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Valentina had gotten up early. She crawled out of Arthurs bed and got dressed into the cloths she was wearing the night before. Before she left she sat down on the bed and admired him sleeping. She played with his hair for a minute and quickly got up and left.

She went to her room and quickly packed her stuff. She checked the time, 6:34am it read. Staff brought her suitcases to her drivers car and she quickly got in the car.

She texted her dad telling him that she would see him in Spain and she texted Lando and told him how proud she was of him and that she was leaving.

Her flight attendants put her suitcases on her jet and gave her some breakfast. The flight was about 7 hours. She was tired and slept most of the time.

Arthur woke up and sat up quickly when he realized Valentina wasn't there. He checked his phone, no calls or texts from her either. He rubbed his eyes. Did he mess up, did she think that it was a mistake, he thought to himself. He got dressed in sweat pants and a white T shirt. He quickly ran over to Landos room. He barged into the room to find Lando lying in his bed barely awake. "Hey, man. Whats up?" Lando said giving Arthur a concerned look. "Have you seen Val?" Arthur said panting. "Uh, no but she texted me. She left back to Spain about 3 hours ago." Lando said. "Is everything ok?" He added. "Um, yeah sorta. Not really. We kissed and stuff happened and I woke up and she wasn't there." Arthur said panicking a little. "Its ok, she had to get back for work and her jet was leaving early, I'm sure everything is fine." Lando said. Then he sat up quickly with an excited look on his face. "You guys kissed?!" He realized. Arthur shook his head at Lando and laughed a little. "Im, a match maker." He said smiling. Oh, Lando. "But shes gone." Arthur said. "Its ok, its ok. Im sure she just needs time to think." Lando reassured his friend.

Once Valentina Arrived home she let out a deep breath. She hadn't been home in a while an she was glad she could finally sleep in her own bed. She felt bad that she hadn't sent Arthur a message or let him know that she left.  She checked her phone.  No messages or calls from him.  She didn't want to text him or scare him off.  After all they were best friends. 

She decided to take a nice long shower and chill out for the rest of the day.  Her staff unpacked her suitcases into her closet. 

Arthur booked his flight to Spain while he was on his flight back home to Monaco.  He would go in a week because he wanted to give her space.   He didn't sleep the whole flight, He was thinking about Valentina.   The Leclerc jet was dark and so was the outside.  His mother was sleeping a few chairs down from him and his brother was sitting in front of him.
His brother had just woken up.  "You have to sleep, I wouldn't worry about it to much." Charles said rubbing his eyes.  "Yeah."  Arthur said looking out the window to the pitch black sky.  "do you love her?"  Charles asked.  Arthur shot him a look.  "I've always loved her.  Of course I do."  Arthur said.  "I'm sure everything is ok."  Charles said.  "Get some sleep."  He added.

Authors note:
Next chapter will probably be a media chapter.  Not sure when that will be published but probably in a couple days.

Sorry I haven't updated in a little, I've been busy with school and stuff but I'm trying to publish more.

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