Part 39

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Draco's POV

The ball has been set for the 30th, I don't know why because it's normally on the 31st. But mother and Father refused to tell me why, says it's better if I don't know.

My mother wants all of us to stay the 29th and then we can go back to hogwarts on the 31st.

I mean I'm happy with doing that but I haven't told the others, I also don't know if Allison and Jake's parents are going to be there.

"Draco what is the colour scheme for the ball?" Pansy asks me

"Should be dark colours, blacks, dark reds, dark orange basically anything dark"

"But dark doesn't look good on me" she whines

"Well tuff luck"

Mattheo's POV

We have just gotten down to hogsmade and are in the three broomsticks. As much as I love it here it's so expensive, I mean we have a large group so it's going to cost more but still.

It also doesn't help that we normally buy a couple rounds, that's why it's so expensive normally it's 2 sickles but we buy like 2 or 3 rounds making it 4 - 6 sickles per person.

"So who's buying the first round" Molly asks the group

"I'm not" Theodore says

"I will but only if you guys agree to something" Draco says

"Depends what is it" Jake says

"So mother wants us to at the manor from the 29th till the 31st then we can go back to hogwarts and have the Halloween party"

"Yeah I'm fine with that" Allison says

The rest of the group agrees and then makes Draco order our drinks.

Third Person POV

The rest of the day was spent with the girls going into shops to buy dresses while the boys went to the jewellers to get gifts for them.

Once the day was over they all headed back to the castle and had a movie marathon, as much tue boys dismay they had to watch a cheesy romance movie.

The whole group finally went to sleep at 4am, with Allison and Mattheo sharing Allison's bed. Molly and Enzo sharing Mollys bed. Jake and Daphne shared a sleeping bag, while Pansy for some reason unknown to everyone slept at the end of Mollys bed next to their feet.

Blaise and Theodore both slept cuddling each-other trying to keep the other person warm but they didn't ask for a pillow or blanket so they were freezing the whole night.

I'm the morning, at 6:55 exactly Allison woke up. She rubbed her eyes before looking at the boy next to her who had his head rested on her chest, his arms wrapped around her waist and his legs tangled within his.

She look down at him in awe, before making the difficult decision of getting up. She slowly slid out of the bed replacing her body with pillows on the floor.

Allison went over to Mollys bed and woke all of them up, Molly looked at Allison with a grudge but soon with a smile. Pansy rushed to her feet and walked out of the dorm, leaving molly and Allison the only ones awake.

While Molly woke up Enzo, Allison went to wake up her brother and Daphne. Daphne woke up quickly while Jake didn't, so Allison thought of the best way to get him up. She went into the bathroom filled up a cup with water, walked back into the room and poured the cup onto her brothers face.

"What the hell" was the first thing he said, soon followed by a large amount of swearing aimed towards his sister. After he had calmed down Daphne and Jake went back to their dorms leaving Theodore and Blaise needing to be woken up.

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