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"Danielle you have been here all day! You need to go back to your dorm!" Hanni says and Haerin nods in agreement. "Hanni! I don't want to!" I pout. "Why? Because minji always brings girls there? Just put on your headphones and BOOM! They are tuned out!" Hanni says as she throws a piece of popcorn in the air and catches it in her mouth.

"Well...not just that.. " I say shyly. "Then what?" Haerin finally speaks. "Something happened between minji and I earlier today at school, after the cafeteria. "She ran after you once you went to the restroom to calm your horny ass down and I'm guessing y'all fucked-" hanni shrugs and I throw an empty water bottle at her head. "Hey! Don't abuse me because I spoke the truth!" Hanni rubs her head. "That didnt happen! She trapped me and the only option I had was to attack her neck with...kisses...and she obviously fell for it so I made a getaway after when things were getting heated. She kept calling for me back but I ran!" I say in one breath and Haerin nods, no idea how she understood all of that.

"You could've punched her? Or pushed her?" Haerin says. "But you decided to kiss her neck?" Haerin raises an eyebrow. "I can't push her she's too strong and I can't punch anyone!" I say. "Shes right! Danielle is too soft but she'll definitely punch me for some weird reason." Hanni frowns. "Maybe a small part of you does like her." Haerin shrugs her shoulders as she goes to sit on the couch with hanni as they share popcorn and laugh at a movie. "Whatever I'll go back now." I roll my eyes but none of them were paying attention, both were too invested in the movie and each other.


Currently standing in front of my dorm, too scared to unlock the door knowing exactly who is on the other side waiting for me. Finally I open the door and see no one in the room.

I lock the door and quietly walk around our dorm checking every area. Shes not here?

I go to my room and see Minji laying on my bed in a long T-shirt and underwear... underwear?

"AHH-" I scream, startling minji as she screams as well. "What the fuck are you doing in my bed?!" I raise my voice at her. "Waiting for you duh!" She rolls her eyes and sits up, her long shirt slowly rising revealing her stomach. "Go to your room!" I roll my eyes, setting my school bag next to my desk. "Make me." She smirks and I scoff. "Why do I always need to make you?" I ask. She stands up and walks to me, I stiffen a little at our closeness.

"Because like I said...I want you Danielle. I crave for you. I crave for your touch, just like the little touch you gave me today...I want more, way more now." Minji says with dark eyes that are staring straight through my soft brown ones. Her eyes trail down towards my lips, staring at them as she subconsciously licks her lips and so do I, wait?-

I feel minji lightly trail her long fingers against my arms, creating goosebumps in the areas that she touched. Then she grips my arms and pushes me towards the wall, pinning my arms above my head. "N-no get away!" I stutter out as heat rushes throughout my body.

"What? I'm not doing anything?" Minji smirks as she leans closer, attacking my neck with kisses just how I did to her earlier today. I bite my lip hard, trying to suppress any sounds that are wanting to escape from my mouth. Minji then bites my neck lightly making me whimper lowly. "I want to taste you." She mumbles against my neck, her lips brushing my skin creating a wave of goosebumps.

I feel her let go of one of my hands and trails hers all over my body, her hand stopping at me breast and giving it a squeeze. "Mhm~" I lowly moan and shot my eyes wide open. I quickly take action and flip us over, pinning her to the wall. "So...I see your dominant...that makes you even hotter~" She moans the last part as she tries to pull me into a kiss, full on kiss but I open my door and push her out. "WHAT- WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS DOING THIS?!" Minji stomps her feet like a child as I shut my door and lock it, then put my chair in front of the door handle, no one gets in.

I hold my chest, panting heavily up and down. "Maybe I am starting to like her..." I whisper to myself.


"Seems like she really likes you-" Hanni says as we walk to our lockers together with Haerin on the other side of her. "Seems like she really wants to RAPE ME!" I raise my voice and she chuckles. "Please girl you are so dense." Hanni says. "Minji does play around with girls...but she would never rape them." Haerin says and I nod in agreement I mean who am I to disagree with the class president, she knows all.

"Yeah. You just have a lot of rizz that's all!" Hanni smiles at me as if me having a lot of rizz is a good thing. "That's not a good thing!" I squeal. "I know...I don't even know how you got rizz you're so stupid." Hanni chuckles and I hit her bangs causing them to look disheveled. "Hey! Not the bangs!" She says and quickly puts them back into place.

"See you in class!" Hanni says as she walks away, holding hands with Haerin...okay....

I enter the code to my locker, it unlocks shortly after. "Uhm...excuse me?" A tall, skinny girl asks me. "Yes?" I frown, I have no idea who this girl is. "Would you mind showing me where this classroom is?" She asks me and holds up a piece of paper that has the classroom number on it. "Oh that's my class I'm heading to now, you can follow me...?", "Jang wonyoung!" She smiles at me. "Pretty name." I smile back at her. "You're pretty." She says randomly and we both stop walking to stare at each other.

"Why thank you wonyoung, I think you are really pretty as well." I smile at her and see a pink shade of blush form on her cheeks.

We walk into the classroom and I head to my seat and wonyoung sits next to me. "Oh uh... nevermind." I say as I was about to tell her that minji sits there but I don't want that horny freak next to me.

"Excuse me?" A girls voice said besides wonyoung. "That's my seat." Minji says coldly and wonyoung looks at me for help. "Just let her sit here minji, she's new." I say and minji scoffs before raising her hand even though she's standing up already. "Sir, didn't you say the person we sat next to will be our partners for the rest of the year?" She continues, "And didn't you say Danielle and I need to bond to lessen whatever tension we have?" Minji smiles mockingly at me before looking back at our teacher.

"You are totally right kim minji, Ms. Jang please sit behind Danielle, there's an empty desk there." The teacher says and Wonyoung listens.

Minji slides into the chair next to me with a smirk on her face. "Bitch." I whisper towards her. "No...it's just what's mine is mine." Minji whispers back to me as the smug smirk on her face never disappears once, makes me want to throw up.

I wish wonyoung was sitting next to me.

Wonielle? Thoughts????

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