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Gigihadid: my two favourite girls🥰
Tagged: ValentinaAlonso

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ValentinaAlonso: my favourite god daughter🩷
Gigihadid: why do you have to leave so soon😭
ValentinaAlonso: girl, I wish I was staying😭

LandoNorris: make sure she doesn't drop your baby. (Its a her thing to do)

User16: are they in New York?
User27: yes

User0: ❤️

When Valentina arrived home from the airport she was tired. She brought her suitcases upstairs to her room.  She lived in a big beautiful Spanish home in a rich neighbourhood a few streets down from her father.  She checked her phone, it was 7:00pm. She went to her fridge to check if there was food, Nothing but a bottle of wine.  Valentina rolled her eyes. She was hungry. 

She heard a knock on the door and went to get it.  She swung the door open and there stood Lando with a bag of Chinese food.  "Lando!"  Valentina said giving him a hug.  "Hey Val!" He said smiling.  "I didn't know you were in Spain."  She said closing the door behind him.  "Just here visiting some friends, how was New York?"  He asked as they walked into the kitchen.  "It was really good! Oh my god you know me so well." Valentina said as she took the box of noodles Lando handed her.  "I figured you would be hungry." He walked over to the fridge and opened it up. "Yeah, I know you well." He laughed and pulled out the bottle of wine and two glasses.  He poured the wine and handed the glass to Valentina. "Thanks." She said taking it.  "So, are you coming to the next race?"  Lando asked.  Valentina nodded. "Yeah, I'm flying out to Monaco with my dad this week. I'll be there."  Valentina said.  "Well, me and Arthur are going out for dinner. You should come, we will reunite the trio." Lando laughed.  "Oh my god. remember that one summer when we were 16 and me you and him were driving my dads new McLaren."  Valentina laughed.  "Yeah, and you backed into a pole."  Lando said and they both laughed.  "I haven't seen him in a while, I've been busy."  Valentina said.  "Nobody has seen you in a while, your always busy." Lando said.  Valentina nodded piercing her lips. "Me and him miss you, we went from hanging out everyday to only hanging out ever few months."  He said.  "Yeah well, I'll be around a lot more now that summer is almost over." Valentina reassured him.  "Good." Lando nodded

"What movie do you want to watch?" Lando said picking up the remote.  "You pick." Valentina said to her best friend.  Lando put on Creed 3. 

Once the movie was over Lando decided to go back to his hotel. Valentina walked him to the door.  "Are you flying straight to Monaco?" Valentina asked and Lando nodded.  "When do you go?" She asked.   "In two days, how about you?" He asked.  "Same."  She responded. "Ok, I'm pretty sure a lot of people are staying at the same hotel. I'll see you there!" He said hugging her. "See you." She said and closed the door behind him.

Valentina decided to shower. She put on an oversized Lana Del Rey shirt and a pair of pyjama shorts. She unpacked her suitcase and got into bed.  As soon as her head hit the pillow she was sound asleep. 

Authors note:
Hi guys!!
Hope you guys liked this.  Its only the beginning and it will get better.

I kept on writing the wrong name instead of Valentina lol.  I juts finished a different fanfic so I need to get used to writing a different name.

I really like Lando as the best friend.  He is bestie material lol.

Thanks for reading!
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Love u guys!!🩷

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