Tis' The Damn Season |7|

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Warning(s): Swearing, making out, mentions of drinking & intoxication, r has a case of bad communication, chemistry (like the actual subject 😣), compulsions, & implied anxiety


The box of pizza and plate of wings sat completely abandoned, forgotten, on Charlotte's coffee table as her hands traveled to your neck. You let your own hands drop to her hips, pulling her in. Her lips felt soft, yet foreign. You ignored that thought and continued to kiss her, slipping in your tongue while she maneuvered her way onto your lap.

Everything felt hot, you could feel your face heat up as she ever so slightly played with the hem of your shirt. When you gave her the silent signal, she slipped a hand under your shirt—not too high of course, but enough to feel your hips. You felt goosebumps at her touch, suddenly feeling nervous. You once again pushed any negative thoughts to the back of your mind, continuing to kiss her.

That's when it clicked. Why you got so nervous all of a sudden, your mind was trying to tell you something, warn you.

You separated from her lips. She looked at you, a confused expression on her face. You weren't meeting her eye line, feeling rather timid at the moment. "Are you okay?" She asked you. You barely heard her with your heartbeat drumming so loudly in your ears.

"Um..." You cleared your throat, still not meeting her gaze. "Yeah... I just—sorry." Charlotte's expression stayed put as you managed to remove yourself from the couch.

"Did I do something?" She asked, moving to also stand up. She looked at you with what you could only describe as confusion and concern. You couldn't blame her one bit—one second you're all over each other, the next you're pulling back like she stung you.

"No—no, no, no," you shook your head while gesturing with your right hand. "You did nothing wrong. I um," you finally looked to meet her gaze, "it's just been awhile, I guess." You could only hope she didn't see through your lame excuse, it wasn't completely untrue.

"Oh," Charlotte said. "...Oh," she then repeated when she realized what you meant. "Shit, I didn't push you did I?"

"I promise you didn't do anything wrong. I've just been in a weird place ...for a while," you shrugged, not expecting to add that last part, your tone getting lower as you spoke those words.

"I get it," she mustered an understanding tone.

A suffocating silence enveloped the room for a few seconds, causing you to look out the nearby window to be met with pitch darkness.

"It's actually getting pretty late anyways and I've got an early shift in the morning..." You said while slowly getting your jacked that hung from the couch.

"Of course. Call me?"

"Yeah," you briefly smiled at her while adjusting the collar of your jacket. "Sorry, again, for making things awkward," you apologized while grabbing the last of your things.

"No, don't worry about it. Stuff happens," she waved you off while managing a reassuring tone.

You nodded at her before muttering, "thanks," and finally leaving the apartment. As soon as you walked out into the crisp night air, you exhaled your own pocket of air you didn't even realize you were holding in.

That's when it all came crashing down; the awkwardness, stupidness, and cringyness that came from the situation all because you were scared to let your situationship see your scars.

Nice going.

You repeated words like moron, idiot, and dumbass while you walked to your car—the train of thought never breaking as you drove to your apartment. Manhattan's late-night traffic didn't exactly ease your frustration. You were in the middle of cursing out the car in front of you when your phone started to ring.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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