Nosy Friends & Conflicting Feelings |3|

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Warning(s): Swearing, Tara pleading the fifth & mentions of death


"What exactly are we doing here?" You asked Tara as she led you to the roof of her apartment building. "I'm bored and we have an exam to prepare for so multitasking is what we're doing," she answered as she opened the door and walked out onto the roof.

She sat down in a dirty white patio chair and you sat down in the one beside it. "Okay...but why are we up here?" You asked her. She rolled her eyes before turning her head to you. "I need fresh air."

"And this is what you came up with?" You asked incredulously. "Can you just stop being an asshole for one second and do whatever you need to do with your papers."

It was your turn to roll your eyes as you took out your binder. You flipped through it before looking at Tara. "What?" Was all she said. "Nothin.' " You responded before turning back to your binder.

"No, what?" She repeated and sat up. You looked over to her again. "I was just thinking–" you closed your binder, "–this is the perfect spot to chuck water balloons at people from."

"That's cruel...damn how didn't I think about that?" Tara crossed her arms. "I know, it's pretty genius. Don't beat yourself up for not coming up with it first," you winked and she scoffed.

"Yeah sure. Go back to your dumb binder." You put a hand over your heart. "My binder is not dumb. It keeps things organized. Neat."

"It also keeps girls away," Tara stated. "Your sister doesn't seem to mind it," you replied. Tara immediately went to shove your shoulder. "Will you stop it with that?"

"The heart wants what the heart wants," you joked.

"You know what–" she stood up "–I'm going back inside. "You can climb your way down for all I care." She walked back inside, the door to the roof loudly shut when her words sunk in and furrowed your eyebrows.

"Wait– what?"

Did the door make a click sound?

You walked up to the door and tried to open. It was after a few more shakes of the door handle when you realized.

"She locked me out on the fucking roof."

Tara knocked on your apartment door three times before Anika opened it. "Hey, Tara. What's up?" Anika asked with a smile. Tara reciprocated the smile before answering, "Hey, I think I left my headphone charger last time I was over. So I was just wondering if I could take a look around?"

"Oh yeah, of course. Come inside." Anika opened the door wider, letting Tara inside. Tara walked over to the couch and dug her hand in the cushion; already having an idea of where her charger is. "So," Anika started, "you and Y/N seem to be doing a lot of school stuff together."

Tara hummed and raised her eyebrows. "That? Well, yeah. Everybody else in our history class has kind of already buddied up for any future stuff so we got stuck together," she responded as she felt the charger but couldn't quite grasp it.

"Oh? I thought you two finished your group project thing last week," Anika questioned as she walked over the kitchen, still within earshot of Tara.

"Yeah well–" Tara huffed as she continued to miss hold of the charger, "–our professor seems to be a fan of group work. Sometimes we end up studying together but it's all just a ploy so I could copy her notes–" Damn, I almost got it that time, Tara thought to herself.

Anika laughed a little before replying, "Interesting." It was more to herself than the other girl but Tara still heard it. Finally she got a hold of her charger and pulled it out of the couch. "Finally," Tara sighed.

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