I'm Over It

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It's all done for, I've unlocked WAGED and used it to beat Ms. Lionfang, for a second there, I didn't think she would undo the curse since she was on the brink of death and was still refusing to do it. I'm glad I was able to finally convince her though since the pain from my injuries was starting to get really hard to ignore, they even made it hard to read since my vision was blurry, not to mention my missing eye. I'm sooooo glad the pain is finally gone, I feel liberated now that I can move around freely without hurting myself. I used a vortex to teleport myself back to the others and tell them the good news, it felt good to talk after I fixed my busted lip, the lisp is completely gone and now it's easy for people to understand what the hell I'm saying. Neb just told me that he's going back home, apparently he lives just down the street from the school and I somehow didn't notice, probably because all the houses look the same in this part of town. I'm gonna miss him but since I know where he lives I can just visit at any time, Dragon and I went back to Scotland right after Neb left and I've now realised that I can practically do whatever I want since WAGED makes it almost impossible to get killed. I'll probably visit Netherstead since Nadav still gets on my nerves whenever he pops into my head. It's only been like a week since I last saw him so I'm hoping that I'll feel differently about him soon, Dragon says that being spiteful like that will only get me in trouble.

It's been just one night since I finished the puzzles and I already feel like
I haven't put WAGED to good use even though I already got what I came for, it's probably just because I had no idea what he could do until I saw him in the flesh, I definitely wasn't expecting him to be that strong. I don't know when I'll make another entry so I'll just keep my journal in the hut for now...

Arnkatla waited, Taraji had been absent from the village since Arnkatla and Dragon had returned, she had left but a note describing her feelings of resentment for the highlanders who had attacked her two days prior. Arnkatla knew Taraji was an adept fighter but still felt as though Taraji were in danger, she knew it was of no use to worry though, she couldn't help anyhow.

Dragon stood atop his hut's uppermost spruce wooden balcony, surveying the landscape as the sun rose, the yetis of the night had begun to return to their burrows and the adolescent pteranodons set flight, high in the skies. His worries of Arnkatla had faded as her crippling curse had been revoked, he looked over at the village's cobbled limestone gatehouse beneath which Taraji had emerged through an iridescent blue vortex. He waved only to receive no response as her head had been ducked to evade the sun's bright glare "Taraji!" he heard Arnkatla call out from the floor beneath him. Taraji cast yet another twirling blue vortex of sparks to transport herself to the homestead's porch "Arnkatla, you're cured, thank...Mükï" she said, grinning.

"Yeah! We can head back to Netherstead for revenge!" Exclaimed Arnkatla egregiously, Taraji's brow furrowed in an expression of disapproval "no, Nadav has made his choice and will face the consequences in the great beyond, we can't do the work of the gods" Taraji said in rebuttal. Arnkatla ducked her head with disappointment "feel no shame for you are just 12, you will learn" Taraji said, tousling Arnkatla's springy orange hair.

"The food's here!" Dragon hollered from atop the balcony before leaping from his perch and gliding down to the village's mess hall, near the base of the volcano on which they lived. Arnkatla ran in the same direction followed by Taraji. Arnkatla emerged from the dimly lit mess hall composed mostly of cobbled slate and brimstone, she was full of fish and oats as that was all there was to eat at the time. Upon returning to the homestead, she climbed the gargantuan staircase to find herself on the top floor, Star was constructing a ship in a bottle donning a monocle tailored to her eye. "How was breakfast?" she asked without shifting her focus away from the ship.

"Mundane as per usual" Arnkatla responded, peering out the one and only window present on the hut's third story, the sun had just barely risen above the horizon. "I'll be back soon" Arnkatla said as she cast a vortex of medium azure colour on the ground beneath her feet, taking her to Netherstead.

I've made it to Netherstead, Taraji says Nadav will get what's coming to him in the afterlife but I don't believe that for one second, she just got her revenge on those highlanders who pissed her off the other day so what's the idea? If Nadav didn't punk out before we got to Scotland my dad could've lived, Sadra too. Now it's just a matter of finding him, he's probably closeby since when I created the vortex, I brought myself to the exact spot we first met him. It looks almost nothing like it did since all the trees and grass are burnt up but it shouldn't be too hard since from what I remember he lives pretty close to the edge of the forest. I won't bother trying to sneak since he has no idea I'm attacking, now he'll know how it felt when he ambushed us the first time we met, he almost bloody killed my dad and didn't think twice. I'm gonna call out Radioactive Mind from the paragon of magic to help me look for Nadav since his old treehouse was completely ruined from the fires so he could be anywhere now.

"He's likely in the town now, he lived close to the forest's border which isn't that far from there, we should look there first" Radioactive Mind suggested, pointing to the city which stood beneath the small floating island. Arnkatla had already explained to him of their searches immediately upon summoning him from within the paragon of magic, she hoped to spend no more than half an hour in Netherstead as to fulfil her promise of a swift return to Scotland. She used her alchemist's knife to conjure a luminescent vortex before her feet and set off within followed closely by Radioactive Mind. They disembarked from the vortex's exit in the heart of Netherstead's bustling capital city, the tallest of the buildings were only four stories tall. Arnkatla frantically eyed her surroundings in search of Nadav's potential new homestead, a great majority of the homes were prime and well kept with the exception of only a few battered shops, overgrown with vines and moss. "Our best chance of finding him is in there, don't act too quickly" Radioactive Mind pointed out, referring to a smithy whose flat shingled roof had caved in. Arnkatla hadn't questioned the proposition and had instead slowly crept towards the run down smithy with her knife held low by her side, Radioactive Mind followed closely. "Use the knife to create a shield six seconds from now" he whispered as they drew closer to the building's entrance. As instructed, Arnkatla began to count the seconds in her head before eventually using her alchemist's magic to manifest a simplistic cast iron shield afront her body as Nadav simultaneously rounded a corner from within to meet her gaze. "Hey Arnkatla! What're you doing? Have you beaten Hallbera yet? Where are the others?" Nadav asked rapidly, with almost no pauses between each inquiry. Arnkatla scowled "you're not off the hook, I'm still pissed at you from earlier" she grunted "WAGED! Freeze him!" Arnkatla commanded. Within that very second, the Wicked Awesome Giga Epic Dragon disembarked from within the paragon of magic to stand just outside of the smithy's entrance, roughly 2 metres from Nadav. Before he could utter a response to the abrupt act of aggression, he had been frozen in his tracks by the magic of the WAGED. Arnkatla erupted into manic laughter before lunging towards Nadav with a vengeful expression and stabbing him in the face 17 times within 12 seconds, his blood stained her tunic a dull red.

Nadav was finished.

"Again! rewind!" Arnkatla yelled immediately before WAGED rewound time to the moment before Arnkatla's knife had first pierced Nadav's flesh. In an act of defensive retaliation, Nadav had utilised his wizardly abilities to hurtle a single wind bending fireball in Arnkatla's direction. She evaded the attack through means of manifesting yet another shield of metal before freezing Nadav in his place once again. "Remember, I can only rewind every 25 seconds so if you wish to kill him again, wait for the cooldown" WAGED advised, its three heads speaking in sync.

"On that note, I would suggest fighting away from the populus next time, it is risky to engage an enemy within the borders of their native town" Radioactive Mind said insightfully. Arnkatla sighed in an expression of impatience and moderate frustration "let him free" she grumbled, keeping her gaze trained on Nadav who had just been released from the temporal grasp of the WAGED. "Might I ask why?" Radioactive Mind inquired, his arms crossed.

"I'm over it" Arnkatla said in response, gesturing for WAGED and Radioactive Mind to embark within the paragon of magic, they complied within the second, evaporating into a fine mist and returning from whence they had emerged. Hastily, Nadav fled the smithy, brushing against Arnkatla's shoulder as he ran, seconds after he was no longer within her sights, Arnkatla conjured an iridescent cyan vortex and dove through, returning to Scotland.


Tell me what you thought of this story, did you disagree with Arnkatla's choices? I wouldn't wanna have anything to do with her if I'd ever met her. That's how I feel, what about you? Yes, you.

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