelling. He has no faith in romantic connections. All he desired was to establish his business as a major international corporation. He is therefore too busy to do engage in relationships.

“Ok, then I don’t have any choice but to transfer my share in this company to your cousin's.”

“EOMMA,Is he or I your son?I working hard for this company.You don't want your son's business to go international.”Jungkook questioned incredulously.

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