Draco's nightmare

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I open my eyes to the cold and dim hall in Malfoy manor. My heart beat instantly speeds up.

Lucius-"now, now Draco,don't show how weak and pathetic you are Infront of the dark lord."

Draco-"p..please father, I dont want to"
Lucius-"shut up, you are no son of mine if you carry on these actions, a malfoy begging"

Lucius-"now get in there and kneel in front of the dark lord."

Draco-"yes father"

We walk in and I'm forced to kneel by the firm grip Lucius has on my neck.

Voldy-"now Draco, no need to be afraid, it's only a little sting. Now give me your arm."

Lucius grabs my arm and pulls the sleeve up. My whole body is shaking, my eyes tightly shut.
I can feel the end of his wand on my arm, excruciating pain shots through my body, it feels like I'm being cursed with a cruciatus. I start writhing on the ground clutching my arm before I black out.

I shot up in bed, cold sweats covering me. I look to the side and meet emerald green eyes. We both take In a deep, shaky breath.
Draco-"you also had a nightmare"
Draco-"you want to talk about it?"
Harry-"not really, all I want to do now is sleep"
I do a grabby hand thing indicating that I want to cuddle. He lays down and I wrap my hands around his torso and lay my head on his chest. I sniffle a cry.
Harry-"you want to talk about yours"
Draco-"no, maybe in the morning, right now I want to forget it"
Harry-"ok, cry if you want"
They fall asleep with tears down their cheeks.

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