What's The Deal?

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"Screwface, come out" Arnkatla said, staring down at the paragon of magic which lay in her hands. As instructed, Screwface slowly emerged from the paragon, preceded by a fine red fog "what'll it be?" he said with a bow.

"It's your turn, wise guy" Arnkatla replied with a sneer, referring to the expansive terrain atop which they all stood, there were no hostile monsters to be seen but that was soon to change, they all knew it. "We should eat while we can. '' Dragon said matter of factly and without another word, they all scarfed down fistfulls of food from each bag, all except Screwface of course. Not long afterwards, a group of unarmoured beasts spontaneously manifested themselves encircling their enemies. They all took on the form of bipedal limbed organs, all standing roughly 5 feet tall each with a pair of grotesque bloodshot eyes and froth covered lips. Most of them wielded javelins with targes while the minority of the others held crossbows and flintlocks "step back!" Dragon exclaimed before setting loose a roaring flurry of scalding white flames. The fire engulfed a vast majority of their attackers, sparing only a heart, liver, kidney and appendix, all of which held flintlock pistols "holy mackerel!" Neb hollered, evading a recently fired barrage of munitions. The rounds ricocheted off Fizzle's chest and found themselves wedged between Dragon's scales, in retaliation, Arnkatla strafed between the heart and liver before slicing the flesh of the appendix. "For Odin's sake, warn me next time you do that! You almost got shot!" Dragon exclaimed in a demanding tone, he feared that Arnkatla was growing too ambitious, almost reckless.

"Don't worry, I knew it was a risk," Arnkatla replied reassuringly.

"That's what I'm afraid of! You knew it was dangerous and did it anyway!" Dragon said in rebuttal, his patience was gradually draining and the others could hear it in his voice.

"I'm sorry, won't do stuff like that anymore..." Arnkatla conceded, the last of the organs had been slain by Screwface allowing them to rest once again, Neb released an anxiety filled sigh before dropping to the ground in the foetal position, his eyes wide. "Sheesh" he said before rolling onto his back sprawling out into a more comfortable position "we should stay here for now, when more enemies appear, we'll just go to them, that'll save us some energy" Fizzle proposed.

"No, if we stay here, they'll only build up and overwhelm us, we've gotta keep on moving" Dragon said, rejecting the proposition with a distasteful tone.

"Whaddya wanna do Arnkatla, you brought us here so it's up to you" Dragon stated, Arnkatla paused, considering the options and their respective consequences "let's stay" she said after about 30 seconds of thought.

"Fair enough" Dragon said, assuming a defensive position in front of Arnkatla in preparation of the inevitable attacks which awaited them. On the horizon, he could see yet another moderately sized group of weaponized organs, they jogged briskly with expressions of malice on their faces "I'm going!" Screwface claimed before breaking into a heavy sprint towards the oncoming attackers.

"No! What the hell are you doing you stupid sunuva bitch!" Neb yelled in rebuttal but it was far too late, Screwface was no longer within earshot and had engaged the enemies mere seconds later. As the melee ensued, Screwface divided several times as was the norm, 14 of his copies stood by the time the skirmish had conceded and within a matter of seconds, he had regrouped with the others. "What the hell's your deal? We coulda just flown you over there!" Fizzle pointed out, she too had grown impatient and restless "I won, that's the only thing that matters now! Bwaha!" Screwface chortled in a sporadically triumphant tone.

"This guy's a joker" Fizzle said, her face buried in her own palms in an expression of distaste and overall exhaustion. Arnkatla's right ankle had stopped bleeding shortly after Screwface emerged from the paragon despite receiving no treatment, she knew it was more than likely that the blood had clotted near the wound. "Wait a minute, why don't you just make like a million copies of yourself? What's stopping you?" Arnkatla inquired, pointing a finger at Screwface and his 14 copies.

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