War of hormones

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Jin was watching something on TV because he was bored when suddenly the doorbell rang. He didn’t know if he could open the door for any of Jungkook’s guests, so he waited for some seconds for someone to attend the door. But nobody came. At last, he decided to open the door, and receiving shouts from Jungkook had become a habit for him now, so he opened the door.

"Hai, Jin." Jimin said, giving Jin a pleasant smile.

Jin returned a smile and made a move to the side for Jimin to come inside.

"Could you please call Hyung? Sorry, I have to arrange these papers."
Jimin said while taking a seat on the sofa and began to scatter some papers on the table.

"Ok" Jin said and talked away from there.

Jin knocked at Jungkook’s room, but there wasn’t any response. He checked the bathroom and other rooms, but there wasn’t any sign of Jungkook. He walked around the house and suddenly noticed a room in the backyard. So he decided to check there.

Jin hasn’t entered this room before. When he reached there, he slowly opened the door and walked inside. The room was all black-painted, and it was filled with so much equipment. The room was kind of dark with the black paint and only dim light, which gave him a creepy feeling. Jin thought it would be better if he goes back, because there was no sign of anyone here. He turned around and was about to walk away from there, but he abruptly stopped when he heard some foot steps behind him. He didn’t waste any time; he quickly stepped to run fast, but after two steps, a pair of hands pulled him backwards and suddenly turned him. He intrusively shut his eyes out of fear and let out a loud scream.

"Why are you roaming around here?"

To say that Jungkook's suddenly deep voice scared the sh*t out of Jin, but the thought that it wasn’t any ghost gave him relief. Jin opened his eyes in relief, only to find that Jungkook was half naked with sweat all over his upper body. Jin gulped, seeing the most attractive man he had ever seen in his life. His mind went wild from the view.

"I have asked you a question." Jin jolted from his thoughts at the remark.

"I-I, J-Jimin told me to call you. "
Jin struggled a lot to complete the statement. He felt like Jungkook tightened his hold around him, which made them even closer. He lowered his head and turned away. Because he knew he was all red, like a tomato. He doesn’t know why he suddenly became submissive in Jungkook's hold.

"Is that the only reason you came here?"Jungkook asked, lifting his eyebrow.

"Yeah, what else do you think?"

"I don’t know; maybe you are sneaking around to see my fit body."
Jungkook said it with a smirk.

Jin widened his mouth upon hearing Jungkook's words.

"Why should I sneak around to see your body secretly? I also have a fit body, but it's a little chubby."
Jin said the last words by looking above with a cute pout.

"Really, aren’t you turned on?"

How can he be so shameless to ask something like this? Jin thought.

Even though his heart was beating crazily Because of their closeness, he didn’t want to agree on these things.

"No" Jin said sternly, which earned a chuckle from Jungkook.

He looks at those alpaca ayes, which are trying their best not to catch off guard. The round, shiny, innocent eyes. There is something he feels whenever he sees those eyes, which he never felt.  stay there, looking into each other's eyes.

The doe eyes in front of Jin express something that he cannot read. He lost himself in it. He unconsciously moved a little forward and then looked at the lips. He gulped for a second. He knows it's his hormones that make him initiate these actions. But he decided them to take control. He shut his eyes and leaned forward slowly. Jungkook smirked before also leaning. But suddenly,

"Hyung, I- ,oh sh*t, I am so sorry."

Jimin's words alerted Jin, and he
instantly pushed Jungkook with all his strengths and quickly ran away without knowing how to face both.

"I am sorry, Hyung; I didn’t know you were in a romantic mood today."

Jimin said it in a mocking tone.
Jungkook rolled his eyes and walked past Jimin.

"Wait, sign these papers; I don't have time for your mood swings." Jimin shouted and ran behind Jungkook.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid, why did you try to kiss? No, this is soembarrassing. If Jimin didn’t come there, what would happen? Oh my god, I can't even imagine that. Why did you let this happen, Jin? Control your damn hormones, you idiot."

Jin had been scolding himself for the past ten minutes after coming from the backyard. He was now in his room. He popped into his bed with an irritating sigh and hoped for the courage to face Jimin next time.

After that incident, Jin avoided Jungkook most of the time. Whenever Jungkook roams around the house without a shirt, he has to fight with his hormones. It's driving him crazy. After he learned from Jimin that Jungkook was interested in him, he couldn't help but feel butterflies every time he was with Jungkook.


It was past midnight when Jungkook heard a knock on his door. He looked at the time, lazily woke up, and opened the door.

"What?" As expected, he shouted towards the person in front of him.

"I want banana milk."
Jin said slowly while lowering his head.

"Are you even serious? Why are you here if you want banana milk? Go to the kitchen."

"There isn’t any bananamilk in the fridge." Jin spoke again without looking at Jungkook.

"What? I saw the small freezer loaded with it only yesterday; how could it finish so quickly?" Jungkook asked in disbelief.

"I finished that. Sorry, I am craving banana milk from yesterday, and it's driving me crazy." Jin said it with a pout and glittery eyes.


"I said sorry, I am really sorry. Don't shout at me."

"Go to sleep; I will buy a ton of banana milk tomorrow."

Jungkook said and tried to close the door, but Jin put his feet down to stop closing.

"I said I want banana milk now." Jin suddenly shouted, making Jungkook more angry. He was about to kick him out and close the door, but

"You said it was your responsibility to take care of us; how can you do this to us?" Jin spoked with teary eyes, which will be spilled at anytime.

Jungkook really doesn't know why Jin is suddenly acting like this. He doesn’t know what to do with Jin. There will definitely be no stores in this hour. He has to drive away for an hour to reach the 24/7 super market, which he will not try because he is already tired. But he can do one thing.

He walked past Jin with an annoying face and went to the kitchen, where Jin followed him and took out some bananas and a cart of milk and sugar, put them in a mixer jar, and started to make something. Jin, who was watching all of this, stood there without disturbing Jungkook. He observed every move of Jungkook, and he had to say that Jungkook was looking more attractive now.

"Here, drink this for now. And don’t come again to disturb my sleep."He said that and gave him a big glass of banana shake, which was enough to fill Jin’s stomach.

Jin quickly took it from Jungkook and started to drink. Jungkook looked at him in shock. Jin finished the glass within seconds.

"Thank you. Now I can sleep in peace. You too should go and get some sleep. Good night," Jin said happily and walked away.

"Its good morning already."

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