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Wonyoung wraps her arm around mine and holds my hand, okay? "What are you doing?" I ask her and she smiles widely at me, "Holding you silly!" She pokes my cheek. I feel eyes on us, from hanni and haerin as well as, Minji.

I make eye contact with her and roll my eyes shortly after. How could she say that and not keep up with her words?!

I see Minji fast walk to class, avoiding all the girls trying to talk to her.

Once Wonyoung and I arrive in our class, Minji is already sitting in her spot next to me. "Aww, I wanted to sit next to you..." Wonyoung pouts at me. "You'll sit behind me!" I show her a small smile and she still shows a pout while going to her seat.

I cautiously sit next to minji, in case she tries to harass me or anything but she doesn't. Instead, she stays quiet and is actually looking straight at the writing board as our teacher starts writing down notes for today.

"Hey Minji! Want to go to a party with me later? It'll be fun, I'll make it fun for you!" The said girl leans over minji and i's desk. "No." Minji says rudely without even glancing at the girl, her vision stays on the lesson. The girl scoffs and hits Minji in the back of the head, finally making Minji look at her, "What the hell minji? You always liked to have fun with me? Now what? You don't?" She says. "Yeah I don't." Minji looks back at the teacher who still has his back turned to the class as he writes down more notes.

The girl looked like she was about to hit minji, and she did.

She slapped Minji across the face, making me stand up abruptly. She looks at me with a frown, "What? Are you her girlfriend? Is that why she isn't wanting to get with me anymore?!" The girl scoffs and stands close in front of me. She pushes my shoulders making me stumble and fall back into my seat.

"Leave her alone." Minji and I both say at the same time, making us share a glance of each other. I said it referring to Minji but she said it referring to me...

"Tsk. Wow! Go have fun with another one of your whores!" The girl scoffs. "She's not one of my whores-" Minji says lowly to herself but I heard it. "I'm not?" I ask her and she looks shocked that I heard her. "No...you aren't." She says and glances back at the board.

"I think she is lying and just wants to get with you-" Wonyoung says from behind us making me look back at Minji who has no emotion viable on her face. "Right Minji? You just want to get in her pants? That's why you got jealous when you saw how I was clinging to her hm?" Wonyoung continues to interrogate Minji who seems to be holding back.

"Say something!" Wonyoung tries to lay a hand on Minji but I grab her wrist, pushing it away from her. "Now you leave her alone." I say with fiery eyes. Wonyoung finally shuts her mouth and I glance at Minji to see a small smile on her face. Then class begins...ugh-


"That was surely something in class hm?" Hanni laughs as she opens her fridge in her dorm. "I don't know what you are talking about, what happened?" Haerin asks us. "Bab- haerin we were literally right next to them-" Hanni corrects herself. "Babe? Is that what you were going to say?" I ask hanni whose face turns bright red.

"So it was, what the hell is going on with you two?" I ask the both of them as their faces are clearly giving them away. "Okay we are dating!" Hanni exhales like she has been holding her breath. "Knew it, WHY DIDNT YOU TEL ME!" I push hannis shoulder. "WE ARE LITERALLY BEST FRIENDS!" I say.

"This is the class president we are talking about here! And I was scared to tell you in case you would judge..." Hanni hides behind haerin. "BITCH- I'm FUCKING GAY AS WELL WHY WOULD I JUDGE!?" I shout and she chuckles making me want to hit her more. "I wouldn't judge, only if it was a guy you were dating or a hoe-" I say and hanni laughs out loud. "Like Minji?" She asks and I grab her from behind haerin and throw her to the couch.

"I don't think she is a hoe anymore...I think she is out of her hoe phase..." I say making haerin gasps. "Wait- WHAT-" she raises her voice, making hanni and I jump a little. "Yeah...some girl was asking Minji if she wanted to have fun with her later but Minji declined and said she doesn't want to anymore..." I say and haerin widens her eyes.

"Oh my god...what if she actually fell for you!" Hanni climbs up on the couch. "But she got her heartbroken by yuna..." I question. "Well maybe she is realizing that she is somewhat losing you to other people and now she doesn't want that" Haerin points out. I nod, "Maybe...wait...maybe you're right!" I say. "I'm always right Danielle..." she scoffs and I hit her in her leg.

"Hey careful!" Hanni comes and hugs haerin who smirks while hanni glares at me. "You and her really need to talk..." Haerin looks at me. "And fuck because you are so sexually frustrated to the point it ain't even funny anymore-" Hanni says and I punch her side.

"Fine...I'll talk to her...TALK ONLY!" I say while glancing back at them before exiting their dorm and heading to mine down the hall.

Why do I feel nervous? Is it because she is actually in the dorm, sober and with no girls? I'm scared...

I unlock the dorm, coming into the view of Minji sitting on the couch with a bowl of popcorn between her legs while her eyes are glued to the movie.

I close the door and lock it with a click, making her glance in my direction. Our eyes meet and we stare at each other for at least two minutes, until she looks away slowly and focuses on the movie again.

"Minji..." I say and her head snaps to me. "Yes?" She asks me. "We need to talk..." I say and let out a nervous sigh before planting myself next to her on our couch.

"Go for it..." She shows me a small, nervous smile as I get ready to speak.

Once I finish this story, I might...MIGHT do a catnipz again...............

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