Shit-Faced |5|

938 35 13

Warning(s): Swearing, smoking, mentions of underage drinking, intoxication & panic attack


Anika saw you check your phone for the millionth time that night. "Come on, this is supposed to be a movie night. Not 'check your phone a million times' night," Anika spoke up. You faced your phone back down.

"Sorry," you mumbled. Anika looked over at you then back at the TV before speaking again. "Who has you so anxious?" She asked and you rolled your eyes.

"No one," you say in a dry tone before grabbing the popcorn bowl and shoving a handful in your mouth. Your roommate let out a doubtful hum before turning her attention back to the TV.

Your right leg began to bounce as your thoughts once again led you to an overthinking spiral. It didn't take long for you to think of the worst. You didn't want Tara to never talk to you again. As much as you hated to admit it; along the way you started to enjoy Tara's company.

There were times where she could brighten your mood when no one else could. Tara may not have known, but the weekend you were in Brooklyn you were having a panic attack when she messaged you.

Texting back and forth with Tara seemed to eventually calm you down. You would never forget that moment, and although the younger Carpenter had no idea how much she had helped you, you knew.

"If you bounce your leg any harder you'll put a hole through the floor," Anika remarked, pulling you from your memories. "Sorry," you muttered back.

"Don't be...what's got you like this huh?" You start to play with your fingers. You sighed, debating whether or not you wanted to open up to Anika.

"It's just that– girl from before still hasn't talked to me and I guess you were right; it's a hundred percent getting to me."

Anika raised her eyebrows at you before responding,"She really must be if you're admitting you were wrong. Have you tried confronting her about it?"

You let out a frustrated huff. "She always swerves away from me. I sent a text but I don't wanna seem desperate." You looked at Anika to see her giving you a deadpan look. "What?" You asked, feeling clueless.

She sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose before answering. "Okay, listen up. I know you have never been a bright communicator, but come on. Only sending one text? At this point you might as well just corner her if you refuse to send her no more than that," she chuckled dryly.

You sat there, genuinely considering that as an option. Anika watched as you thought about it and started to shake her head at you. "Y/ I didn't mean to literally corner her."


You patted your hands dry in the restaurant's restroom. You looked in the mirror—making sure you were put together before walking out—but then suddenly saw a familiar face in your reflection. It was only for a moment but in that single moment you felt your breathing grow ragged, heart racing and stood frozen. You tightly gripped the counter, closing your eyes and murmuring to yourself.

"He's not here. He's not here. He's not here. It's all in your head. It's all in your hea—"

"Y/N?" You heard. You exhaled and turned to face the voice.

No, no, no, no...Why is she here?

"Tara." You replied, you were on the brink of tears as you tried to control your breathing. She quickly noticed the state you were in and carefully walked up to you. You took one step back, moving away from her. She looked at you again before gently placing a hand on your bicep.

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