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"I'll be back in around 30 minutes."  Arthur said giving Val a kiss.  He was going to get his stuff from his hotel room because he would stay with Val for the rest of the time during his trip.  "Ok, I'll see you soon." She replied.  Once he was out the door she ran to her kitchen were she had left her phone.   She then called her group chat with Bella, Gigi, Kylie and Kendall.  Once they had all picked up they had concerned looks on there faces since the only time this group was every called was when someone had drama.  "Ok guys, I have to tell you something!"  Valentina said smiling.  "Spill!"  Gigi said.  "Ok, so Arthur came all the way from Monaco to confess his love for me!"  Val said.  "Oh my god, yes!"  Kylie said.  "And oh my god we kissed and it was amazing."  Val added.  "Oh my gosh thats so cute!" Kendall said.  "I'm so happy!"  Bella said. 

Once Arthur was back it was around 7pm.  He walked into the kitchen and found Valentina on her phone.  "Hi."  He said hugging her from behind.  "Hi."  She said standing up.  She turned around to face him.  She touched his face as she pulled
him in for a kiss.  It was a long deep kiss. "Can you just stay for longer." Valentina said after they had pulled away. "I'm sorry, I have to go back for work." Arthur said as he held her hands. "Tomorrow is just so soon." She said. "Why don't you come back with me?" Arthur said. "Thats not a bad Idea. Your taking Charles' jet?" Val asked. Arthur nodded his head. "Ok!" She said.

The two were watching a movie and cuddling. Arthur was playing with Valentinas hair. They soon went upstairs to Vals room to go to bed. While they were lying in Vals bed, Arthur popped a question. "Val?" He said as they were lying in the dark. "Whats up?" She said rubbing his arm. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked.

"I would love too." She said.

And placed a soft kiss on his lips.

Authors note:
Thanks for all the support!
Im so sad to end this story but i like how it ends.
This is definitely a short, cute and fun story and was so much fun for me to make. 

Thanks for reading!
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