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"Dani! DANI!" I shout as the crowd forced me away from my love.

I meet hanni and haerin outside as we wait for the call to go back inside but, Danielle is nowhere to be seen. "Guys! Have you seen Danielle?" I ask and they glance around and shake their heads.

"WONYOUNG STOP!" I hear a faint scream coming from back inside the building. "Danielle?" I ask myself as I begin running back into the building, only to have teachers stop me. "You can't go back in there ma'am! You have to wait until further directions!" The man said. "Look I DONT care about further directions! MY WIFE IS IN THERE AND SHE SOUNDS LIKE SHE IS IN PAIN!" I shout at the man's frowned face. I try to squeeze past him but to no avail he still blocks my way.

"Sir!" Hanni calls out to him and his attention is now on her, making me sneak past him.

"DANIELLE!" I shout through the hallways. Nothing. "DANI!" I shout again. Nothing. I run down every hallway, glancing inside each closed classroom door and find one slightly peeked open. I gently push it open as it makes a loud creaking sound. "Danielle?" I call out.

My eyes widen as I see Danielle on the ground, cupping her side that is a bright red, blood. "DANIELLE!" I scream and run to her but she shakes her head. "NO!" She screams and Wonyoung comes out with a knife. Swinging it at me and successfully cutting my arm. "OW!" I groan as I clutch my hurt arm.

"You can never leave us be huh?" Wonyoung chuckles dryly. "YOU ALWAYS HAVE TO RUIN EVERYTHING HUH KIM MINJI?!" She shouts at me as she walks towards me, her grip around the knife tighten as she lifts it up ready to stab me straight in the chest. "WONYOUNG NO DONT!" Danielle shouts as she slowly lifts herself up and crawls slowly towards Wonyoung and I.

Wonyoung kicks Danielle's arm making her lose balance and fall on her face. I take the chance and kick the knife out of Wonyoungs hand, sending it flying across the room. Wonyoung glares at me and straddles my waist and starts punching me, even gripping my cut arm and pressing her finger hard against my open wound. I scream in pain as she does so, I force her off of me with all the leftover strength I had and start beating her.

My adrenaline coursing through my body as every hit seems to be hitting harder. "HOW CAN YOU SAY YOU LOVE DANIELLE WHEN YOU ARE TRYING TO KILL HER?!" I scream in her face as she was starting to get unconscious, her face all covered in blood as well as my hands.

"MINJI! DANI!" Hanni shouts as she burst in the room followed by haerin. Haerin glances at the unconscious Wonyoung and calls a guard to grab her and take her to the office. "She pulled the alarm, it was all part of her plan." Haerin says. "Plan? She planned this? Nearly murdering us?!" I ask. "It was found in the cameras her going into the basement everyday and turns out she had pictures of Danielle down there, she had a paper with this exact plan she did today, saying she will kill Danielle if someone has her but herself." Haerin says.

"She'll be put behind bars, 100%!" Haerin reassures us as the worried look on her face begins to disappear.

"Danielle!" I call out to her as she had her eyes closed while laying still on her face. "Dani!" I shake her and no response. I put my finger under her nose to feel any sort of air, nothing. "HOSPITAL NOW!!!" I Scream and lift Danielle's, lifeless body up.




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