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Rose and Rogan pov

We see our mum trying to stop a fight, she shealds a spell with her own body and falls to the ground. We scream out, devestated and disbelief. Soon later teacher come and take us to the hospital wing. They try give us a dreamles sleep potion, but we refuse.
Rose-"can we write a letter to mum."
Pomfrey-"yes,be quick"


We don't know if you heard. Mum, she's dead, we saw her take her final breath. She was trying to stop a duel, but got hit with a spell. We can't believe it, it can't be real.

We send the letter of and drink the dreamless sleep potion.

Pansy's pov

I'm sat reading a book on the couch when I hear pecking on the window. I open it and the own gives me its leg. I take the letter and sit down to read it.
My heart drops when I read the it. My breath becomes short and my vision becomes blurry. Tears steam down my face as I look for my phone. I find it and look for Blaise on my contact list. I find him and dial. He picks up.
Blaise-"p...pans, Ron he's g..gone"
Pans-"Mionie, s..she died. I can't see, i can't breath."
Blaise-"ok im coming over."
He hangs up and arrive not long after. They cry and drink all their emotions out all night.

Blaise's pov

I'm in the kitchen cooking when I hear pecking at the window. I open it and an own sticks its leg out.
I open the letter and read.

Mr Zabini,
we have to inform that your husband hasn't returned from our last order mission. We are trying out hardest to find him. However there are slim chances he's alive. We are terribly sorry for your loss.

I drop the letter. My hands shacking. I get distracted from the panic by a phone call. It reads pans. I pick it up and hear Pansy's panicked voice.
Blasie-"pans... Ron he's g...gone"
Pansy-"Mionie... She's dead, I can't see, I can't breathe"
Blaise-"ok, I'm coming over."
I end the call and aparate to Pansy's house. At Pansy's house I write a letter to the kids.

Fred, Filip and Ava,
I don't know how to tell you this, your dad. He didn't return from his auror mission. They're looking for him but they say that there are slim chances he's still alive. I'm terribly sorry, I'm here for you and we are in the same boat.
Love, father

We cry and drink our emotions out all night.

Fred, Filip and Ava's pov

We're sat at the table in the hall when we receive a letter.
It's from father.
Ava bursts into tears after reading the letter. We try comfort her but it's no use, she continues to cry. Our head of house takes us to her office.

Juniper, sage and Oakley's pov

We are sat in the great hall, we hear Ava crying. We'll have to ask her later what that was about. Right now we are reading the letter from mother.

Juniper, sage and Oakley,

I'm sorry to say but your mum has passed. She died during her match. She got hit by a boulder and fell of her broom. I'm terribly sorry, I'm here for you.

After that letter we always had tears in our eyes and don't talk much. People ask us what happened but we just cry at the thought.

Luna's pov

I get a letter from Luna's team.

Mrs lovegood,
We are sorry to Inform but, your wife passed during a match. The beater that hit the ball towards your wife has been sent to a year in azkaban for murder.

Coach, we are terribly sorry.

After that letter I just cry myself to sleep each night. The bed empty and cold.

James and Alexa's pov

We are sat in the great hall, we see out friends receive letters, the triplets cry and Ava bursts into tears, we.wonder why. We open our own letter and we can't believe what we read.

James and Alexa,

I have decided to send you two to live with pans. Your probably wondering why I said i. That's because your dad died on an auror mission. I'm devestated, I can't live without him. I have decided to join him in after life. I will be long dead before you receive this. I love you, sorry I couldn't be with you forever.

Ps I am really sorry to put this on you.

James pov

I can't believe this. I throw a glass across the room and run out of the hall tears in my eyes. I carry on running. I stop in the deeps of the forbidden forest when my legs give up. I black out from the lack of breath.

Alexa pov

I don't believe this. They can't be dead. I run and lock myself in my room.

3rd person pov

James is found a couple of days later, barley alive. His skin pale, nearly purple.
He barley eats or sleeps anymore. Neither does Alexa. The friends become cold and drag themselves to lessons everyday. Barley pay attention or talk.

Pansy's pov

I get a letter from Draco.

Pans, blasie

Harry has told me to inform you of something. He claims to have seen a woman on his mission. She says her name is Mary Riddle. I feel like there is going to be another wizarding war. Harry died on the auror mission. I can't live without him so I decided to join him. I'm sorry, I'll be long dead before you read this. Also I have decided to send James and Alexa to go live with you.

Love Draco
Sorry the world couldn't be kind

I'm with Blaise, when he sees me burst into tears once again he grabs the letter and when he reads it. He kicks the table over. Tears streaming down our faces. We hug and cry.

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