Harry's nightmare

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I open my eyes to a dim room. I see everyone I know. I'm sat with my knees to my chest as they stand high around me.

Sirius-"it's your fault, you were too weak to save me"

George-"I'm alone, because of you my twin died, if you went to the forest we'd still be together."

Remus-"because of you teddy doesn't have parents, your selfish"

Cedric-"how could you be so weak and stupid to let me die. You have nothing, you should have sacrificed yourself. "

Hermione-"Dumbledore made us become friends with you, never wanted anything to do with you"

Ron-"I used you for your money and fame"

Dumbledore-"I raised you a lamb to slaughter"

Draco-"I never loved you, it was all a joke. How could you think someone could love someone like you"

I woke up in cold sweats and look at a sweating and paled Draco. We take deep and shaky breaths as we look into eachother eyes.
Draco-"did you also have a nightmare"
Draco-"you want to talk about it?"
Harry-"maybe in the morning, I just want to sleep right now"
Draco does a grabby hand thing and Harry lays down. Draco wraps his arms around Harrys torso and sniffles a cry.
Harry-"do you want to talk about yours?"
Draco-"I can't right now, I want to forget it"
Harry-"ok, cry if you want"

They fall asleep with tears running down their cheeks.

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