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Valentina heard a knock on the door, she quickly got up from her couch to go get it. She opened the door to a worried looking Arthur. She was in shock. "Um, hi Arthur."   Val said.  "Hi."  He said, his heart was racing.   "Do you have a sec?"  He asked.  "I was just about to go out and meet my friend, but sure come in." She said.  Arthur walked in and Valentina shut the door behind him.  "Can I get you anything, water?" Valentina said as they both walked into the kitchen. "No, Im fine thanks."  Arthur said.  "I hope this doesn't sound rude, but why are you here?"  Valentina asked.  "Well, I feel like we really need to talk."  Arthur said.

"You could have called."  Val said in a bit of a tone.

"Yeah, well I know how you are.  You wouldn't have answered.  Plus I wanted to give you some space." Arthur said.  "You can't just show up out of the blue."   She said.  "Well, you can't leave out of the blue and not let me know!" Arthur said.  At this point they were starting to yell.   "You know, you could have called to!" Arthur said.  "You full on left me, how do you think I felt? I thought I had lost my best friend.  I would have never slept with you if i knew any of this was going to happen."  Arthur said, he didn't mean it but Ouch.  "I was so worried that I fucked things up, Arthur that I didn't want to make things worse!"  Valentina said.  "With every other guy I date, I open up too much and then I start to close up again.  Then that causes problems in the relationship and I don't want the same thing to happen with you."  She added.  "Nobody has ever been as good to me as you have, I don't want to ruin things with you." She said in a quieter voice.  She started to get closer too him.  "I mean, you literally flew to Spain to work things out with me."  She placed her hands on his jawline, which was tight cause he was angry.  As soon as she did he started to soften.  "Of course I did, Valentina.  Because I love you."  He said as they both leaned in. 

"I love you too."  She said before they both went in for a deep passionate kiss.   Arthur picked her up and places her on the kitchen counter.  He has his hands on her waist, her hands were on his neck.  They kissed like there would be no tomorrow.

Valentina woke up after a nap with Arthur.  As soon as she sat up he woke up too. "Don't worry, I'm here to stay."  She said kissing his cheek which turned into her kissing his neck and jaw.  Then to his lips.  "Im not gonna leave you."  She said.  "Good because your stuck with me."  He said and smiled.  "I love you."  She said.  "I love you more."  He said and they went right back to sleep.  They were just happy to be together.  Arthur wanted to stay in this moment forever.

Authors note:
There so cute!!
Sorry I haven't updated in a while but i loved this and I'm planning on updating again in the next couple days.

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