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“Did you really want to ignore Enwoo all the time?"

Jin was silent all the way back to his home when his friend began to complain about his ignorance towards one of his colleagues who had an interest in Jin.

“Did you really think I was invisible?"

Jin stopped walking and faced his friend to make things clear.

“Sandeul-ah, I know your concerns about me. But I only like him as a friend. I already told him about that. Now my only focus was on Jiwoo, Appa, and Eomma.”

“I can understand your love for your family. But how long are you going to live as a single parent? Your Eomma and Appa like Enwoo too. In fact, one day Eomma asked me, "Do Jin like anyone?”

“Did she?” Jin asked in a little shock.Sandeul gave him an exciting nod.

“Why don’t you just think about them, Yeonjun-ah? They also want you to settle down with someone. But they are hesitant to talk about it with you.”


“Why don’t you just give him a chance? ”

“I cant. I can't think about another man in my life. I can't forget him. I am waiting for him. He will surely come back one day. No one can ever replace him in my heart. I am sorry if I make you feel offended.”

With that, Jin walked past his front and got inside the gate of his house as they reached there, hiding the tears that were welling up in his eyes.

Sandeul stood there, watching his friend get inside, holding back the emotion and pretending like he was okay.

“Still didn’t give up?"

Senduel turned back to see Mrs. Somi standing there with some packets in his hand. He shook his head in response.

"I am sorry for asking you. Come inside; I have bought some ttobbeokki.”

“Its fine Eomma, my wife will be waiting for me. Iam going.” Senduel slowly moved from there, biding bye to her.

Somi looked at the room, which was Jin's,where  the lights were on  now and sighed before getting inside.


Jungkook slowly woke up from his restless sleep. He doesn’t know when he fell asleep, but one thing is sure: he barely had a sleep. He looked around and sighed, realizing who's house it was.

When he reached downstairs, the garden caught his attention. He silently looked at the lavenders from there, which made him remember the beautiful moments he had spent with Jin.

“Good morning.” A pleasant voice caused Jungkook to halt his thoughts, and he turned to look at the person.

“Morning Jisoo.” Jungkook gave her a genuine smile, and she just placed a cup of coffee for Jungkook.

“Where is him?” Jungkook asked as he slowly sat on the couch.

“He has gone for a walk. How is Jimin doing?"

Jisoo accidentally triggered Jungkook's emotion by asking it, and Jungkook began to tear up hearing Jimin's name.

“Oppa, Kwenchanha?” Jisoo was worried about seeing Jungkook.

“Yes, I think I should leave. I have to visit him."

And when Jungkook reached the corridor, Teahyung entered inside.

“Where are you going?"

“To the hospital.”

“Wait in my car; I'm also coming."

Jungkook only gave him a nod before walking out of Taehyung’s house.
Once Teahyung quickly changed,  Jisoo came near him with a worried  face.

“Don’t worry, everything will be alright.”

Teahyung quickly gave a kiss to his wife’s forehead and left.


Jimin was sitting outside, watching nature silently, clouded with so many thoughts and emotions that he had been going through all these days.

“Did you eat?”

Jungkook’s sudden voice halted all his thoughts. He didn’t realize that Jungkook had come and sat near him.

“Why are you here? You should be finding Jin.” Jimin said, looking away from his brother because he didn’t have the guts to face him.

"I am sure one day I will find him. I want you to be with me too."

Jungkook slowly placed his hand above Jimin's, who was still looking away. He doesn’t know how to make Jungkook distance himself from him.

"I am not coming anywhere.” He said coldly.

“Then who is going to look after the company?” Jimin was shocked to hear Jungkook’s words, and he looked at him instantly.

“I have already prepared all the documents and signed the papers; only your signature is needed to permanently transfer the company to your name.” Jungkook spoke calmly after giving a tight smile.

Jimin's eyes well up with tears.


“I am your hyung, can't I do this much for my little brothers?”

The tears began to flow from Jimin with both the pain he felt in his stomach and his heart.

“I-Iam sorry.” Jimin said it sincerely.

“No, I am the one who should say sorry. Hyung is really sorry, Jimin. Sorry for making you go through all these things.”

“No, why are you saying sorry? I am the sinner. Why don’t you just hate me?"

"It's ok, Jiminah; you have been repenting of your mistakes; that’s all I want to do to love you."

Jungkook hugged his brother tightly when Jimin began to cry louder in regret.

"I have assigned someone to look for Jin. They found Jin’s last location.” Jimin said in between sobbings.

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