the secret is out

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Tw self harm, panic attack

3rd person pov

Draco and Blaise were hanging out.
Blaise- "Im hungry, let's get food"
Draco- "sure"
They walk into a restaurant and sit at a table.
Waiter-"what may I get for you today?"
Blaise- "I'll have the spaghetti carbonara"
Draco- "I'll have a chicken Caesar salad"
Waiter-"very well, coming right up"
Blaise- "Why'd you order so little?"
Draco- "I'm not that hungry right now, had a big breakfast"
Draco fully knowing he isn't in the mood for food.
Blaise- "are you taking your jacket off, it's pretty warm in here"
Draco-", you know I get cold easily"
Blaise-"it's boiling in here and you're wearing a long sleeve shirt and a coat"
The food arrives and they dig in.
Draco-"this bloody coat is annoying to eat with"
Blaise-"then take it off"
Draco takes the coat off and hides his left arm under the table.
Blaise-"you ok mate, you seem off"
Draco- "yea I'm f...fine"

Blaise- "hey can you pass me the salt?"
Draco nods without thinking. He reaches for the salt, his sleeve riding up in the process.
Blaise-"Draco, what's that on your arm?"
Draco brings his arm back to his chest in the speed of light.
Draco-"n... nothing, don't worry about it"
Blaise-"Draco, show me your arm, I'm not dumb"
Draco-"f..fine, just don't get m...mad"
Draco shows his arm to Blaise, light pink scars scatter his pale skin, however what shocked Blaise the most was a dark red scab that looked like it was made previously this morning.
Blaise-"d...Draco, w..why ?"
Draco-"I don't know... The..the crash must've triggered something, and...and I relapsed"
Blaise leans over and gives Draco a side hug.
Blaise-"I'm sorry, please come to me the next time you feel the need to"
Blaise-"does harry know?"
Draco gulps and shakes his head.
Draco-"I usually have a Glamour on, for some reason it didn't work today. Mabey I didn't cast it properly or something"
Blaise-"Draco, you need to tell him"
Draco-"I..I'll try"
Blaise-"thank you, he'll appreciate it"

Draco's pov

I get home, visible tear stains down my eyes.
Harry-"dray, what happened?"
Draco-"I..I need to tell you something"
Harry-"what is it, you can tell me everything"
Draco-"please don't get mad"
Harry-"I can't be mad at you"
Draco's eyes well with tears.
Harry opens his arms and I walks into his embrace.
Draco-"l...look at my a...arm"
Harry's heart drops, he looks at the pale arm scattered with scars.
Harry-"that was never there"
Draco-"I hid it with a Glamour, I did it in the last two years of school and after the war, I stopped after that. However I think the crash triggered something."
Harry-"ohh Draco, remember I'm always here for you"
I sobs into Harry's shoulder, my body shacking.
Draco-"please can we cuddle"
Harry-"of course, but first let's make a first step to recovery"
We walk to the bathroom.
Harry-"where do you keep them?"
I open the cabinet and take the box out. Suddenly my hand starts shaking, my breathing becomes uneven and I drop to the floor. Tears run down my face as I relive the horrible memories.

Flash back

I was running through the halls my chest tight over my lungs. I run into a bathroom and run the the sinks. Anger raises inside my. I repeatedly punch the mirror untill my knuckles bleed.
I pick up one of the larger pieces of glass. My shacking hand brings the shard to my wrist. I can feel it all again, the pain, the relief, the guilt, the anger. I make another and another.
End of flashback.

Harry-"Draco it's ok, breath, your with me"
Draco-"why does this happen to me?"
Harry-"your not alone"
Draco-"it bloody feels like it, what would you know about this, about how I feel!"
Harry-"ohh I know a lot about that"
Draco-"w..what, you used to do it too?"
Harry-"yea, Sirius' death and all the other ones during the war broke me, I needed release like you"
Draco-"I'm sorry for snapping"
Harry-"it's ok, dray"
Draco-"can we cuddle now"
Harry-"yea, we'll, bin our object's together tomorrow morning"
We walk into our bedroom and get under the covers. I lay my head on Harry's chest and wrap my arms around his torso. His arm lay on my hip and the other strokes my hair.
They fall into deep slumber not long after.

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