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Jungkook walked back to his car and got inside once he made sure that Jiwoo was safely inside her house. He started the car to move from there; he looked back once he turned the car and was about to move forward, but he noticed something about the house in his mirror. He suddenly pulled the break and quickly got outside the car. The view in front of him, which he didn’t even notice when talking with Jiwoo, stunned him. He literally felt goosebumps over the sight, which was welcoming to his eyes.

He then slowly stepped forward to enter the gate with a fast-beating heart. Once he is near the front door of the house, he can hear the honeyed voice of Jiwoo, who was explaining today's incident to his appa. He was slowly climbing the stairs near the front door, but the voice he heard next stopped him in the middle—the voice he was longing for, the voice he was missing, the voice that would vanish all his problems and soothe his heart. His eyes teared up once he reached the front door and saw the person he had been searching for tirelessly for years. Jin was so busy on his phone that he didn’t see Jungkook standing at the front door of his house.

The sound of slow foot steps that Jungkook made on the wooden floor of his house made Jin look instantly in that direction, thinking that it was his Eomma.

"Eomma, where hav-?"

But the person in front of him is neither his Eomma nor his Appa, whom he expected. The light rays of the sun, which is going to set soon, fell on the person who was looking at him with longing.

It took some time for Jin to clearly recognize the person. His eyes went wide in shock, and he forgot to breathe for a few minutes, seeing the person who he was waiting for, whom he was sacrificing everything for, whom he has been strong for all these years, whom his hope never fails on, whom he has been waiting for to welcome one day.

The phone Jin was holding fell to the floor, breaking down into pieces, which got him out of all the emotions he had been going through. He looked at Jungkook with teary eyes, who was approaching him slowly with teary eyes as well. He didn’t waste time. He didn’t want to. He quickly made his way and hugged him, who also hugged him tightly before both of them broke down in each other’s hold.

Love is sweet, love is longing, love is missing, love is pain, love is torture, and love is the remedy. They are each other's love. They stood in that position for a long minute, with tears flowing continuously, feeling each other’s warmth, feeling comfort in their hold, and feeling the emotions they were longing for.

Why did you take this much time?”

Jin spoke between his sobs, which made Jungkook tighten his hold more.

“Iam sorry. Iam sorry.” Jungkook kissed Jin's red ears and cried more.

"Appa, why are you hugging Ahjussi?”

Jin and Jungkook released their hug when they heard Jiwoo’s voice, but Jungkook’s hands were still on Jin's waist. Jiwoo silently looked at both of them when he didn’t get an answer from his appa.

Jin slowly looked at Jungkook, who was looking at Jiwoo as his own daughter instead of the little girl who stole his interest. Then Jungkook looked at Jin, who was now smiling at him.

“Jiwoo, it's your dada, baby.” Jin informed a confused Jiwoo, whose expression now changed into shock.

Jin nodded.

Jungkook slowly approached his shocked daughter and hugged her. He gave her lots of kisses and held her in his arms.

“Ahjussi, are you my dada?” Jiwoo asked again to clear her little mind.

“Yes. Dada is sorry to not be with you all these days, baby.” Jungkook hugged her tightly.

When Jiwoo heard Jungkook's sniffing, she looked at his appa, who was also crying while watching them.

"It's ok, dada. Appa said you were sick.” Jiwoo slowly patted Jungkook's back, which made him more emotional.


Their moment was interrupted by Somi and his husband's entry.


“Why didn't Dad come to make me sleep, Appa?"

Jiwoo asked his appa, who was patting her stomach slowly, to sleep with her. Soobin was at the same time soundly sleeping in the crib near them.

“Dada is speaking with Granny and Grandpa, baby. That’s why he is not here.”

“Did they scold my dada?”

“No. They are just talking. You should sleep, baby; it's getting late."

“Did Dada leave us tomorrow?”

"No, baby, you can see him in the morning.”

“"Really ?”

Jin nodded to avoid more talk. Jiwoo slowly closed her eyes.
Jin relaxed after some minutes when he heard Jiwoo's steady breathing.

Jin patiently sat in the living room, waiting for the people who were still talking inside his parents room. Even though Jin told them about their story, he was still afraid of how they would accept Jungkook.

And after a few minutes, his parents came out of the room. Jin slowly stood when he saw them approaching him.

“We are not against anything. We will never do anything to destroy your happiness. All we want to see is that you are living the life you  deserve."His appa said, looking into his eyes.

“Junah, we are happy that the person you have been waiting for has come into your life again. But we are worried about only one thing. Its about our Soobin.”

Somi paused for a minute, which made Jin more nervous. He is aware that he did not inform Jungkook about Soobin's situation. But he was sure that Jungkook would understand him.

"But we are beyond happy when we hear about his opinion about Soobin.”

“If Soobin is Jin's happiness, I will never try to stand in the way of his happiness. Because Jin's happiness is mine also.”

Somi and his husband hugged Jin, who was in tears for his unlimited gratitude towards his parents.

"I think it's dinner time since we haven’t had any we should eat together. Go and tell him to join us.”

Somi said that and walked with her husband to the kitchen to arrange the dinner.

“I think our talk ends well.”

Jin turned to look at Jungkook, who was standing with a smile near the door.


Jin said with tears, to which Jungkook opened his arms for him, who instantly walked to be in the embrace that was welcoming him.

"They are such nice people.” Jungkook said, hugging Jin more tightly.

Jin was silent, wanting nothing but the feeling of being in the embrace of Jungkook for as long as he wanted.

“The food is waiting.”

Somi said coming with her husband, which made the couple quickly release their hug.

And the dinner goes with happy talks and the emotions of reuniting. Jungkook's hand was always holding Jin's hand under the table. After dinner, his parents go to their room after assisting Jin in cleaning, and Jungkook goes outside to get some fresh air.

Jungkook smiled when Jin hugged him from behind. They both silently looked at the moon which is alone in the dark sky.

“I used to talk with the moon while holding my baby Jiwoo whenever I missed you.” Jin said it in a soft tone.

Jungkook was silent, and Jin heard a soft sniff after a minute. He turned Jungkook to face him. Jungkook was already in tears.

“Iam sorry. I should be with you both. I know how hard it is to be for you.”

"It's not your fault, Jungkook. If Jimin doesn’t tell me to leave you, this will never happen. It's not Jimin’s fault either. He was not thinking much at that time. He has done all those things because of his anger. I am sure once he realizes what he has done, he will break down like a small baby. I think Jimin will be regretting everything now.”

"Yes, he is. But he is no more to say sorry to you.”

"What are you saying?"

“Jin, he passed away two years ago. He was diagnosed with cancer, just like my father. I am only aware of it at the last stage, and I can't save my little brother; I can't be with him; I can't give him everything he desires because I live  selfishly."

Jungkook poured down all his pains in the hold of the person who could only comfort him.

Jin, who couldn't utter a word in shock, held Jungkook tightly and decided to be strong for him.

“I don’t know that all these things have happened. But I can say that Jimin didn’t want you to be in this situation. If he regrets doing everything, he only wants you to be happy after that. He will be happy there if you grant his wish.”

Jin said, holding back the tears for Jungkook, who just nodded in his hold, and they stayed in that position to erase all their terrible days in each other’s comfort.

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