The party

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""Eomma, I can take care of it; you don’t have to do this."
Jiminn whined.
Mrs. Jeon was trying the tie for Jimin, who was getting ready for the party.

"Stay still, Jimin, or else I will tighten the hold."She warned, and that was enough for Jimin to stay still. He looked at his mother with a smile.

"Besides, I am not the main character in the party, so it's not worth it for me to doll up."

"No, I want both my sons and my Jin to shine today. I checked on him earlier; he was looking beautiful in the dress I selected for him."

"What about Hyung? I didn’t get time to check on him in this rush."

"He is also getting ready, and he always looks handsome. And my Jimin too."

"Thank you, Eomma."

"Jimin, don’t make me a third person by saying thanks. Just because I didn’t give you birth doesn’t mean I will put you aside."

Jimin can't help but smile at her cute complaints.

"Quickly finish this and join the party before it starts. I am going for another check." Then Mrs. Jeon leaves.

The party is about to begin. The friends and family members of the Jeon family are gathered around. Jungkook and Mrs. Jeon were greeting all the guests, and Jimin was busy checking that everything was going correctly and making sure everyone was enjoying the party. Suddenly, the crowd began to whisper and gasp, looking at someone who was not unnoticed by the Jeons. Jin had just entered the party event. He was looking elegant and gorgeous in the outfit.

 He was looking elegant and gorgeous in the outfit

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All eyes were on Jin. Jin looked a bit uncomfortable; he had never attended a party like this. He hesitantly walked past people, but suddenly a voice stopped him.


Jin quickly turned towards the owner of the voice; it was his granny, along with his best friend, Hobi, smiling at them. He didn’t waste any time hugging either of them. It feels like he found a mirage in the middle of a desert.

"When did you two come?" He inquired with joy.

"We just arrived, and I must say that my baby is looking more beautiful today". Jin blushed at her compliment.

“Yes, Jin, everyone was talking about you. I think they are mesmerized by your beauty." Hobi said with a wink, which made Jin even redder.

"Stop teasing me, will you? I am so happy to see you both. I missed you both."Jin said it with a pout, and his eyes are almost teary with joy.

"Aigoo, my baby, we also missed you." Jin giggled at her grandmother’s pout. They were busy talking when suddenly someone made an announcement.

"My dears, I am really thankful for you all for joining in this party."

Everyone looks towards Mrs. Jeon, who was speaking on a microphone and standing on a small stage prepared for the party.

"Today, in this event, I am going to introduce a special person for you all."
Everyone started to whisper more after hearing this. Jin was getting anxious every time he looked around at the people and their gossip. He wanted this party to end as soon as possible. Hobi gives Jin an assuring hold on his hand.He knew Jin was not used to this type of gathering.
Mrs. Jeon slowly eyed Jungkook to join the stage with her, and she continued.

"My son Jungkook is successfully stepping on his business day by day, but a person's success is not fully monetary but also leading a happy life with their family. And I am happy that he chose the right one to continue his successful journey. I am not lengthening This anymore. I am going to call my son Jeon Jungkook's boyfriend on this stage. Jin, come, dear.”

Suddenly, a full ray of light fell on Jin's spot. He was startled by it. He only saw these things in dramas. He looks ethereal in the light. Everyone gasped upon seeing his beauty. He didn’t move an inch from there.

"Jin, Mrs. Jeon is calling you; go.”
His grandmother nudged him. He looked at his grandmother and nodded.
He slowly took steps toward the stage. When he was about to step on the stage, a hand appeared in front. It was Jungkook. Jin held his hand and stepped onto the stage, looking at Jungkook. They were now too close. This is the first time Jin has seen Jungkook this close, and he has to say that Jungkook is really handsome, like the prince in the stories his grandmother has told him.

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