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We sat in silence, the sound of the movie running in the background was only heard throughout our dorm.

"What's gotten into you?" I ask, it might've sound rude but it was the first thing that came to my mind. Minji looks at me, more like stares blankly at me as if she didn't understand the question, "What do you mean?" She asks and I scoff. "You know what I mean...you've been acting like...not the Minji I met on the first day here..." I say looking at her up and down, analyzing her.

"People change..." Minji shrugs her shoulders and turns her head back to the tv. "But why did you? What made you...change?" I ask, grabbing her chin and moving it to my direction. I feel her pulse slightly kick up when we make any physical contact.

"You." She says and looks back at the tv again. Having enough, I grab the remote and shut the tv off. "What do you mean me?!" I say and stand up, blocking the now black screens. Minji stands up a fan steps closer to me, nearly getting in my face "Just you Danielle..." She says and Starts walking towards her room but I push her into my room, I'm not finished with her.

I stand in front of my door, blocking it "Explain to me what you mean!" I cross my arms and lean on a leg. "I don't know how to explain it, just you made me change and that's the honest truth now shut up and quit asking the most stupidest questions!" Minji says in my face. "Move out of my way!" She grits through her teeth. "No." I shrug my shoulders at her.

Minji sighs loudly and runs her long, slim fingers through her soft black hair. "Go to Wonyoung!" Minji rolls her eyes and slides past me to get to the door but I stop and pin her arms above her head to it. "Why would I go to her?" I frown at her statement. She rolls her eyes and lets out a dry chuckle, "Don't play dumb! I see you guys in the hallway, at lunch, in the classroom! All the fucking time! You so fucking like her!" She says. "Me? You think I like Wonyoung?!" I ask and chuckle dryly.

"Yes you do! Now let go of me!" She grits through her teeth and tries to wiggle her way out of my grip. I tighten my grip, "Minji I don't like her!" I say and look into her eyes only to receive eye rolls from the latter. "Yeah right-" She says and pushes me off harshly. "The way you fucking act around her says otherwise!" She says and turns to open the door.

"Are you jealous?" I stand up abruptly and say. She stops herself from opening the door and slowly turns to look at me. "You think I would be jealous? Why would I be jealous? Huh? Why would I be jealous of you and Wonyoung?!" She raises her voice as she is now standing directly in front of me, proving my point.

I smirk, "You are jealous." I say and see her scoff. "I'm not." She says. "You are." I smirk at her and walk closer to her, invading her personal space. "IM NOT!" She yells at me and pushes me down onto my bed. Her legs are on either side of my hips, straddling me as her face is fuming with...jealousy.

I laugh and flip us over, pinning her to my bed as I straddle her waist now. I see her chest rising and falling at a fast rate, her heart rate must be increasing from our close proximity.

"You want me that bad to where anyone I be friends with will make you jealous?" I lean down and whisper in her ear. I hear Minjis breath hitch as my hot breath fans against her right ear and my soft lips gently brush up against the skin of her ear. I let go of one of her arms and trail it from her neck down to her chest, "How bad do you want me?" I ask against her ear again and hear her sigh out. "So bad..." She whispers because of her lack of breath.

I smirk, "You know I'm not some object or toy right? I'm not gonna let you have me for one night..." I say and feel her grip tighten around my hand. "I want you every night." She moans out. "Every night? Don't you think that's a little too much?" I smirk as I realize my teasing is working. She shakes her head, "I can handle anything you do to me...anything..." She says and stares into my eyes, her eyes are completely dark.

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