Princess Tara |1|

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Warning(s): Swearing, underage drinking and mentions of intoxication 


It was Tara's first day and of course she was already running late for her first class. She had turned down the maps that were offered at the entrance..goodness did she regret that now. About seven minutes left until the start of her class and she was ninety nine percent sure she was walking in a circle. Tara decided to make one more attempt before asking for help when she bumped into somebody. Just as she was about to apologize she stopped herself when she realized who she had bumped into.

"Sorr- oh it's you." You rolled your eyes as Tara responded with a scoff. "What the hell are you doing here?" She asked as she picked up her things and you did the same with your fallen belongings.

"Attending college. What does it look like, princess?" Tara roughly shoved one of your books to your chest. "We've been over this, don't call me that." You've had the same nickname for Tara since highschool and every time it pissed her off. Oh, how you loved getting a reaction out of her.

"What I mean is, what the hell are you doing in New York? It's one hell of a coincidence." You let out a dry chuckle before answering. "Decided to go to a college near my family. What's it to you?" Tara rolled her eyes. Gosh, she despised you. Just when she thought she finally got away from everything that she left behind, you show up.

Just as she's about to let out another remark she realizes the time. Tara still has no idea where she is, meaning she'll have to swallow her pride and ask you, of all people, for help. "Listen, I don't have time to go back and forth right now. I'm gonna be late for my film class and I have no idea where I am right now."

You grinned and looked at the girl,"Lucky for you we're headed in the same direction, my class is right by your destination."

"Great, show me?" Tara asked, causing you to wear a smug smirk. Oh how she wanted to slap it right off your-

"Of course, princess" you winked at her and started walking, Tara let out a small groan but followed. It didn't take long for you both to arrive at her destination. "Are you serious, it was right here?" Tara scoffed.

"Yeah, you never were good at direction" you remarked, which earned you a shove to the shoulder. "And you're still as infuriating as ever." You tsked and shook your head at her. "That's no way to thank somebody, Tara. Where have your manners gone?"

"I need to get to class before I'm even late." She shoved passed you and entered the classroom. As you walked the short distance to your class, the younger Carpenter sat down next to Mindy with a huff.

"Uh oh, I know that look. Who pissed you off this time?" Mindy asked as Tara settled in her seat. "The same pain in my ass from highschool." Mindy raised her eyebrows, knowing exactly who her friend was referring to.

"Shit, really? Never thought I'd get to see you two at it again. But never say never I guess" Mindy sighed as Tara groaned and put her head down.

You opened the door to your shared apartment, throwing your bag on the floor and dramatically plopping down on the coach. You leaned your head back and closed your eyes as the door to your roommate's room opened.

"Y/N, you up?" She asked, you opened your eyes and nodded at her. "Okay good, I need your opinion." She held up two tops. "Which should I go with? This one or this one?"

"Uhhh, left one for sure" you answered, pointing to the left top. "Right?" She has been talking to this girl and tonight would be their second date. "So, when do I get to meet the girl that has my roommate so smitten?"

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