chapter 24: Biana

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We all hid behind the trees of Candle Shades woods, getting a perfect view of what was going on.

We watched Sophie and Keefe play and have fun. Then right as they were going to kiss, my wrists were tied behind my back.

I turned around and saw that the Neverseen members each have a friend of a member of the collective bound.

"Well well well." A sickeningly familiar voice mocked.

We all turned around to find Gisela and Vespera leading this whole operation.

I shook at the sight of Vespera and rubbed my scars. Tam took my hand and squeezed it for reassurance.

"How did you know this plan?" Forkle asked.

"It's simple Forkle." Gisela started "The Neverseen are always 10 steps ahead."

She pointed where Sophie and Keefe where. We turned around to find Getham, Ruy, and Fintan gagging at Sophie and Keefe, who we're slowly rising to their feet.

I felt a pull at my wrists, and was being dragged out to the front of the line of the Neverseen prisoners. My friends were already there and looked at me with concerned eyes.

We finally reached the front of the house where there were about 30 Neverseen members surrounding Sophie and Keefe.

They both looked at us with worried eyes. Then they glanced back at each other and Keefe nodded at her.

Suddenly all the Neverseen members collapsed in pain. All 50 members that were holding us and surrounding Sophie and Keefe collapsed.

"Hurry up and escape!" Keefe yelled at us.

Sophie was leaning on him, and was getting paler by the second.

We all escaped and ran to them, where Sophie stopped inflicting and collapsed in Keefe's arms.

"I could still fight." She murmured, as she struggled to rise to her feet. Her eyes were blood shot, and she was as pale as snow.

"Soph, we will protect you, and we will all fight with you." Fitz told her, with his perfect smile.

We all got into our fighting stances and prepared to fight. The Neverseen were in the same situation, as we all charged at each other, starting the battle that would change everything.

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