Bitch, You Thought!

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I don't understand why Radioactive Mind didn't help during the fight but I'm sure if I ask him, he'll just tell me it's "against the rules" so why bother. I was also pretty confused as to why Screwface just exploded like that after his arm fell off but I'm glad he's been defeated so I won't tempt fate by questioning my blessings, Taraji told me so when we left the tower. Anyhow, we're now 1 step closer to W.A.G.E.D. so I don't think I should worry myself over the stuff that's already done for since it'll keep me too distracted. Before we went back into the tower, Taraji asked me what it was all for since I hadn't yet told her and I let her know the reason I brought her here "what a cause" is what she said. I'm not really sure what that means but I won't let that get to me since it probably wasn't an insult.

"Ready to head back in?" Neb asked, he had just caught his breath but his knees were still shaking subtly.

"No, I'm going back to Scotland to collect our ordinance" Taraji objected before using her alchemist's gauntlet to draw an iridescent vortex on the ground in front of herself. She arrived beneath the deck of the ship which had previously been used to hunt Hallbera, the weaponry was mounted to the walls with cast iron hooks making for efficient storage. To her left was a kilij made of steel, mace and halbert, to her right was a hunting bow, crossbow and two titanium targes. "Useless" she muttered before taking hold of the kilij and targes which she deemed to be the only weapons of use to them. Taraji took a step backwards and into the vortex she had previously cast and returned to the group who stood at the tower's entrance "there ya go" Taraji said, handing the targes to Arnkatla and the cutlass to Neb. Suddenly, a deep red swirling vortex opened on the ground beneath them, they fell in, plummeting to the depths. They reached their destination with a thud, Arnkatla lifted her head to take in the surroundings only to realise that they lay on a mahogany brimstone floor, monstrous shrieks echoed throughout the environment. Fires raged across the mountainous horizon and demons fluttered in the distance "where the hell are we?" Taraji asked.

"Correct" the Devil responded, it stood only two feet from Radioactive Mind who had jolted to his feet in surprise, the others followed suit, taking note of the hellish environment. "Holy crow...Set us free" Neb said in a demanding tone.

"No" the Devil replied "you broke the rules and now you've gotta pay" it added with a wag of its sharp clawed index finger.

"What're you going on about? Rules? What friggin' rules?" Neb said.

"No undead peeps in the tower of magic" the Devil answered, pointing to Taraji whose expression was that of disbelief, she widened her stance in fear of attack, aiming her right gauntlet squarely at the Devil's chest.

"Set us free you sunuva bitch!" Neb demanded assertively before using his wizardly powers to cast a gnarly fireball aimed at the Devil's head, it vanished before impact.

"Y'know what, sure, I'm feeling peachy today so I'll let you go...Sike! Bitch you thought!" the Devil jeered.

"Your mum's a whore" Neb said in an attempt to break the Devil's resolve, instead it shook its head slowly in an expression of disapproval "just for that, I'll cut off your left hand, if you can go one minute without screaming or healing each other, I'll set you free" the Devil proposed. "For you, I'll take your left foot" the Devil said, referring to Taraji "and your left eye" to Arnkatla, suddenly, the trio had uncontrollably dropped to their knees and a trio of winged demons similar in appearance to the Devil arose from the ground. They each wielded a serrated knife of gunmetal grey colouration, the demons fluttered towards their respective targets before severing Neb's left hand, cleaving Taraji's left foot and gouging Arnkatla's left eye. Her eye socket oozed dark blood, it clotted and began to steadily drizzle onto the brimstone floor, it took all her willpower to contain her own screams. She bit down hard on her lip and squirmed restlessly on the ground in an attempt to quell the agony but dared not touch the eye socket lest that worsen the strife. Her head ached and from the pain and her right eye flooded with tears, her lip had begun to bleed and trickle down her chin. "Alright, time's up" the Devil said after what felt to be hours of suffering, their sudden screams of anguish echoed across the valleys of hell before Arnkatla used her alchemist's knife to heal her friend's wounds.

Shit, this hurts, I can hardly see anything and my lip's completely busted, I must've swallowed a piece by mistake without realising. Neb tried to heal me just now but it was no use, I'm pretty sure I told him about my curse so I'm not sure why he even bothered, "give her some time to recover" Taraji just told him. He looks pretty worried but there's nothing he can do, I think I'll just lie here and scream for a few more minutes.

"What's she writing in?" is what neb asked when he noticed my charcoal, Radioactive Mind told him about my journaling and he took a closer look, I won't write more until my vision's cleared back up.

Arnkatla closed her leather backed journal and placed it within her satchel all while screaming in her agony before yet another red vortex opened atop the ground and swallowed them up. They had returned to the front entrance of Iceland's tower of magic, Arnkatla lay still amidst the grass, completely silent "here" taraji said before tearing a strip off her already tattered blue and black skirt and handing it to Arnkatla. She tied it around the back of her head and used it to cover her eye, it quickly soaked up the blood creating a stain therein "thanks...a bunch" Arnkatla muttered.

It's hard for me to make sense of what's happened, we've been sent back to the tower of magic and I'm able to see clearly again but my eye socket still hurts a ton, my lip feels fine though. I had Screwface and Radioactive Mind go back into the paragon before I put it back in my satchel. I really don't wanna fight Elec-Trick right now but I know there isn't much choice for me so I'll have to ask for Dragon's help since Taraji can't go into the tower. "What now?" Neb asked me, I told him about Dragon and before I could say anything else, Taraji opened a vortex and stepped through, returning with Dragon less than a minute after. He greeted me while staring at the tower, he hardly made eye contact. I asked him "where were you earlier?" and he told me he'd been out hunting for a plesiosaur in the ocean, I've never heard of that animal in my life so I guess it must be rare.

He asked about my eye and I told him everything that's happened and now he looks a little worried. We wished Taraji goodbye before she transported herself back to Scotland with her vortex.

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