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It was now race weekend and Gigi would be attending the race with Valentina. They were staying at a hotel closer to the track.

When they were all settled in to there hotel, they decided to go out for dinner at a fancy restaurant. Gigi wore a Prada two piece and Valentina had a Versace silk mini dress. 

On there way to the car they were followed by a few paparazzi.  Valentina and Gigi tried there best to ignore there questions.  "So annoying."  Gigi said after they got into the car. "I know." Valentina said shaking her head. 

Once they were at the restaurant they got a table.  They both ordered pasta and wine.  "So, I'm meeting up with some of my friends tomorrow night at a bar if you want to come.  Might be a good chance for you too meet someone."  Gigi said smiling.  Valentina wasn't looking for a boyfriend at all. But she wouldn't mind having one.  "Its ok, I'm probably going to hangout with Arthur and Lando.  What friends anyway, I didn't know you had any."  Valentina teased her friend.  Gigi rolled her eyes, "your actually my best friend so you are not allowed to say that." Gigi laughed.

Once dinner was over the girl drove back to there hotel.   As they walked into the lobby they saw Lando and Arthur sitting down together.  "Oh, hi!"  Gigi said going to hug Lando.  Gigi and Lando weren't that close but they knew each other.  "Hey!" He said hugging her back.  "You've met Arthur before, right?"  Lando asked.  "Yes, how are you guys?"  She said also hugging Arthur.  "We are good."  Arthur smiled at the sight of Valentina.  "Hey Val." Arthur said.  "Hey."  She smiled. 

Once the girls were done talking to the boys, they decided to head back to there room.   Gigi was getting into the elevator when Valentina heard her name. "Val." She turned around and it was Arthur.
"Ill meet you upstairs."  Valentina said to Gigi, Gigi nodded.  "Hey."  She said turning to Arthur after Gigi left.  "Are we still on for dinner this weekend? Tomorrow night after qualifying?"  Arthur asked.  "Yeah, sure.  Also about are deal.  I don't think I'm going to make it to the next race."  Valentina said piercing her lips.  "What?"  Arthur said.  "I'm sorry, I'm going on a snowboard trip with my friends to Switzerland."  Valentina said.  She had been planning this trip for a while and forgot about it.  Even though it was September there were still some mountains open cause they still got snow.  "Ill be there for all the other races."  Valentina reassured her friend.  "Fine, but you owe me two dinners for the next race."  Arthur said with a smirk.  "Fine." She said also smirking.  "Good night, Arth."  She said smiling and rubbed his arm.  He blushed and she walked away. 

Authors note:
Sorry That this fic is on hold😭
Ive been really busy with school.  I thought I would just do a little update and I'll probably publish something in the next few days.
Sorry about a super short chapter.

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