Chapter 25: Fitz

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We all charged at the Neverseen, knowing that this would be the last time we ever fight. I slashed my sword at the Neverseen members, not killing them, but making sure that it would be hard for them to fight.

"Ah Mr. Vacker." A voice said behind me.

I turned around, wiping the sweat off my brow, to find Ruy with his sword out.

"We meet again. Only this time it will be the last." He said, charging at me.

I whipped out my sword, and we clashed blades. Now this was a fight that one of us would die in.

Our swords clashed and collided, drowning out all of the other noise. We looked like we were having a fight from a human movie.

Finally he pushed me down on one knee, his sword going into my leg. I gritted my teeth, to block out my scream.

He was too strong. I wouldn't be able to beat him like this. I heard a faint scream of a girl by me. I turned my head, and saw Biana fighting Vespera. She had a cut going across her cheek. She was pinned on the ground, with Vespera's sword raised above her ready to strike and kill my sister.

I turned back to Ruy, with a new found strength forming. I grabbed the blade of my sword, not even looking at the blood that started to spill from my hand, and pushed Ruys sword back. He stumbled back as I kicked out his legs.

He fell in a heap, and I hit him on the side of the head, with the hilt of my sword, knocking him out cold.

I ran to Biana who was about to get killed. Vespera's sword plunged down, as I screamed, to late to save her. Only when I looked back, Biana was in shock. And I was in shock.

Tam had intersected the blade with his own, saving my sister. Tam was pushed down to one knee, not strong enough to fight back.

He had a big gash going up his forearm. He was about to lose. I ran in there and tackled Vespera.

She had me pinned down in a second. She held my arms behind my head, and I couldn't reach my sword. She pulled a dagger out of a pocket of her Neverseen cloak, and raised it above my head.

A smug grin grew on her face "At least I get to kill one Vacker."

Then right as she was about to strike, she let out a shocked breath.

I looked at her shocked, as I saw a sword plunged through her stomach. The sword was pulled out with a shing, as Vespera fell beside me.

I looked up to find my sister holding a bloodied sword and her hand sticking out to help me up.

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