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Pansys pov
I shake mionie awake
Pansy-"monie, my stomach really hurts."
Hermione-"hmm, what time is it?"
Pansy-"it's 4 am, but that doesn't matter"
Hermione-"and what does?"
Pansy-"I think I might be in labour"
Hermione-"huh, what?!"
Hermione-"come on, let's go to the car"

3 person pov

Hermione helps pansy get up and walk to the car.
She helps her get seated in the car, then she runs back into the house and grabs the hospital bag. She then walks out the house and locks the door with shaking hands.
She then gets in the car and ignites it.
She then drives to the hospital.
By the time they get to the hospital Pansy's water breaks.
They get sent to the labour ward.
Hermione holds Pansy's hand nervously.
And before you know it, pansy has an easy birth. First came the boy, they called him Rogan. Secondly came the smaller baby, rose.
They spend the night in the hospital with their 2 additions to the family.

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